EJBCacheStats.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4422Fri May 04 22:31:02 BST

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 * $Id:,v 1.2 2007/05/05 05:31:02 tcfujii Exp $
 * $Date: 2007/05/05 05:31:02 $
 * $Revision: 1.2 $


 * A Stats interface to represent the statistics exposed by the Enterprise Bean Cache.
 * This is based on the statistics that were exposed in S1AS7.0. An implementation of EJB Cache
 * should provide statistical data by implementing this interface.
public interface EJBCacheStats extends Stats
     * Returns the number of times a user request fails to find an EJB in associated EJB cache instance, as a CountStatistic.
     * @return		an instance of {@link BoundedRangeStatistic}
    public BoundedRangeStatistic getCacheMisses();
     * Returns the number of times a user request hits an EJB in associated EJB cache instance, as a CountStatistic.
	 * @return		an instance of {@link BoundedRangeStatistic}
    public BoundedRangeStatistic getCacheHits();
    /** Returns total number of EJBs in the associated EJB Cache, as a BoundedRangeStatistic. 
	 * Note that this returns the various statistical values like maximum and minimum value attained
	 * as a part of the return value.
	 * @return		an instance of {@link BoundedRangeStatistic}
    public BoundedRangeStatistic getBeansInCache();
     * Returns the number of passivations of a Stateful Session Bean, as a CountStatistic.
	 * @return		an instance of {@link CountStatistic}
    public CountStatistic getPassivations();
     * Returns the number of errors in passivating a Stateful Session Bean, as a CountStatistic.
	 * Must be less than or equal to {@link #getPassivations}
	 * @return		an instance of {@link CountStatistic}
    public CountStatistic getPassivationErrors();
     * Returns the number of removed Expired Sessions as a CountStatistic.
	 * @return		an instance of {@link CountStatistic}
    public CountStatistic getExpiredSessionsRemoved();
     * Returns the number of errors in passivating a Stateful Session Bean, as a CountStatistic.
	 * Must be less than or equal to {@link #getPassivations}
	 * @return		an instance of {@link CountStatistic}
    public CountStatistic getPassivationSuccesses();