Methods Summary |
public int | available()Indicates the number of bytes of primitive data that can be read without
public void | close()Closes this stream. Implementations of this method should free any
resources used by the stream.
public int | read()Reads a single byte from this stream and returns it as an integer in the
range from 0 to 255. Returns -1 if the end of this stream has been
reached. Blocks if no input is available.
public int | read(byte[] buffer)Reads bytes from this stream into the byte array {@code buffer}. Blocks
while waiting for input.
public int | read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)Reads at most {@code count} bytes from this stream and stores them in
byte array {@code buffer} starting at offset {@code count}. Blocks while
waiting for input.
public java.lang.Object | readObject()Reads the next object from this stream.
public long | skip(long toSkip)Skips {@code toSkip} bytes on this stream. Less than {@code toSkip} byte are
skipped if the end of this stream is reached before the operation