LaterThanValidator.javaAPI DocExample4426Tue Jun 08 11:26:42 BST 2004com.mycompany.jsf.validator


public class LaterThanValidator extends Object implements Serializable, javax.faces.validator.Validator
This class is a JSF Validator that validates that the java.util.Date value of the component it's attached to is later than the java.util.Date value of another component.
Hans Bergsten, Gefion Software

Fields Summary
private String
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private java.lang.StringformatDate(java.util.Date date, javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
Returns the provided Date formatted with the converter attached to the component, if any, or with toString() otherwise.

        Converter converter = ((ValueHolder) component).getConverter();
        if (converter != null) {
            return converter.getAsString(context, component, date);
        return date.toString();
public voidsetPeerId(java.lang.String peerId)
Sets the ID for the peer component the main component's value is compared to. It must be a format that can be used with the javax.faces.component.UIComponent findComponent() method.

        this.peerId = peerId;
public voidvalidate(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, javax.faces.component.UIComponent component, java.lang.Object value)
Compares the provided value to the value of the peer component, and throws a ValidatorException with an appropriate FacesMessage if the provided value doesn't represent a later date or if there are problems accessing the peer component value.

        Application application = context.getApplication();

	/* Note! This validator requires an application bundle
	 * that holds the messages. For validators, or other
	 * components, that should be usable in any application,
	 * bundling a default bundle and use it if the message
	 * isn't available in the application bundle is a nicer
	 * approach.
	String messageBundleName = application.getMessageBundle();
	Locale locale = context.getViewRoot().getLocale();
	ResourceBundle rb = 
	    ResourceBundle.getBundle(messageBundleName, locale);

        UIComponent peerComponent = component.findComponent(peerId);
        if (peerComponent == null) {
	    String msg = rb.getString("peer_not_found");
	    FacesMessage facesMsg = 
		new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_FATAL, msg, msg);
	    throw new ValidatorException(facesMsg);
        ValueHolder peer = null;
        try {
            peer = (ValueHolder) peerComponent;
        catch (ClassCastException e) {
	    String msg = rb.getString("invalid_component");
	    FacesMessage facesMsg = 
		new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_FATAL, msg, msg);
	    throw new ValidatorException(facesMsg);
	if (peer instanceof EditableValueHolder &&
	    !((EditableValueHolder) peer).isValid()) {
	    // No point in validating against an invalid value
        Object peerValue = peer.getValue();
        if (!(peerValue instanceof Date)) {
	    String msg = rb.getString("invalid_peer");
	    FacesMessage facesMsg = 
		new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_FATAL, msg, msg);
	    throw new ValidatorException(facesMsg);
        if (!(value instanceof Date) || 
            !((Date) value).after((Date) peerValue)) {
	    String msg = rb.getString("not_later");
	    String detailMsgPattern = rb.getString("not_later_detail");
	    Object[] params = 
	        {formatDate((Date) peerValue, context, component)};
	    String detailMsg = 
		MessageFormat.format(detailMsgPattern, params);
	    FacesMessage facesMsg = 
		new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, msg, detailMsg);
	    throw new ValidatorException(facesMsg);