TimeUDPClientpublic final class TimeUDPClient extends DatagramSocketClient The TimeUDPClient class is a UDP implementation of a client for the
Time protocol described in RFC 868. To use the class, merely
open a local datagram socket with
{@link org.apache.commons.net.DatagramSocketClient#open open }
and call {@link #getTime getTime } or
{@link #getTime getDate } to retrieve the time. Then call
{@link org.apache.commons.net.DatagramSocketClient#close close }
to close the connection properly. Unlike
{@link org.apache.commons.net.TimeTCPClient},
successive calls to {@link #getTime getTime } or
{@link #getDate getDate } are permitted
without re-establishing a connection. That is because UDP is a
connectionless protocol and the Time protocol is stateless.
Fields Summary |
public static final int | DEFAULT_PORTThe default time port. It is set to 37 according to RFC 868. | public static final long | SECONDS_1900_TO_1970The number of seconds between 00:00 1 January 1900 and
00:00 1 January 1970. This value can be useful for converting
time values to other formats. | private byte[] | __dummyData | private byte[] | __timeData |
Methods Summary |
public java.util.Date | getDate(java.net.InetAddress host, int port)Retrieves the time from the server and returns a Java Date
containing the time converted to the local timezone.
return new Date((getTime(host, port) - SECONDS_1900_TO_1970)*1000L);
| public java.util.Date | getDate(java.net.InetAddress host)Same as getTime(host, DEFAULT_PORT);
return new Date((getTime(host, DEFAULT_PORT) -
| public long | getTime(java.net.InetAddress host, int port)Retrieves the time from the specified server and port and
returns it. The time is the number of seconds since
00:00 (midnight) 1 January 1900 GMT, as specified by RFC 868.
This method reads the raw 32-bit big-endian
unsigned integer from the server, converts it to a Java long, and
returns the value.
long time;
DatagramPacket sendPacket, receivePacket;
sendPacket =
new DatagramPacket(__dummyData, __dummyData.length, host, port);
receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(__timeData, __timeData.length);
time = 0L;
time |= (((__timeData[0] & 0xff) << 24) & 0xffffffffL);
time |= (((__timeData[1] & 0xff) << 16) & 0xffffffffL);
time |= (((__timeData[2] & 0xff) << 8) & 0xffffffffL);
time |= ((__timeData[3] & 0xff) & 0xffffffffL);
return time;
| public long | getTime(java.net.InetAddress host)Same as getTime(host, DEFAULT_PORT);
return getTime(host, DEFAULT_PORT);