BasicController.javaAPI DocJMF 2.1.1e45117Mon May 12 12:20:48 BST

 * @(#)	1.39 02/08/21
 * Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.



import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.EventListener;


 * Media Controller implements the basic functionalities of a 
 *  These include:<
 * <ul>
 * <li> The clock calculations using the BasicClock helper class.
 * <li> The RealizeWorkThread and PrefetchWorkThread to implement realize() and
 *    prefetch() in the correct unblocking manner.
 * <li> The ListenerList to maintain the list of ControllerListener.
 * <li> Two ThreadedEventQueues for incoming and outgoing ControllerEvents.
 * </ul><p>
 * @version 1.9, 98/11/19
public abstract class BasicController implements Controller, Duration {

    private int targetState = Unrealized;
    protected int state = Unrealized;
    private Vector listenerList = null;
    private SendEventQueue sendEvtQueue;
    private ConfigureWorkThread configureThread = null;
    private RealizeWorkThread realizeThread = null;
    private PrefetchWorkThread prefetchThread = null;
    protected String processError = null;
    private Clock clock;	// Use the BasicClock to keep track of time
				// and for some calculations.
    private TimedStartThread startThread = null;
    private StopTimeThread stopTimeThread = null;
    private boolean interrupted = false;
    private Object interruptSync = new Object();

    final static int Configuring = Processor.Configuring;
    final static int Configured = Processor.Configured;

    private static JMFSecurity jmfSecurity = null;
    private static boolean securityPrivelege=false;
    private Method m[] = new Method[1];
    private Class cl[] = new Class[1];
    private Object args[][] = new Object[1][0];

    protected boolean stopThreadEnabled = true;

    static {
	try {
	    jmfSecurity = JMFSecurityManager.getJMFSecurity();
	    securityPrivelege = true;
	} catch (SecurityException e) {


    public BasicController()  {
	if ( /*securityPrivelege &&*/ (jmfSecurity != null) ) {
	    String permission = null;

	    try {
		if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jmf-security")) {
		    permission = "thread";
		    jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD);
		    m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
		    permission = "thread group";
		    jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD_GROUP);
		    m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
		} else if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("internet")) {
	    } catch (Throwable e) {
		if (JMFSecurityManager.DEBUG) {
		    System.err.println("Unable to get " + permission +
				       " privilege  " + e);
		securityPrivelege = false;
		// TODO: Do the right thing if permissions cannot be obtained.
		// User should be notified via an event

	if ( (jmfSecurity != null) && (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jdk12"))) {
	    try {
  		Constructor cons = CreateWorkThreadAction.cons;
 		sendEvtQueue = (SendEventQueue) jdk12.doPrivM.invoke(
 					  new Object[] {
 					   new Object[] {

		sendEvtQueue.setName(sendEvtQueue.getName() + ": SendEventQueue: " +
		clock = new BasicClock();
	    } catch (Exception e) {
	} else {
	    sendEvtQueue = new SendEventQueue(this);
	    sendEvtQueue.setName(sendEvtQueue.getName() + ": SendEventQueue: " +
	    clock = new BasicClock();

     * Subclass should define this.
     * If this return true, the controller will go through the Configured
     * state.  For example, the Controller implementing the Processor
     * should return true.
    protected abstract boolean isConfigurable();

     * Subclass can use this to switch to a different default clock.
    protected void setClock(Clock c) {
	clock = c;

    protected Clock getClock() {
	return clock;

     * Interrupt the process.
    protected void interrupt() {
	synchronized (interruptSync) {
	    interrupted = true;

     * Reset the interrupted flag.
    protected void resetInterrupt() {
	synchronized (interruptSync) {
	    interrupted = false;

     * Return true if the process is interrupted.
    protected boolean isInterrupted() {
	return interrupted;

     * The stub function to perform the steps to configure the controller.
     * Call configure() for the public method.
    protected boolean doConfigure() {return true;}

     * Called when the configure() is aborted, i.e. deallocate() was called
     * while realizing.  Release all resources claimed previously by the
     * configure() call.
     * Override this to implement subclass behavior.
    protected void abortConfigure() {}

     * The stub function to perform the steps to realize the controller.
     * Call realize() for the public method.
     * This is called from a separately running thread.  So do take 
     * necessary precautions to protect shared resources.
     * It's OK to put an empty stub function body here.<p>
     * Return true if the realize is successful.  Return false and
     * set the processError string if failed.<p>
     * This function is not declared synchronized because first it is 
     * already guaranteed by realize() not to be called more than once 
     * simultaneously.  Secondly if this is synchronized, then other
     * synchronized methods, deallocate() and processEvent() will be
     * blocked since they are synchronized methods.
     * Override this to implement subclass behavior.
     * @return true if successful.
    protected abstract boolean doRealize();

     * Called when the realize() is aborted, i.e. deallocate() was called
     * while realizing.  Release all resources claimed previously by the
     * realize() call.
     * Override this to implement subclass behavior.
    protected abstract void abortRealize();

     * The stub function to perform the steps to prefetch the controller.
     * Call prefetch for the public method.
     * This is called from a separately running thread.  So do take 
     * necessary precautions to protect shared resources.
     * It's OK to put an empty stub function body here.<p>
     * Return true if the prefetch is successful.  Return false and
     * set the processError string if failed.<p>
     * This function is not declared synchronized because first it is 
     * already guaranteed by realize() not to be called more than once 
     * simultaneously.  Secondly if this is synchronized, then other
     * synchronized methods, deallocate() and processEvent() will be
     * blocked since they are synchronized methods.
     * Override this to implement subclass behavior.
     * @return true if successful.
    protected abstract boolean doPrefetch();

     * Called when the prefetch() is aborted, i.e. deallocate() was called
     * while prefetching.  Release all resources claimed previously by the
     * prefetch call.
     * Override this to implement subclass behavior.
    protected abstract void abortPrefetch();

     * Start immediately.
     * Invoked from start(tbt) when the scheduled start time is reached.
     * Use the public start(tbt) method for the public interface.
     * Override this to implement subclass behavior.
    protected abstract void doStart();

     * Invoked from stop().
     * Override this to implement subclass behavior.
    protected void doStop() {}

     * A subclass of this implement close to stop all threads to make
     * it "finalizable", i.e., ready to be garbage collected.
    final public void close() {

	// Interrupt the controller.  If it's in any of the state
	// transition threads, the threads will be interrupted and
	// that transition will be aborted.

	if (startThread != null)

	if (stopTimeThread != null)

	if (sendEvtQueue != null) {
	    sendEvtQueue = null;

     * Invoked by close() to cleanup the Controller.
     * Override this to implement subclass behavior.
    protected void doClose() {

     * Set the timebase used by the controller.
     * i.e. all media-time to time-base-time will be computed with the
     * given time base.
     * The subclass should implement and further specialized this method
     * to do the real work.  But it should also invoke this method to
     * maintain the correct states.
     * @param tb the time base to set to.
     * @exception IncompatibleTimeBaseException is thrown if the Controller
     * cannot accept the given time base.
    static String TimeBaseError = "Cannot set time base on an unrealized controller.";
    public void setTimeBase(TimeBase tb) throws IncompatibleTimeBaseException {
	if (state < Realized) {
	    throwError(new NotRealizedError(TimeBaseError));

     * Return a list of <b>Control</b> objects this <b>Controller</b>
     * supports.
     * If there are no controls, then an array of length zero
     * is returned.
     * @return list of <b>Controller</b> controls.
    public Control[] getControls() {
      // Not implemented $$$
      // Is this correct ? $$$
      return new Control[0];

     * Get the <code>Control</code> that supports the
     * class or interface specified. The full class
     * or interface name should be specified.
     * <code>Null</code> is returned if the <code>Control</code>
     * is not supported.
     * @return <code>Control</code> for the class or interface
     * name.
    public Control getControl(String type) {
	Class cls;
	try {
	    cls = Class.forName(type);
	} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
	    return null;
	Control cs[] = getControls();
	for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
	    if (cls.isInstance(cs[i]))
		return cs[i];
	return null;

     * Start the controller.
     * Invoke clock.start() to maintain the clock states.
     * It starts a wait thread to wait for the given tbt.
     * At tbt, it will wake up and call doStart().
     * A subclass should implement the doStart() method to do
     * the real work. 
     * @param tbt the timebase time to start the controller.
    static String SyncStartError = "Cannot start the controller before it has been prefetched.";
    public void syncStart(final Time tbt) {
	if (state < Prefetched) {
	    throwError(new NotPrefetchedError(SyncStartError));
	clock.syncStart(tbt); // Will generate ClockStartedError if state is Started
	state = Started;
	sendEvent(new StartEvent(this, Prefetched, Started,
				 Started, getMediaTime(), tbt));
	long timeToStop;
	if ((timeToStop = checkStopTime()) < 0 || 
	    (stopThreadEnabled && activateStopThread(timeToStop))) {
	    // If the stop-time is set to a value that the Clock
	    // has already passed, the Clock immediately stops.

	// Schedule the start time.
	// startThread will wake up at the scheduled tbt and call the
	// protected doStart() method.

	if ( /*securityPrivelege && */ (jmfSecurity != null) ) {
	    String permission = null;
	    try {
		if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jmf-security")) {
		    permission = "thread";
		    jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD);
		    m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
		    permission = "thread group";
		    jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD_GROUP);
		    m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
		} else if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("internet")) {
	    } catch (Throwable e) {
		if (JMFSecurityManager.DEBUG) {
		    System.err.println("Unable to get " + permission +
				       " privilege  " + e);
		securityPrivelege = false;
		// TODO: Do the right thing if permissions cannot be obtained.
		// User should be notified via an event

 	if ( (jmfSecurity != null) && (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jdk12"))) {
	    try {
  		Constructor cons = CreateTimedThreadAction.cons;
 		startThread = (TimedStartThread) jdk12.doPrivM.invoke(
 					  new Object[] {
 					   new Object[] {
					       new Long(tbt.getNanoseconds()),

	    startThread.setName(startThread.getName() + " ( startThread: " + this + " )");
	    } catch (Exception e) {

 	} else {
	    startThread = new TimedStartThread(this, tbt.getNanoseconds());
	    startThread.setName(startThread.getName() + " ( startThread: " + this + " )");

    protected boolean syncStartInProgress() {
	return (startThread != null && startThread.isAlive());

    // Return timeToStop
    private long checkStopTime() {
	long stopTime = getStopTime().getNanoseconds();

	if (stopTime == Long.MAX_VALUE)
	    return 1;

	return (long) ((stopTime - getMediaTime().getNanoseconds()) / getRate());

    // Return true if the stop time has already passed
    private boolean activateStopThread(long timeToStop) {

	if (getStopTime().getNanoseconds() == Long.MAX_VALUE)
	    return false;

	if (stopTimeThread != null && stopTimeThread.isAlive()) {
	    stopTimeThread = null;

	if (timeToStop > 100000000) {
	    if ( /*securityPrivelege &&*/ (jmfSecurity != null) ) {
		    String permission = null;

	        try {
		    if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jmf-security")) {
			permission = "thread";
			jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD);
			m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
			permission = "thread group";
			jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD_GROUP);
			m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
		    } else if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("internet")) {
	        } catch (Throwable e) {
		    if (JMFSecurityManager.DEBUG) {
			System.err.println("Unable to get " + permission +
					       " privilege  " + e);
		    securityPrivelege = false;
		    // TODO: Do the right thing if permissions cannot be obtained.
		    // User should be notified via an event

 	    if ( (jmfSecurity != null) && (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jdk12"))) {
		try {
  		    Constructor cons = CreateTimedThreadAction.cons;
 		    stopTimeThread = (StopTimeThread) jdk12.doPrivM.invoke(
 					  new Object[] {
 					   new Object[] {
					       new Long(timeToStop),

		} catch (Exception e) { }

 	    } else {
		(stopTimeThread = new StopTimeThread(this, timeToStop)).start();

	    return false;

	} else {
	    return true;

     * Stop the controller.
     * Invoke clock.stop() to maintain the clock states.
     * The subclass should implement and further specialized this method
     * to do the real work.  But it should also invoke this method to
     * maintain the correct states.
    public void stop() {
	if (state == Started || state == Prefetching) {

     * Stop the controller.
     * Invoke clock.stop() to maintain the clock states.
     * The subclass should implement and further specialized this method
     * to do the real work.  But it should also invoke this method to
     * maintain the correct states.
    protected void stopControllerOnly() {
	if (state == Started || state == Prefetching) {
	    state = Prefetched;

	    if ( stopTimeThread != null && stopTimeThread.isAlive() &&
		 Thread.currentThread() != stopTimeThread ) {

	    // If start(tbt) was invoked and it hasn't reached the
	    // scheduled tbt yet, the startThread is spinning and
	    // we need to abort that.
	    if (startThread != null && startThread.isAlive())

      * Stop because stop time has been reached.
      * Subclasses should override this method.
    protected void stopAtTime() {
	sendEvent(new StopAtTimeEvent(this, Started,

     * Set the stop time.
     * Invoke clock.setStopTime() to maintain the clock states.
     * The subclass should implement and further specialized this method
     * to do the real work.  But it should also invoke this method to
     * maintain the correct states.
     * @param t the time to stop.
    static String StopTimeError = "Cannot set stop time on an unrealized controller.";
    public void setStopTime(Time t) {

	if (state < Realized) {
	    throwError(new NotRealizedError(StopTimeError));
	Time oldStopTime = getStopTime();
	boolean stopTimeHasPassed = false;
	if (state == Started) {
	    long timeToStop;
	    if (((timeToStop = checkStopTime()) < 0) || 
		(stopThreadEnabled && activateStopThread(timeToStop)))
		stopTimeHasPassed = true;
	if ( oldStopTime.getNanoseconds() != t.getNanoseconds() ) {
	    sendEvent(new StopTimeChangeEvent(this, t));
	if (stopTimeHasPassed) {

     * Get the preset stop time.
     * @return the preset stop time.
    public Time getStopTime() {
	return clock.getStopTime();

     * Set the media time.
     * Invoke clock.setMediaTime() to maintain the clock states.
     * The subclass should implement and further specialized this method
     * to do the real work.  But it should also invoke this method to
     * maintain the correct states.
     * @param now the media time to set to.
    static String MediaTimeError = "Cannot set media time on a unrealized controller";
    public void setMediaTime(Time when) {
	if (state < Realized) {
	    throwError(new NotRealizedError(MediaTimeError));
	sendEvent(new MediaTimeSetEvent(this, when));

    protected void doSetMediaTime(Time when) {

     * Return the current media time.
     * Uses the clock to do the computation.  A subclass can override this
     * method to do the right thing for itself.
     * @return the current media time.
    public Time getMediaTime() {
	return clock.getMediaTime();

     * Get the current media time in nanoseconds.
     * @return the media time in nanoseconds.
    public long getMediaNanoseconds() {
	return clock.getMediaNanoseconds();

     * Return the Sync Time.
     * Not yet implementated.
    public Time getSyncTime() {
	return new Time(0);

     * Get the current time base.
     * @return the current time base.
    static String GetTimeBaseError = "Cannot get Time Base from an unrealized controller";
    public TimeBase getTimeBase() {
	if (state < Realized) {
	    throwError(new NotRealizedError(GetTimeBaseError));

	return clock.getTimeBase();

     * Map the given media-time to time-base-time.
     * @param t given media time.
     * @return timebase time.
     * @exception ClockStoppedException thrown if the Controller has already
     * been stopped.
    public Time mapToTimeBase(Time t) throws ClockStoppedException {
	return clock.mapToTimeBase(t);

     * Set the rate of presentation: 1.0: normal, 2.0: twice the speed.
     * -2.0: twice the speed in reverse.
     * Note that not all rates are supported.
     * Invokes clock.setRate() to maintain the clock states.
     * The subclass SHOULDN'T in general override this class.
     * If necessary, it should override the behavior using the
     * doSetRate method. By overriding the doSetRate method,
     * subclass Conrollers can support negative rates, fractional rates
     * etc., but they should guard against illegal rates from going into 
     * the clock calculations.
     * @param factor the rate to set to.
     * @return the actual rate used.
    static String SetRateError = "Cannot set rate on an unrealized controller.";
    public float setRate(float factor) {
	if (state < Realized) {
	    throwError(new NotRealizedError(SetRateError));

	float oldRate = getRate();
	float rateSet = doSetRate(factor);
	float newRate =  clock.setRate(rateSet);

	if (newRate != oldRate) {
	    sendEvent(new RateChangeEvent(this, newRate));
	return newRate;

    // Override this to implement subclass behavior.
    // Conrollers can override this method if they
    // can support negative rates, and/or have other
    // other restrictions.
    protected float doSetRate(float factor) {
	return factor;

     * Get the current presentation speed.
     * @return the current presentation speed.
    public float getRate() {
	return clock.getRate();

     * Get the current state of the controller.
     * @return the current state of the controller.
    final public int getState() {
	return state;

     * Set the target state.
    final protected /*synchronized*/ void setTargetState(int state) {
	targetState = state;

     * Get the current target state.
     * @return the current target state.
    final public int getTargetState() {
	return targetState;

     * Returns the start latency.
     * Don't know until the particular node is implemented.
     * @return the start latency.
    static String LatencyError = "Cannot get start latency from an unrealized controller";
    public Time getStartLatency() {
	if (state < Realized) {
	    throwError(new NotRealizedError(LatencyError));

     * Return the duration of the media.
     * It's unknown until we implement a particular node.
     * @return the duration of the media.
    public Time getDuration() {
	return Duration.DURATION_UNKNOWN;

    protected void setMediaLength(long t) {
	if (clock instanceof BasicClock)

    public synchronized void configure() {
	if (getTargetState() < Configured)

	switch(state) {
	case Configured:
	case Realizing:
	case Realized:
	case Prefetching:
	case Prefetched:
	case Started:
	    sendEvent(new ConfigureCompleteEvent(this, state, state, getTargetState()));
	case Configuring:
	case Unrealized:
	    state = Configuring;
	    sendEvent(new TransitionEvent(this, Unrealized, Configuring, getTargetState()));

	    if ( /*securityPrivelege &&*/ (jmfSecurity != null) ) {
		String permission = null;
		try {
		    if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jmf-security")) {
			permission = "thread";
			jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD);
			m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
			permission = "thread group";
			jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD_GROUP);
			m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
		    } else if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("internet")) {
		} catch (Throwable e) {
		    if (JMFSecurityManager.DEBUG) {
			System.err.println("Unable to get " + permission +
					   " privilege  " + e);
		    securityPrivelege = false;
		    // TODO: Do the right thing if permissions cannot be obtained.
		    // User should be notified via an event

 	    if ( (jmfSecurity != null) && (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jdk12"))) {
	    try {
		Constructor cons = CreateWorkThreadAction.cons;
 		configureThread = (ConfigureWorkThread) jdk12.doPrivM.invoke(
 					  new Object[] {
 					   new Object[] {

		configureThread.setName(configureThread.getName() +
					"[ " + this + " ]" +
					" ( configureThread)");
	    } catch (Exception e) {

 	    } else {
		configureThread = new ConfigureWorkThread(this);
		configureThread.setName(configureThread.getName() +
					"[ " + this + " ]" +
					" ( configureThread)");

     * Called when the controller is realized and when all the 
     * ConfigureCompleteEvents from down stream Controllers have been received.
     * If a subclass wants to override this method, it should still
     * invoke this to ensure the correct events being sent to the
     * upstream Controllers.
    protected synchronized void completeConfigure() {
	state = Configured;
	sendEvent(new ConfigureCompleteEvent(this, Configuring, Configured, getTargetState()));

	if (getTargetState() >= Realized) {

     * Called when realize() has failed.
    protected void doFailedConfigure() {
	state = Unrealized;
	String msg = "Failed to configure";
	if (processError != null)
	    msg = msg + ": " + processError;
	sendEvent(new ResourceUnavailableEvent(this, msg));
	processError = null;

     * Take the necessary steps to realize the controller.
     * This is a non-blocking call.  It starts a work thread to do the 
     * real work.  The actual code to do the realizing should be written
     * in doRealize().  The thread is also responsible for catching all
     * the RealizeCompleteEvents from the down stream nodes.  When the
     * steps to realize the controller are completed and when all the
     * RealizeCompleteEvents from down stream nodes have been received,
     * the completeRealize() call will be invoked.
    public final synchronized void realize() {

	if (getTargetState() < Realized)

	switch (state) {
	case Realized:
	case Prefetching:
	case Prefetched:
	case Started:
	    sendEvent(new RealizeCompleteEvent(this, state, state, getTargetState()));
	case Realizing:
	case Configuring:
	    break; // $$ Nothing is done. Two realize() will result in one event
	case Unrealized:
	    // For processors, we'll implicitly call configure.
	    if (isConfigurable()) {
	case Configured:
	    // Put it in the realizing state.
	    int oldState = state;
	    state = Realizing;
	    sendEvent(new TransitionEvent(this, oldState, Realizing, getTargetState()));

	    // Start the realize thread for this controller.

	    if ( /*securityPrivelege &&*/ (jmfSecurity != null) ) {
		String permission = null;
		try {
		    if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jmf-security")) {
			permission = "thread";
			jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD);
			m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
			permission = "thread group";
			jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD_GROUP);
			m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
		    } else if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("internet")) {
		} catch (Throwable e) {
		    if (JMFSecurityManager.DEBUG) {
			System.err.println("Unable to get " + permission +
					   " privilege  " + e);
		    securityPrivelege = false;
		    // TODO: Do the right thing if permissions cannot be obtained.
		    // User should be notified via an event
 	    if ( (jmfSecurity != null) && (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jdk12"))) {
	    try {
  		Constructor cons = CreateWorkThreadAction.cons;
 		realizeThread = (RealizeWorkThread) jdk12.doPrivM.invoke(
 					  new Object[] {
 					   new Object[] {

		realizeThread.setName(realizeThread.getName() +
				      "[ " + this + " ]" +
				      " ( realizeThread)");

	    } catch (Exception e) {
	} else {
		realizeThread = new RealizeWorkThread(this);
		realizeThread.setName(realizeThread.getName() +
				      "[ " + this + " ]" +
				      " ( realizeThread)");

     * Called when the controller is realized and when all the 
     * RealizeCompleteEvents from down stream Controllers have been received.
     * If a subclass wants to override this method, it should still
     * invoke this to ensure the correct events being sent to the
     * upstream Controllers.
    protected synchronized void completeRealize() {
	// Send back the events to whoever is listening, most likely the
	// upstream nodes.
	state = Realized;
	sendEvent(new RealizeCompleteEvent(this, Realizing, Realized, getTargetState()));

	if (getTargetState() >= Prefetched) {

     * Called when realize() has failed.
    protected void doFailedRealize() {
	state = Unrealized;
	String msg = "Failed to realize";
	if (processError != null)
	    msg = msg + ": " + processError;
	sendEvent(new ResourceUnavailableEvent(this, msg));
	processError = null;

     * Take the necessary steps to prefetch the controller.
     * This is a non-blocking call.  It starts a work thread to do the 
     * real work.  The actual code to do the realizing should be written
     * in doPrefetch().  The thread is also responsible for catching all
     * the PrefetchCompleteEvents from the down stream nodes.  When the
     * steps to prefetch the controller are completed and when all the
     * PrefetchCompleteEvents from down stream nodes have been received,
     * the completePrefetch() call will be invoked.
    public final /*synchronized*/ void prefetch() {
	if (getTargetState() <= Realized)
	switch (state) {
	case Prefetched:
	case Started:
	    sendEvent(new PrefetchCompleteEvent(this, state, state, getTargetState()));
	case Configuring:
	case Realizing:
	case Prefetching:
	    break; // $$ Nothing is done. 
	case Unrealized:
	case Configured:
	    // The controller is not realized yet, we have to implicitly
	    // carry out a realize().
	case Realized:
	    // Put it in the prefetching state.
	    //	synchronized(this) {
	    state = Prefetching;
	    sendEvent(new TransitionEvent(this, Realized, Prefetching, getTargetState()));

	    // Start the prefetch thread for this controller.
	    if ( /*securityPrivelege && */ (jmfSecurity != null) ) {
		String permission = null;
		try {
		    if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jmf-security")) {
			permission = "thread";
			jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD);
			m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
			permission = "thread group";
			jmfSecurity.requestPermission(m, cl, args, JMFSecurity.THREAD_GROUP);
			m[0].invoke(cl[0], args[0]);
		    } else if (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("internet")) {
		} catch (Throwable e) {
		    if (JMFSecurityManager.DEBUG) {
			System.err.println("Unable to get " + permission +
					   " privilege  " + e);
		    securityPrivelege = false;
		    // TODO: Do the right thing if permissions cannot be obtained.
		    // User should be notified via an event
 	    if ( (jmfSecurity != null) && (jmfSecurity.getName().startsWith("jdk12"))) {
	    try {
  		Constructor cons = CreateWorkThreadAction.cons;
 		prefetchThread = (PrefetchWorkThread) jdk12.doPrivM.invoke(
 					  new Object[] {
 					   new Object[] {

		prefetchThread.setName(prefetchThread.getName() +
				      "[ " + this + " ]" +
				      " ( prefetchThread)");

	    } catch (Exception e) {
	} else {
		prefetchThread = new PrefetchWorkThread(this);
		prefetchThread.setName(prefetchThread.getName() + " ( prefetchThread)");
	    //	}

     * Called when the controller is prefetched and when all the 
     * PrefetchCompleteEvents from down stream nodes have been received.
     * If a subclass wants to override this method, it should still
     * invoke this to ensure the correct events being sent to the
     * upstream Controllers.
    protected /*synchronized*/ void completePrefetch() {
	// Send back the events to whoever is listening, most likely the
	// upstream nodes.
	state = Prefetched;
	sendEvent(new PrefetchCompleteEvent(this, Prefetching, Prefetched, getTargetState()));

     * Called when the prefetch() has failed.
    protected void doFailedPrefetch() {
	state = Realized;
	String msg = "Failed to prefetch";
	if (processError != null)
	    msg = msg + ": " + processError;
	sendEvent(new ResourceUnavailableEvent(this, msg));
	processError = null;

     * Release the resouces held by the controller.
     * It obeys strict rules as specified in the spec.  Implement the
     * abortRealize and abortPrefetch methods to actually do the work.
     * This is a blocking call.  It returns only when the Controller
     * has done deallocating the resources.  This should be called from
     * an external thread outside of the controller.  Take caution if this 
     * is being call from inside the Controller.  It may cause deadlock.
    static String DeallocateError = "deallocate cannot be used on a started controller.";
    final public void deallocate() {

	int previousState = getState();
	// It's illegal to use deallocate on a started controller.
	if (state == Started) {
	    throwError(new ClockStartedError(DeallocateError));

	// stop the thread even if isAlive() is false as
        // we want to kill the thread that has been created
        // but not scheduled to run

	switch (state) {
	case Configuring:
	case Realizing:
	    state = Unrealized;
	case Prefetching:
	    state = Realized;
	case Prefetched:
	    state = Realized;


	// Use by subclass to add in its own behavior.

	// Wait for the interrupt to take effect.
	synchronized (interruptSync) {
	    while (isInterrupted()) {
		try {
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {}

	sendEvent(new DeallocateEvent(this, previousState, state,
				      state, getMediaTime()));

     * Called by deallocate().
     * Subclasses should implement this for its specific behavior.
    protected void doDeallocate() {

     * Add a listener to the listenerList.  This listener will be notified
     * of this controller's event.
     * This needs to be a synchronized method so as to maintain the integrity
     * of the listenerList.
    final public void addControllerListener(ControllerListener listener) {
	if (listenerList == null) {
	    listenerList = new Vector();
	synchronized (listenerList) {
	    if (!listenerList.contains(listener)) {

     * Remove a listener from the listener list.  The listener will stop
     * receiving notification from this controller.
     * This needs to be a synchronized method so as to maintain the integrity
     * of the listenerList.
    final public void removeControllerListener(ControllerListener listener) {
	if (listenerList == null)
	synchronized (listenerList) {
	    if (listenerList != null) {

     * Send an event to the listeners listening to my events.
     * The event is Queued in the sendEvtQueue which runs in a
     * separate thread.  This way, sendEvent() won't be blocked.
    final protected void sendEvent(ControllerEvent evt) {
	if (sendEvtQueue != null)

     * An internal function to notify the listeners on the listener list
     * the given event.  This gets called by the sendEvtQueue's processEvent()
     * callback.
     * This method updates a lock on the Vector listenerList before
     * enumerating it.

    final protected void dispatchEvent(ControllerEvent evt) {

	if (listenerList == null)

	synchronized(listenerList) {
	    Enumeration list = listenerList.elements();
	    while (list.hasMoreElements()) {
		ControllerListener listener = (ControllerListener)list.nextElement();

    protected void throwError(Error e) {
	throw e;

 * The event queue to post outgoing events for the BasicController.
 * The queue is running is a separate thread.
 * This is so the posting of the events won't block the controller.
class SendEventQueue extends ThreadedEventQueue {

    private BasicController controller;

    public SendEventQueue(BasicController c) {
	controller = c;

     * Callback from the thread when there is an event to be processed.
     * In this case, we call controller's dispatchEvent() to send the
     * event to the listening controllers.
    public void processEvent(ControllerEvent evt) {


 * An execution thread to take care of processing and waiting of
 * completion events for BasicController. 
 * Subclass this to build PrefetchWork thread for example.
abstract class StateTransitionWorkThread extends MediaThread {

    BasicController controller;
    Vector eventQueue = new Vector();
    boolean allEventsArrived = false;

    StateTransitionWorkThread() {

     * Implement this to do the real work.
    protected abstract boolean process();

     * This will be invoked when everything is ready.
     * i.e., the processing is completed and all the events from down
     * stream nodes have been fully captured.
    protected abstract void completed();

     * Called if the processing failed.
    protected abstract void failed();

     * Called if the processing is aborted in the middle.
    protected abstract void aborted();

     * run() method for the thread.
     * Do the work, wait for every expected events to arrive, signal the
     * the completion.
    public void run() {


	try {
	    boolean success = process();

	    if (controller.isInterrupted())
	    else if (success)

	} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
    	    System.err.println("Out of memory!");


 * A Thread to take care of realizing and catching of ConfigureCompleteEvents
 * from down stream nodes.
class ConfigureWorkThread extends StateTransitionWorkThread {

    // Made this method on package private class public [for jdk1.2 security]
     public ConfigureWorkThread(BasicController mc) {
	controller = mc;
	setName(getName() + ": " + mc);

     protected boolean process() {
	return controller.doConfigure();

     protected void completed() {

     protected void aborted() {

     protected void failed() {

 * A Thread to take care of realizing and catching of RealizeCompleteEvents
 * from down stream nodes.
class RealizeWorkThread extends StateTransitionWorkThread {

    // Made this method on package private class public [for jdk1.2 security]
     public RealizeWorkThread(BasicController mc) {
	controller = mc;
	setName(getName() + ": " + mc);

     protected boolean process() {
	return controller.doRealize();

     protected void completed() {

     protected void aborted() {

     protected void failed() {

 * A Thread to take care of prefetching and catching of PrefetchCompleteEvents
 * from down stream nodes.
class PrefetchWorkThread extends StateTransitionWorkThread {

    // Made this method on package private class public [for jdk1.2 security]
     public PrefetchWorkThread(BasicController mc) {
	controller = mc;
	setName(getName() + ": " + mc);

     protected boolean process() {
	return controller.doPrefetch();

     protected void completed() {

     protected void aborted() {

     protected void failed() {

 * Start a countdown thread to perform an action at the specified time.
abstract class TimedActionThread extends MediaThread {
    protected BasicController controller;
    protected long wakeupTime;
    protected boolean aborted = false;

    TimedActionThread(BasicController mc, long nanoseconds) {
	controller = mc;
	wakeupTime = nanoseconds;

    protected abstract long getTime();

    protected abstract void action();

    public synchronized void abort() {
	aborted = true;

    public void run() {
	long sleepTime, now;

	while (true) {
	    now = getTime();
	    if (now >= wakeupTime || aborted)

	    // Don't sleep more than 1 sec.
	    sleepTime = wakeupTime - now;
	    if (sleepTime > 1000000000L)
		sleepTime = 1000000000L;

	    synchronized (this) {
		try {
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {

	if (!aborted)

 * A Thread to schedule the start of the node.
class TimedStartThread extends TimedActionThread {

    // Made this method on package private class public [for jdk1.2 security]
    public TimedStartThread(BasicController mc, long tbt) {
	super(mc, tbt);
	setName(getName() + ": TimedStartThread");

    protected long getTime() {
	return controller.getTimeBase().getNanoseconds();

    protected void action() {


 * A thread to schedule the stop time.
class StopTimeThread extends TimedActionThread {

    // Made this method on package private class public [for jdk1.2 security]
    public StopTimeThread(BasicController mc, long nanoseconds) {
	super(mc, nanoseconds);
	setName(getName() + ": StopTimeThread");
	wakeupTime = getTime() + nanoseconds;

    protected long getTime() {
	return controller.getMediaNanoseconds();

    protected void action() {