DescriptorSupport.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API44138Tue Jun 10 00:26:16 BST


public class DescriptorSupport extends Object implements Descriptor
This class represents the metadata set for a ModelMBean element. A descriptor is part of the ModelMBeanInfo, ModelMBeanNotificationInfo, ModelMBeanAttributeInfo, ModelMBeanConstructorInfo, and ModelMBeanParameterInfo.

A descriptor consists of a collection of fields. Each field is in fieldname=fieldvalue format. Field names are not case sensitive, case will be preserved on field values.

All field names and values are not predefined. New fields can be defined and added by any program. Some fields have been predefined for consistency of implementation and support by the ModelMBeanInfo, ModelMBeanAttributeInfo, ModelMBeanConstructorInfo, ModelMBeanNotificationInfo, ModelMBeanOperationInfo and ModelMBean classes.

The serialVersionUID of this class is -6292969195866300415L.


Fields Summary
private static final long
private static final long
private static final ObjectStreamField[]
private static final ObjectStreamField[]
private static final long
private static final ObjectStreamField[]
private static final String
private transient SortedMap
private static final int
private static final String
private static final String[]
private static final Map
private static final String[]
Constructors Summary
public DescriptorSupport()
Descriptor default constructor. Default initial descriptor size is 20. It will grow as needed.
Note that the created empty descriptor is not a valid descriptor (the method {@link #isValid isValid} returns false)

        if (debugging())
            debug("DescriptorSupport()", "Constructor");
public DescriptorSupport(int initNumFields)
Descriptor constructor. Takes as parameter the initial capacity of the Map that stores the descriptor fields. Capacity will grow as needed.
Note that the created empty descriptor is not a valid descriptor (the method {@link #isValid isValid} returns false).

initNumFields The initial capacity of the Map that stores the descriptor fields.
RuntimeOperationsException for illegal value for initNumFields (<= 0)
MBeanException Wraps a distributed communication Exception.

        if (debugging()) {
            debug("Descriptor(initNumFields=" + initNumFields + ")",
	if (initNumFields <= 0) {
	    if (debugging()) {
		      "Illegal arguments: initNumFields <= 0");
	    final String msg =
		"Descriptor field limit invalid: " + initNumFields;
	    final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
	    throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae, msg);
public DescriptorSupport(DescriptorSupport inDescr)
Descriptor constructor taking a Descriptor as parameter. Creates a new descriptor initialized to the values of the descriptor passed in parameter.

inDescr the descriptor to be used to initialize the constructed descriptor. If it is null or contains no descriptor fields, an empty Descriptor will be created.

	if (debugging()) {
	if (inDescr == null)
public DescriptorSupport(String inStr)

Descriptor constructor taking an XML String.

The format of the XML string is not defined, but an implementation must ensure that the string returned by {@link #toXMLString() toXMLString()} on an existing descriptor can be used to instantiate an equivalent descriptor using this constructor.

In this implementation, all field values will be created as Strings. If the field values are not Strings, the programmer will have to reset or convert these fields correctly.

inStr An XML-formatted string used to populate this Descriptor. The format is not defined, but any implementation must ensure that the string returned by method {@link #toXMLString toXMLString} on an existing descriptor can be used to instantiate an equivalent descriptor when instantiated using this constructor.
RuntimeOperationsException If the String inStr passed in parameter is null
XMLParseException XML parsing problem while parsing the input String
MBeanException Wraps a distributed communication Exception.

	/* parse an XML-formatted string and populate internal
	 * structure with it */
	if (debugging()) {
	    debug("Descriptor(String ='" + inStr + "')","Constructor");
	if (inStr == null) {
	    if (debugging()) {
		debug("Descriptor(String = null)","Illegal arguments");
	    final String msg = "String in parameter is null";
	    final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
	    throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae, msg);

	final String lowerInStr = inStr.toLowerCase();
	if (!lowerInStr.startsWith("<descriptor>")
	    || !lowerInStr.endsWith("</descriptor>")) {
	    throw new XMLParseException("No <descriptor>, </descriptor> pair");

	// parse xmlstring into structures
	// create dummy descriptor: should have same size
	// as number of fields in xmlstring
	// loop through structures and put them in descriptor

	StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(inStr, "<> \t\n\r\f");

	boolean inFld = false;
	boolean inDesc = false;
	String fieldName = null;
	String fieldValue = null;

	while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {  // loop through tokens
	    String tok = st.nextToken();

	    if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase("FIELD")) {
		inFld = true;
	    } else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase("/FIELD")) {
		if ((fieldName != null) && (fieldValue != null)) {
		    fieldName =
			fieldName.substring(fieldName.indexOf('"") + 1,
		    final Object fieldValueObject =
		    setField(fieldName, fieldValueObject);
		fieldName = null;
		fieldValue = null;
		inFld = false;
	    } else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase("DESCRIPTOR")) {
		inDesc = true;
	    } else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase("/DESCRIPTOR")) {
		inDesc = false;
		fieldName = null;
		fieldValue = null;
		inFld = false;
	    } else if (inFld && inDesc) {
		// want kw=value, eg, name="myname" value="myvalue"
		int eq_separator = tok.indexOf("=");
		if (eq_separator > 0) {
		    String kwPart = tok.substring(0,eq_separator);
		    String valPart = tok.substring(eq_separator+1);
		    if (kwPart.equalsIgnoreCase("NAME"))
			fieldName = valPart;
		    else if (kwPart.equalsIgnoreCase("VALUE"))
			fieldValue = valPart;
		    else {  // xml parse exception
			final String msg =
			    "Expected `name' or `value', got `" + tok + "'";
			throw new XMLParseException(msg);
		} else { // xml parse exception
		    final String msg =
			"Expected `keyword=value', got `" + tok + "'";
		    throw new XMLParseException(msg);
	}  // while tokens

	if (debugging()) {
public DescriptorSupport(String[] fieldNames, Object[] fieldValues)
Constructor taking field names and field values. Neither array can be null.

fieldNames String array of field names. No elements of this array can be null.
fieldValues Object array of the corresponding field values. Elements of the array can be null. The fieldValue must be valid for the fieldName (as defined in method {@link #isValid isValid})

Note: array sizes of parameters should match. If both arrays are empty, then an empty descriptor is created.

RuntimeOperationsException for illegal value for field Names or field Values. The array lengths must be equal. If the descriptor construction fails for any reason, this exception will be thrown.

	if (debugging()) {
	    debug("Descriptor(fieldNames, fieldObjects)","Constructor");
	if ((fieldNames == null) || (fieldValues == null) ||
	    (fieldNames.length != fieldValues.length)) {
	    if (debugging()) {
		debug("Descriptor(String[],Object[])","Illegal arguments");

	    final String msg =
		"Null or invalid fieldNames or fieldValues";
	    final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
	    throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae, msg);

	/* populate internal structure with fields */
	for (int i=0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
	    // setField will throw an exception if a fieldName is be null.
	    // the fieldName and fieldValue will be validated in setField.
	    setField(fieldNames[i], fieldValues[i]);
	if (debugging()) {
	    debug("Descriptor(fieldNames, fieldObjects)","Exit");
public DescriptorSupport(String fields)
Constructor taking fields in the fieldName=fieldValue format.

fields String array with each element containing a field name and value. If this array is null or empty, then the default constructor will be executed. Null strings or empty strings will be ignored.

All field values should be Strings. If the field values are not Strings, the programmer will have to reset or convert these fields correctly.

Note: Each string should be of the form fieldName=fieldValue. The field name ends at the first {@code =} character; for example if the String is {@code a=b=c} then the field name is {@code a} and its value is {@code b=c}.

RuntimeOperationsException for illegal value for field Names or field Values. The field must contain an "=". "=fieldValue", "fieldName", and "fieldValue" are illegal. FieldName cannot be null. "fieldName=" will cause the value to be null. If the descriptor construction fails for any reason, this exception will be thrown.

	if (debugging()) {
	if (( fields == null ) || ( fields.length == 0))


	for (int i=0; i < fields.length; i++) {
	    if ((fields[i] == null) || (fields[i].equals(""))) {
	    int eq_separator = fields[i].indexOf("=");
	    if (eq_separator < 0) {
		// illegal if no = or is first character
		if (debugging()) {
			  "Illegal arguments: field does not have '=' " +
			  "as a name and value separator");
		final String msg = "Field in invalid format: no equals sign";
		final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
		throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae, msg);

	    String fieldName = fields[i].substring(0,eq_separator);
	    String fieldValue = null;
	    if (eq_separator < fields[i].length()) {
		// = is not in last character
		fieldValue = fields[i].substring(eq_separator+1);

	    if (fieldName.equals("")) {
		if (debugging()) {
			  "Illegal arguments: fieldName is empty");

		final String msg = "Field in invalid format: no fieldName";
		final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
		throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae, msg);

	if (debugging()) {
Methods Summary
public synchronized java.lang.Objectclone()
Returns a new Descriptor which is a duplicate of the Descriptor.

RuntimeOperationsException for illegal value for field Names or field Values. If the descriptor construction fails for any reason, this exception will be thrown.

	if (debugging()) {
	return(new DescriptorSupport(this));
private voiddebug(java.lang.String inClass, java.lang.String inMethod, java.lang.String inText)

	Trace.send(Trace.LEVEL_DEBUG, Trace.INFO_MODELMBEAN, inClass,
		   inMethod, inText);
private voiddebug(java.lang.String inMethod, java.lang.String inText)

	debug(currClass, inMethod, inText);
private booleandebugging()

	return Trace.isSelected(Trace.LEVEL_DEBUG, Trace.INFO_MODELMBEAN);
public synchronized booleanequals(java.lang.Object o)
Compares this descriptor to the given object. The objects are equal if the given object is also a Descriptor, and if the two Descriptors have the same field names (possibly differing in case) and the same associated values. The respective values for a field in the two Descriptors are equal if the following conditions hold:

  • If one value is null then the other must be too.
  • If one value is a primitive array then the other must be a primitive array of the same type with the same elements.
  • If one value is an object array then the other must be too and {@link java.util.Arrays#deepEquals(Object[],Object[]) Arrays.deepEquals} must return true.
  • Otherwise {@link Object#equals(Object)} must return true.

o the object to compare with.
{@code true} if the objects are the same; {@code false} otherwise.

        if (o == this)
            return true;
        return new ImmutableDescriptor(descriptorMap).equals(o);
public synchronized java.lang.String[]getFieldNames()

	if (debugging()) {
	int numberOfEntries = descriptorMap.size();

	String[] responseFields = new String[numberOfEntries];
	Set returnedSet = descriptorMap.entrySet();

	int i = 0;

	if (debugging()) {
	    debug("getFieldNames()","Returning " + numberOfEntries + " fields");

	for (Iterator iter = returnedSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) {
	    Map.Entry currElement = (Map.Entry);

	    if (( currElement == null ) || (currElement.getKey() == null)) {
		if (debugging()) {
		    debug("getFieldNames()","Field is null");
	    } else {
		responseFields[i] = currElement.getKey().toString();

	if (debugging()) {

	return responseFields;
public synchronized java.lang.ObjectgetFieldValue(java.lang.String fieldName)

	if ((fieldName == null) || (fieldName.equals(""))) {
	    if (debugging()) {
		debug("getField()","Illegal arguments: null field name.");
	    final String msg = "Fieldname requested is null";
	    final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
	    throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae, msg);
	Object retValue = descriptorMap.get(fieldName);
	if (debugging()) {
	    debug("getField(" + fieldName + ")",
		  "Returns '" + retValue + "'");
public synchronized java.lang.Object[]getFieldValues(java.lang.String fieldNames)

	if (debugging()) {
	// if fieldNames == null return all values
	// if fieldNames is String[0] return no values

	final int numberOfEntries =
	    (fieldNames == null) ? descriptorMap.size() : fieldNames.length;
	final Object[] responseFields = new Object[numberOfEntries];

	int i = 0;

	if (debugging()) {
		  "Returning " + numberOfEntries + " fields");

	if (fieldNames == null) {
	    for (Iterator iter = descriptorMap.values().iterator();
		 iter.hasNext(); i++)
		responseFields[i] =;
	} else {
	    for (i=0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
		if ((fieldNames[i] == null) || (fieldNames[i].equals(""))) {
		    responseFields[i] = null;
		} else {
		    responseFields[i] = getFieldValue(fieldNames[i]);

	if (debugging()) {

	return responseFields;
public synchronized java.lang.String[]getFields()

	if (debugging()) {
	int numberOfEntries = descriptorMap.size();

	String[] responseFields = new String[numberOfEntries];
	Set returnedSet = descriptorMap.entrySet();

	int i = 0;
	Object currValue = null;
	Map.Entry currElement = null;

	if (debugging()) {
	    debug("getFields()","Returning " + numberOfEntries + " fields");
	for (Iterator iter = returnedSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) {
	    currElement = (Map.Entry);

	    if (currElement == null) {
		if (debugging()) {
		    debug("getFields()","Element is null");
	    } else {
		currValue = currElement.getValue();
		if (currValue == null) {
		    responseFields[i] = currElement.getKey() + "=";
		} else {
		    if (currValue instanceof java.lang.String) {
			responseFields[i] =
			    currElement.getKey() + "=" + currValue.toString();
		    } else {
			responseFields[i] =
			    currElement.getKey() + "=(" +
			    currValue.toString() + ")";

	if (debugging()) {

	return responseFields;
public synchronized inthashCode()

Returns the hash code value for this descriptor. The hash code is computed as the sum of the hash codes for each field in the descriptor. The hash code of a field with name {@code n} and value {@code v} is {@code n.toLowerCase().hashCode() ^ h}. Here {@code h} is the hash code of {@code v}, computed as follows:

  • If {@code v} is null then {@code h} is 0.
  • If {@code v} is a primitive array then {@code h} is computed using the appropriate overloading of {@code java.util.Arrays.hashCode}.
  • If {@code v} is an object array then {@code h} is computed using {@link java.util.Arrays#deepHashCode(Object[]) Arrays.deepHashCode}.
  • Otherwise {@code h} is {@code v.hashCode()}.

A hash code value for this object.

        return new ImmutableDescriptor(descriptorMap).hashCode();
private voidinit(java.util.Map initMap)

        descriptorMap =
                new TreeMap<String, Object>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
        if (initMap != null)
private static booleanisMagic(char c)

	char maxChar = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
	    final char c = entities[i].charAt(0);
	    if (c > maxChar)
		maxChar = c;
	charToEntityMap = new String[maxChar + 1];
	for (int i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
	    final char c = entities[i].charAt(0);
	    final String entity = entities[i].substring(1);
	    charToEntityMap[c] = entity;
	    entityToCharMap.put(entity, new Character(c));
	return (c < charToEntityMap.length && charToEntityMap[c] != null);
public synchronized booleanisValid()
Returns true if all of the fields have legal values given their names.

This implementation does not support interoperating with a directory or lookup service. Thus, conforming to the specification, no checking is done on the "export" field.

Otherwise this implementation returns false if:

  • name and descriptorType fieldNames are not defined, or null, or empty, or not String
  • class, role, getMethod, setMethod fieldNames, if defined, are null or not String
  • persistPeriod, currencyTimeLimit, lastUpdatedTimeStamp, lastReturnedTimeStamp if defined, are null, or not a Numeric String or not a Numeric Value >= -1
  • log fieldName, if defined, is null, or not a Boolean or not a String with value "t", "f", "true", "false". These String values must not be case sensitive.
  • visibility fieldName, if defined, is null, or not a Numeric String or a not Numeric Value >= 1 and <= 4
  • severity fieldName, if defined, is null, or not a Numeric String or not a Numeric Value >= 0 and <= 6
  • persistPolicy fieldName, if defined, is null, or not one of the following strings:
    "OnUpdate", "OnTimer", "NoMoreOftenThan", "OnUnregister", "Always", "Never". These String values must not be case sensitive.

RuntimeOperationsException If the validity checking fails for any reason, this exception will be thrown.

	if (debugging()) {
	// verify that the descriptor is valid, by iterating over each field...

	Set returnedSet = descriptorMap.entrySet();

	if (returnedSet == null) {   // null descriptor, not valid
	    if (debugging()) {
		debug("Descriptor.isValid()","returns false (null set)");
	    return false;
	// must have a name and descriptor type field
	String thisName = (String)(this.getFieldValue("name"));
	String thisDescType = (String)(getFieldValue("descriptorType"));

	if ((thisName == null) || (thisDescType == null) ||
	    (thisName.equals("")) || (thisDescType.equals(""))) {
	    return false;

	// According to the descriptor type we validate the fields contained

	for (Iterator iter = returnedSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
	    Map.Entry currElement = (Map.Entry);

	    if (currElement != null) {
		if (currElement.getValue() != null) {
		    // validate the field valued...
		    if (validateField((currElement.getKey()).toString(),
				      (currElement.getValue()).toString())) {
		    } else {
			if (debugging()) {
				  "Field " + currElement.getKey() + "=" +
				  currElement.getValue() + " is not valid");
			return false;

	// fell through, all fields OK

	if (debugging()) {
	    debug("Descriptor.isValid()","returns true");

	return true;
private static java.lang.StringmakeFieldValue(java.lang.Object value)
Make the string that will go inside "..." for a value that is not a plain String.

RuntimeOperationsException if the value cannot be encoded.

	if (value == null)
	    return "(null)";

	Class valueClass = value.getClass();
	try {
	    valueClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {String.class});
	} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
	    final String msg =
		"Class " + valueClass + " does not have a public " +
		"constructor with a single string arg";
	    final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
	    throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae,
						 "Cannot make XML descriptor");
	} catch (SecurityException e) {
	    // OK: we'll pretend the constructor is there
	    // too bad if it's not: we'll find out when we try to
	    // reconstruct the DescriptorSupport

	final String quotedValueString = quote(value.toString());
	return "(" + valueClass.getName() + "/" + quotedValueString + ")";
private static java.lang.ObjectparseQuotedFieldValue(java.lang.String s)

	s = unquote(s);
	if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("(null)"))
	    return null;
	if (!s.startsWith("(") || !s.endsWith(")"))
	    return s;
	final int slash = s.indexOf('/");
	if (slash < 0) {
	    // compatibility: old code didn't include class name
	    return s.substring(1, s.length() - 1);
	final String className = s.substring(1, slash);
	final Constructor constr;
	try {
	    final ClassLoader contextClassLoader =
            if (contextClassLoader == null)
            final Class c =
		Class.forName(className, false, contextClassLoader);
	    constr = c.getConstructor(new Class[] {String.class});
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    throw new XMLParseException(e,
					"Cannot parse value: <" + s + ">");
	final String arg = s.substring(slash + 1, s.length() - 1);
	try {
	    return constr.newInstance(new Object[] {arg});
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    final String msg =
		"Cannot construct instance of " + className +
		" with arg: <" + s + ">";
	    throw new XMLParseException(e, msg);
private static java.lang.Stringquote(java.lang.String s)

	boolean found = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
	    if (isMagic(s.charAt(i))) {
		found = true;
	if (!found)
	    return s;
	StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
	for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
	    char c = s.charAt(i);
	    if (isMagic(c))
	return buf.toString();
private voidreadObject( in)
Deserializes a {@link DescriptorSupport} from an {@link ObjectInputStream}.

	ObjectInputStream.GetField fields = in.readFields();
	Map<String, Object> descriptor = 
	    (Map<String, Object>) fields.get("descriptor", null);
	if (descriptor != null) {
public synchronized voidremoveField(java.lang.String fieldName)

	if ((fieldName == null) || (fieldName.equals(""))) {

public synchronized voidsetField(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object fieldValue)

	// field name cannot be null or empty
	if ((fieldName == null) || (fieldName.equals(""))) {
	    if (debugging()) {
		      "Illegal arguments: null or empty field name");

	    final String msg = "Field name to be set is null or empty";
	    final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
	    throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae, msg);

	if (!validateField(fieldName, fieldValue)) {
	    if (debugging()) {
		debug("setField(fieldName,fieldValue)", "Illegal arguments");

	    final String msg =
		"Field value invalid: " + fieldName + "=" + fieldValue;
	    final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
	    throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae, msg);

	if (debugging()) {
	    if (fieldValue != null) {
		debug("setField(fieldName, fieldValue)",
		      "Entry: setting '" + fieldName + "' to '" +
		      fieldValue + "'.");

        // Since we do not remove any existing entry with this name,
	// the field will preserve whatever case it had, ignoring
	// any difference there might be in fieldName.
	descriptorMap.put(fieldName, fieldValue);
public synchronized voidsetFields(java.lang.String[] fieldNames, java.lang.Object[] fieldValues)

	if (debugging()) {
	    debug("setFields(fieldNames,fieldValues)", "Entry");

	if ((fieldNames == null) || (fieldValues == null) ||
	    (fieldNames.length != fieldValues.length)) {
	    if (debugging()) {
		debug("setFields(fieldNames,fieldValues)","Illegal arguments");

	    final String msg = "fieldNames and fieldValues are null or invalid";
	    final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
	    throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae, msg);

	for (int i=0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
	    if (( fieldNames[i] == null) || (fieldNames[i].equals(""))) {
		if (debugging()) {
			  "Null field name encountered at " + i + " element");

		final String msg = "fieldNames is null or invalid";
		final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
		throw new RuntimeOperationsException(iae, msg);
	    setField(fieldNames[i], fieldValues[i]);
	if (debugging()) {
	    debug("setFields(fieldNames, fieldValues)","Exit");
private longtoNumeric(java.lang.String inStr)

	long result = -2;
	try {
	    result = java.lang.Long.parseLong(inStr);
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    return -2;
	return result;
public synchronized java.lang.StringtoString()
Returns a human readable string representing the descriptor. The string will be in the format of "fieldName=fieldValue,fieldName2=fieldValue2,..."
If there are no fields in the descriptor, then an empty String is returned.
If a fieldValue is an object then the toString() method is called on it and its returned value is used as the value for the field enclosed in parenthesis.

RuntimeOperationsException for illegal value for field Names or field Values. If the descriptor string fails for any reason, this exception will be thrown.

	if (debugging()) {

	String respStr = "";
	String[] fields = getFields();

	if (debugging()) {
		  "Printing " + fields.length + " fields");

	if ((fields == null) || (fields.length == 0)) {
	    if (debugging()) {
		debug("Descriptor.toString()","Empty Descriptor");
	    return respStr;

	for (int i=0; i < fields.length; i++) {
	    if (i == (fields.length - 1)) {
		respStr = respStr.concat(fields[i]);
	    } else {
		respStr = respStr.concat(fields[i] + ", ");

	if (debugging()) {
	    debug("Descriptor.toString()","Exit returning " + respStr);

	return respStr;
public synchronized java.lang.StringtoXMLString()

Returns an XML String representing the descriptor.

The format is not defined, but an implementation must ensure that the string returned by this method can be used to build an equivalent descriptor when instantiated using the constructor {@link #DescriptorSupport(String) DescriptorSupport(String inStr)}.

Fields which are not String objects will have toString() called on them to create the value. The value will be enclosed in parentheses. It is not guaranteed that you can reconstruct these objects unless they have been specifically set up to support toString() in a meaningful format and have a matching constructor that accepts a String in the same format.

If the descriptor is empty the following String is returned: <Descriptor></Descriptor>

the XML string.
RuntimeOperationsException for illegal value for field Names or field Values. If the XML formatted string construction fails for any reason, this exception will be thrown.

	StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("<Descriptor>");
	Set returnedSet = descriptorMap.entrySet();
	for (Iterator iter = returnedSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
	    final Map.Entry currElement = (Map.Entry);
	    final String name = currElement.getKey().toString();
	    Object value = currElement.getValue();
	    String valueString = null;
	    /* Set valueString to non-null if and only if this is a string that
	       cannot be confused with the encoding of an object.  If it
	       could be so confused (surrounded by parentheses) then we
	       call makeFieldValue as for any non-String object and end
	       up with an encoding like "(java.lang.String/(thing))".  */
	    if (value instanceof String) {
		final String svalue = (String) value;
		if (!svalue.startsWith("(") || !svalue.endsWith(")"))
		    valueString = quote(svalue);
	    if (valueString == null)
		valueString = makeFieldValue(value);
	    buf.append("<field name=\"").append(name).append("\" value=\"")
	return buf.toString();
private static java.lang.Stringunquote(java.lang.String s)

	if (!s.startsWith("\"") || !s.endsWith("\""))
	    throw new XMLParseException("Value must be quoted: <" + s + ">");
	StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
	final int len = s.length() - 1;
	for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
	    final char c = s.charAt(i);
	    final int semi;
	    final Character quoted;
	    if (c == '&"
		&& (semi = s.indexOf(';", i + 1)) >= 0
		&& ((quoted =
		    (Character) entityToCharMap.get(s.substring(i, semi+1)))
		    != null)) {
		i = semi;
	    } else
	return buf.toString();
private booleanvalidateField(java.lang.String fldName, java.lang.Object fldValue)

	if ((fldName == null) || (fldName.equals("")))
	    return false;
	String SfldValue = "";
	boolean isAString = false;
	if ((fldValue != null) && (fldValue instanceof java.lang.String)) {
	    SfldValue = (String) fldValue;
	    isAString = true;

	boolean nameOrDescriptorType =
	    (fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Name") ||
	if (nameOrDescriptorType ||
	    fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("SetMethod") ||
	    fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("GetMethod") ||
	    fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Role") ||
	    fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("Class")) {
	    if (fldValue == null || !isAString)
		return false;
	    if (nameOrDescriptorType && SfldValue.equals(""))
		return false;
	    return true;
	} else if (fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("visibility")) {
	    long v;
	    if ((fldValue != null) && (isAString)) {
		v = toNumeric(SfldValue);
	    } else if (fldValue instanceof java.lang.Integer) {
		v = ((Integer)fldValue).intValue();
	    } else return false;

	    if (v >= 1 &&  v <= 4)
		return true;
		return false;
	} else if (fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("severity")) {

	    long v;
	    if ((fldValue != null) && (isAString)) {
		v = toNumeric(SfldValue);
	    } else if (fldValue instanceof java.lang.Integer) {
		v = ((Integer)fldValue).intValue();
	    } else return false;

	    return (v >= 0 && v <= 6);
	} else if (fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("PersistPolicy")) {
	    return (((fldValue != null) && (isAString)) &&
		    ( SfldValue.equalsIgnoreCase("OnUpdate") ||
		      SfldValue.equalsIgnoreCase("OnTimer") ||
		      SfldValue.equalsIgnoreCase("NoMoreOftenThan") ||
		      SfldValue.equalsIgnoreCase("Always") ||
		      SfldValue.equalsIgnoreCase("Never") ||
	} else if (fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("PersistPeriod") ||
		   fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("CurrencyTimeLimit") ||
		   fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("LastUpdatedTimeStamp") ||
		   fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("LastReturnedTimeStamp")) {

	    long v;
	    if ((fldValue != null) && (isAString)) {
		v = toNumeric(SfldValue);
	    } else if (fldValue instanceof java.lang.Number) {
		v = ((Number)fldValue).longValue();
	    } else return false;

	    return (v >= -1);
	} else if (fldName.equalsIgnoreCase("log")) {
	    return ((fldValue instanceof java.lang.Boolean) ||
		    (isAString &&
		     (SfldValue.equalsIgnoreCase("T") ||
		      SfldValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ||
		      SfldValue.equalsIgnoreCase("F") ||
		      SfldValue.equalsIgnoreCase("false") )));

	// default to true, it is a field we aren't validating (user etc.)
	return true;
private voidwriteObject( out)
Serializes a {@link DescriptorSupport} to an {@link ObjectOutputStream}.

	ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = out.putFields();
	boolean compat = "1.0".equals(serialForm);
	if (compat)
	    fields.put("currClass", currClass);

        /* Purge the field "targetObject" from the DescriptorSupport before
         * serializing since the referenced object is typically not
         * serializable.  We do this here rather than purging the "descriptor"
         * variable below because that HashMap doesn't do case-insensitivity.
         * See CR 6332962.
        SortedMap<String, Object> startMap = descriptorMap;
        if (startMap.containsKey("targetObject")) {
            startMap = new TreeMap<String, Object>(descriptorMap);

	final HashMap<String, Object> descriptor;
	if (compat || "1.2.0".equals(serialForm) ||
                "1.2.1".equals(serialForm)) {
            descriptor = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : startMap.entrySet())
                descriptor.put(entry.getKey().toLowerCase(), entry.getValue());
        } else
            descriptor = new HashMap<String, Object>(startMap);

	fields.put("descriptor", descriptor);