Methods Summary |
public ErrorHandler | getErrorHandler()Return the error handler for this processing context.
public AnnotatedElementHandler | getHandler()Return the current handler (if any) receving all the annotated elements
start and stop events.
public U | getHandler(java.lang.Class handlerType)Return the top handler casted to the requested handler type
public Scanner | getProcessingInput()Returns the Scanner implementation which is responsible for providing
access to all the .class files the processing tool needs to scan.
public AnnotationProcessor | getProcessor()Returns the AnnotationProcessor instance this context is associated
public AnnotatedElementHandler | popHandler()Removes the top handler
public void | pushHandler(AnnotatedElementHandler handler)Push a new handler on the stack of handlers. This handler will receive
all the AnnotedElementHandler events until it is removed from the stack
with a popHandler() call.
public void | setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler)Sets the ErrorHandler instance for all errors/warnings that may be raised
during the annotation processing.
public void | setProcessingInput(Scanner scanner)Sets the Scanner implementation which is responsible for accessing
all the .class files the AnnotationProcessor should process.