ValidationManager.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API43869Fri May 04 22:34:58 BST


public class ValidationManager extends Object
{@link ValidationManager} is an object that provides Validation functionality, through its validate( ) function. {@link ValidationManagerFactory} creates {@link ValidationManager} based on the Validation File. Validation File specifies Validation rules i.e. which Constraints to apply to which elements. Objects are validated by applying specified Constraints to its elements. Validation file is xml file based on validation.dtd. If no Validation File is specified, ValidationManagerFactory returns default ValidationManager. Default ValidationManager is based on default Validation File. Default Validation File defines Constraints for 8.0 Sun DTDs.

Validations are performed, recursively on the given Object. Two types of Validations are perfomed, Structural validations and Specified validations. Structural validations are expressed through {@link CardinalConstraint}. CardinalConstraint is an implicit Constraint. Its always applied to each of the element; you dont need to specify it explicitly. Whereas , other Constaints need to be explicitly specified for each element you wanted to apply it to. Constraints to be applied are specified through Validation File. You can also define, your own custom Constraints and apply them to any elements. When you define your own Constraints, you need to provide information about them to the framework. This information is provided through Constraints File. Constraints File is xml file, based on constraints.dtd. Constraints File to use is specified through system property constraints.file. You can override Constraints provided by framework , by providing your own.

Rajeshwar Patil
%I%, %G%

Fields Summary
private static String
A prefix used to construct the getter method name of the bean.
private static String
A prefix used to construct the setter method name of the bean.
private static String
A prefix used to construct the size method name of the bean.
private static final String
A file that is used specify infromation for the constraints provided by this framework. Constraint objects are built using the information in this file.
private static final String
A Cardinal Constraint class name.
private String
A file that is used to specify Constraints to be applied to various elements. xpaths are used to specify elements. While constructing this object, clients of this framework can specify their own file by providing the file name to the appropriate constructor. If client do not, then the default file( specified by defaultValidationFile ) is used.
private String
A default Validation file that specify Constraints to be applied to various elements. xpaths are used to specify elements. This file is used by framework if client do not specify one. This file contains default validation rules.
private HashMap
A map that stores for each Validatee object, the xpath and the corresponding Validator object.
A root bean representing validation.xml
A root bean representing constaints.xml
An object providing utilities
Constructors Summary
public ValidationManager()
Creates a new instance of ValidationManager

        utils = new Utils();
public ValidationManager(String validationFile)
Creates a new instance of ValidationManager

        if(null != validationFile){
            this.validationFile = validationFile;
        utils = new Utils();
Methods Summary
private check, checkInfo)
Constructs Cosntraint object, from the given Check and CheckInfo objects. Check object identifies a particular Constraint, whereas CheckInfo object provides additional information about the Constraint, such as Constraint class name, Constraint constructor arguments & thier types. For a given element Check object is constructed from the information specified in Validation File whereas the corresponding CheckInfo object is built from the infromation provided in Constraints File.

check the Check object identifying the Constraint
checkInfo the given CheckInfo object providing more information about the Constraint identified by input parameter check
Constraint the Constraintobject constructed from the input paramerters check and checkInfo

        //Constraint objects are always created using the default constructor.
        //Fields in Constraint object are then set using using the setter 
        //methods. In order to set the fields in the Constraint object, field
        //values are fetched from the check object and the no of arguments,
        //argument names and thier types are fetched from checkInfo object.
        //      Every Constraint must have default constructor.
        //      Every Constraint that has fields must provide setter functions
        //      to set those fields.
        //      <name> field of <check> in Validation File is matched with 
        //      <name> field of <check-info> in Constraints File to find out
        //      infromation of a particulatar Constraint.
        //      Number of <parameters> defined in <check> should match the
        //      number of <arguments> of corresponding <check-info>
        Constraint constraint = null;
        String classname = checkInfo.getClassname();
        Arguments arguments = checkInfo.getArguments();
        Class[] argumentTypeClass = new Class[1];
        Object[] argumentValue = new Object[1];
        String argumentName;
        String argumentType;

        constraint = (Constraint)utils.createObject(classname);
        if(null != arguments){
            int size = arguments.sizeArgument();
            Parameters parameters = check.getParameters();

            if((null != parameters) && (size == parameters.sizeParameter())){
                Argument argument =  null;
                Parameter parameter = null;
                for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
                    argument = arguments.getArgument(i);
                    argumentName = argument.getName();
                    argumentType = argument.getType();
                    parameter = 
                        getParameter(parameters, argumentName);

                    if(parameter == null){
                        String format = BundleReader.getValue(
                            "Warning_no_value_specified_for");          //NOI18N
                        Object[] substitutes = 
                            new Object[]{argumentName, check.getName()};
                            MessageFormat.format(format, substitutes));

                    if(null == argumentType){
                        argumentType = "java.lang.String";              //NOI18N

                    int noOfValues = 1;
                    if(argumentType.equals("java.lang.String[]")){      //NOI18N
                        Integer sz = (Integer)utils.getElement("value", //NOI18N
                            parameter, SIZE_PREFIX);
                        noOfValues = sz.intValue();
                        argumentType = "java.lang.String";              //NOI18N
                    for(int j=0; j<noOfValues; j++) {
                        argumentValue[0] = utils.getElement("value",    //NOI18N
                            j, parameter);
                        argumentTypeClass[0] =
                        String methodName =
                        Method method = 
                                methodName, argumentTypeClass);
                        utils.invoke(constraint, method, argumentValue);
            } else {
                String format = BundleReader.getValue(
                    "MSG_Conflicting_Constraint_information");          //NOI18N
                Object[] substitues = new Object[]{check.getName()};    //NOI18N
                String message = MessageFormat.format(format, substitues);
                assert false : message;
        return constraint;
private voidconstructConstraints()
Constructs Constraints object, representing the root of Constraints File. Constraints File provide information about the Constraints i.e. Constraint class name, Constraint constructor arguments & thier types.

        Constraints customConstraints = null;
        Constraints defaultConstraints = null;
        String constraintsFile =                     
            System.getProperty("constraints.file");                     //NOI18N
        if(constraintsFile != null){
            customConstraints = getConstraints(constraintsFile);
        if(defaultConstraintsFile != null){
            defaultConstraints = getConstraints(defaultConstraintsFile);
        if(customConstraints != null){
            if(defaultConstraints != null){
                int count = defaultConstraints.sizeCheckInfo();
                CheckInfo checkInfo = null;
                CheckInfo checkInfoClone = null;
                for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
                    checkInfo = defaultConstraints.getCheckInfo(i);
                    ///String str = checkInfo.dumpBeanNode();
                    checkInfoClone = (CheckInfo) checkInfo.clone();
                constraints =  customConstraints;
            } else {
                constraints =  customConstraints;                
        } else {
            constraints =  defaultConstraints;
private voidconstructValidation()
Constructs Validation object, representing the root of xml defining Constraints to be applied to different elements. Clients of this framework can specify their own file. If client do not, then the default file( specified by defaultValidationFile ) is used.

        //Create an InpurtStream object

        URL url = null;
        InputStream inputStream = null;

        if(validationFile != null){
            inputStream = getInputStream(validationFile);
            if(inputStream == null){
                String format = 
                Object[] arguments = new Object[]{defaultValidationFile};
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));

                inputStream = getDafaultStream();
        } else {
            inputStream = getDafaultStream();
        if(inputStream != null){
            //Create graph
            try {
                validation = Validation.createGraph(inputStream);
            } catch(Exception e) {
                validation = null;
private voidconstructXpathToValidator()
Constructs the xpath to Validator map. Uses Validation File and Constraints File to build the map.

        //read validation file and construct xPathToValidator Map

        if(null == validation){

        if(null == validation){
            String format = 
                BundleReader.getValue("Warning_Not_available");         //NOI18N
            Object[] arguments = new Object[]{"Validation Data"};       //NOI18N
            System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));

        xpathToValidator = new HashMap();
        int noOfElements = validation.sizeElement();
        Element element = null;
        Validator validator = null;
	String elementName = null;
	String beanName = null;	 
        Check check = null;
        String checkName = null;

        for(int i=0; i<noOfElements; i++) {
            element = validation.getElement(i);
            elementName = utils.getName(element.getName(),
            beanName = utils.getParentName(element.getName(),
            validator = (Validator) xpathToValidator.get(beanName);
            ///String format = 
            ///    BundleReader.getValue("Name_Value_Pair_Format");     //NOI18N
            ///Object[] arguments;
            if(null == validator) {
                validator = new Validator();
                xpathToValidator.put(beanName,  validator);
                ///format =
                ///    BundleReader.getValue("Name_Value_Pair_Format"); //NOI18N
                ///arguments = 
                ///    new Object[]{"Bean Name", beanName};             //NOI18N
                ///System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));
                ///arguments = new Object[]{"Validator", validator};    //NOI18N
                ///System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));

            int noOfChecks = element.sizeCheck();
            Constraint constraint = null;
            for(int j=0; j<noOfChecks; j++){
                check = element.getCheck(j);
                constraint = getConstraint(check);
                if(null != constraint){
                    validator.addElementConstraint(elementName, constraint);
                    ///arguments = 
                    ///    new Object[]{"Element Name", elementName};      //NOI18N
                    ///System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));         
                    ///arguments = new Object[]{"Check", check.getName()}; //NOI18N
                    ///System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));
                    ///arguments = new Object[]{"Constraint", constraint}; //NOI18N
                    ///System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));
private cardinal)
Constructs CardinalCosntraint object, for the given cardinal. Cardinal Constraint is implicit i.e user do not need to define Cardinal Constraint for elements. Its applied implicitly to all the elements. Where in case of other Constraints user must specify which Constraints to apply to which elements. User specifies this through Validation File.

cardinal the given cardinal; it could be one of the following : MANDATORY_ELEMENT, MANDATORY_ARRAY, OPTIONAL_ELEMENT or OPTIONAL_ARRAY
CardinalConstraint object representing the given cardinal

        Class[] argumentTypes = new Class[] {int.class};
        Constructor constructor =
            utils.getConstructor(CARDINAL_CONSTRAINT_CLASS, argumentTypes);

        Integer parameter = new Integer(cardinal);
        Object[] argumentValues = new Object[] {parameter};

        return (CardinalConstraint) utils.createObject(constructor,
private checkName, constraints)
Returns the CheckInfo object for the given Check object. Check object represents the Constraint object. CheckInfo hold information for a particular Constraint , for example, Constraint class name, Constraint constructor arguments & thier types.

checkName the given Check name
CheckInfo the CheckInfo object for the given Check

        CheckInfo checkInfo = null;
        int size = constraints.sizeCheckInfo();
        for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
            checkInfo = constraints.getCheckInfo(i);
            if(checkName.equals(checkInfo.getName())) {
                return checkInfo;
        return null;
private check)
Constructs Constraint object, for the given check. check object represents the information of the constraint declared in Constraints File. Constraints to be applied to different elements are declared in Validation File. This method uses Constraints File to construct Constraint object from the given check object.

check the given Check object
Constraint the corresponding Constraint object. Returns null in case no information for this constaint is specified in Constraints File or if Constraints File is not found/defined.

        Constraint constraint = null;
        if(null == constraints) {
        CheckInfo checkInfo = null;
        if(null != constraints){
            String checkName = check.getName();
            checkInfo = getCheckInfo(checkName, constraints);
            if(null != checkInfo){
                constraint = buildConstraint(check, checkInfo);
            } else {
                String format = 
                    BundleReader.getValue("MSG_No_definition_for");     //NOI18N
                Object[] arguments = 
                    new Object[]{"CheckInfo", checkName};               //NOI18N
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));
        } else { 
            String format = 
                BundleReader.getValue("MSG_Not_defined");               //NOI18N
            Object[] arguments = new Object[]{"Constraints"};           //NOI18N
            System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));
        return constraint;
private constraintsFile)
Constructs Constraints object, representing the root of given Constraints File.

Constraints object representing the root of the given Constraints File. Returns null, in case of failure.

        URL url = null;
        InputStream inputStream = null;
        Constraints constraints = null;

        if(constraintsFile != null){
            inputStream = getInputStream(constraintsFile);

        //Create graph
        if(inputStream != null){
            try {
                constraints = Constraints.createGraph(inputStream);
            } catch(Exception e) {
                constraints = null;
        return constraints;
Constructs InputStream object, for default Validation File defining Constraints to be applied to different elements. The default Validation File is represented by the private attribute defaultValidationFile

InputStream an InputStream object representing default Validation File. Returns null, in case of failure.

        InputStream inputStream = null;
        URL url = null;
        if(defaultValidationFile != null){
            url = utils.getUrlObject(defaultValidationFile);
            if(url != null) {
                try {
                    inputStream = url.openStream();
                } catch (IOException exception){
            } else {
                assert false : (BundleReader.getValue(
                    "Error_control_should_never_reach_here"));          //NOI18N

                String format = 
                    BundleReader.getValue("Error_can_not_access_file"); //NOI18N
                Object[] arguments = new Object[]{defaultValidationFile};
                String message = MessageFormat.format(format, arguments);
                assert false : message;
        } else {
            assert false : (BundleReader.getValue(
                "Error_control_should_never_reach_here"));              //NOI18N
        return inputStream;
private inputFile)
Constructs InputStream object, for the given file.

InputStream an InputStream object representing the given file. Returns null, in case of failure.

        //Create an InpurtStream object

        InputStream inputStream = null;

        if(inputFile.lastIndexOf(':") == -1){
            URL url = null;

            url = utils.getUrlObject(inputFile);
            if(url != null) {
                try {
                    inputStream = url.openStream();
                } catch (IOException exception){
            } else {
                String format = BundleReader.getValue(
                    "Error_specified_file_can_not_be_used");            //NOI18N
                Object[] arguments = new Object[]{inputFile};
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));
        } else {
            File file = new File(inputFile);
                try {
                    inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
                } catch(FileNotFoundException exception){
                    inputStream = null;
            } else {
                String format = BundleReader.getValue(
                    "Error_specified_file_can_not_be_used");            //NOI18N
                Object[] arguments = new Object[]{inputFile};
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));

        return inputStream;
private parameters, java.lang.String name)
Gets the element from this object with the given name.

Parameter an object with the given name. Returns null if the object with the given name is not found.

        int size = parameters.sizeParameter();
        Parameter returnValue = null;
        Parameter parameter = null;
        String parameterName = null;
        for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
            parameter =  (Parameter)utils.getElement("parameter", i,    //NOI18N
            parameterName = parameter.getName();
                returnValue = parameter;
        return returnValue;
private java.lang.StringgetValidateeImplementation(java.lang.Object object, java.lang.String propertiesFile)
Gets the Validatee Implementation name for the given object from the given properties file.

String name of the Validatee Implementation for the the object. Returns null, if no Validatee Implementation is found in the given properties file.

        String returnVal = null;
        Class classObject = utils.getClass(object);
        String className = classObject.getName();

        //switch the BundleReader to read from the given impl file
        //validatee implementations are specified through this impl file
        String validateeImplName = BundleReader.getValue(className);
        while(!(className.equals("java.lang.Object"))){                 //NOI18N
                returnVal = validateeImplName;
            } else {
                classObject = classObject.getSuperclass();
                className = classObject.getName();
                validateeImplName = BundleReader.getValue(className);
        return returnVal;
private ValidatorgetValidator(java.lang.String xpath)
Returns the Validator for the given xpath. Returns null if there is no Validator object for the given xpath. ValidationManager constructs the Validator objects for xpaths using Validation File and Constraints File.

xpath the given xpath.
Validator the Corresponding validator object,if any.

        Validator validator = null;
        if(null == xpathToValidator){
        if(null != xpathToValidator) {
            validator = (Validator)xpathToValidator.get(xpath);
        return validator;
private java.util.Collectionrecurse(java.lang.String elementName, Validatee validatee)
Recurses by calling the appropriate methods. This method is called when the given element to be validated is an object itself(Validatee).

elementName the given element to be validated
validatee the given Validatee object; the element of which needs to be validated
Collection the Collection of ConstraintFailure Objects. Collection is empty if there are no failures.

        ArrayList failures = new ArrayList();
        boolean isIndexed = validatee.isIndexed(elementName);

            failures.addAll(validateBeans(elementName, validatee));
        } else {
            failures.addAll(validateBean(elementName, validatee));
        return failures;
public java.util.Collectionvalidate(java.lang.Object object)
Validates the given Object. Validatee Implementation for the given object must be provided. Validatee Implementation of an object is a Validatee wrapper around it. Validatee Implementation of an object is specified to framework through an Implementation File. Implementation File is a .properties file, with name-value pair entries in it. An entry in Implementation File specifies the object name and the corresponding Validatee Implementation. Implementation File to use, is specified to framework through system property impl.file

object the object to be validated
Collection the Collection of ConstraintFailure Objects. Collection is empty if there are no failures.

        //This method get called in case of Objects that are not Validatee.
        //This method, essentially, gets the Object's Validatee Implementation 
        //and uses it instead.

        Collection collection = new ArrayList();

        if(object != null){
            boolean validateeImplFound = false;
            String validateeImpl = null;

            String implFile = 
                System.getProperty("impl.file");                            //NOI18N

            //User specified impl file overrides the default imple file
            //default impl file -- Constants.IMPL_FILE
            if(implFile != null){
                validateeImpl = getValidateeImplementation(object, implFile);

            //Using default impl file; user specified not available
            if(validateeImpl == null){
                validateeImpl = 
                    getValidateeImplementation(object, Constants.IMPL_FILE);

            //switch the BundleReader back to read from bundle file

            if(validateeImpl != null){
                Validatee validatee =
                    (Validatee)ObjectFactory.newInstance(validateeImpl, object);
                if(validatee != null){
                    collection = validate(validatee);
            } else {
                Class classObject = utils.getClass(object);
                String className = classObject.getName();

                String format = BundleReader.getValue(
                    "MSG_given_object_is_not_validatee");               //NOI18N
                Object[] arguments = new Object[]{className};
                System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));

        return collection;
public java.util.Collectionvalidate(Validatee validatee)
Validates the given Validatee.

validatee the object to be validated
Collection the Collection of ConstraintFailure Objects. Collection is empty if there are no failures.

        //This method applies Cardinal constraint and Custom constraints defined
        //for each of the elements of the validatee. It recurses for elements 
        //that are objects.
        ArrayList failures = new ArrayList();
        if(validatee != null){
            String xpath = validatee.getXPath();

            ArrayList elementNames = validatee.getElementNames();
            ArrayList elementDtdNames = validatee.getElementDtdNames();
            int noOfElements = elementNames.size();
            String elementName = null;
            String elementDtdName = null;
            int count = 0;

            for(int i=0; i<noOfElements; i++){
                elementName = (String)elementNames.get(i);
                elementDtdName = (String)elementDtdNames.get(i);

                //apply Cardinal Constraint
                failures.addAll(validateCardinalConstraint(validatee, elementName, 

                //apply Other Constraints
                boolean isBean = validatee.isBeanElement(elementName);
                    //Recurse if an Object
                    failures.addAll(recurse(elementName, validatee));
                } else {
                    Validator validator = getValidator(xpath);
                    if(null != validator){
                                elementDtdName, validatee));
                    } else {
                        ///String format = BundleReader.getValue(
                        ///    "MSG_No_definition_for");                //NOI18N
                        ///Object[] arguments = 
                        ///    new Object[]{"Validator", xpath};        //NOI18N
                        ///    MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));
       return failures;
private java.util.CollectionvalidateBean(java.lang.String elementName, Validatee validatee)
Validates the given element of the given Validatee. This method is called for an element that is an object.

elementName the given element to be validated
validatee the given Validatee object; the element of which needs to be validated
Collection the Collection of ConstraintFailure Objects. Collection is empty if there are no failures.

        //This method does an recursive call on the object of given element.
        ArrayList failures = new ArrayList();
        Object child = null;
        child = validatee.getElement(elementName);
        if(child != null) {
        return failures;
private java.util.CollectionvalidateBeans(java.lang.String elementName, Validatee validatee)
Validates the given element of the given Validatee. This method is called for an element that is an array(optional array or madatory array) of objects.

elementName the given element to be validated
validatee the given Validatee object; the element of which needs to be validated
Collection the Collection of ConstraintFailure Objects. Collection is empty if there are no failures.

        //This method does an recursive call for each of the objects in an
        //array of given element.
        int noOfElements = 0;
        String sizeMethodName =  utils.methodNameFromBeanName(elementName,
        Method sizeMethod = validatee.getMethod(sizeMethodName);
        noOfElements = ((Integer)validatee.invoke(sizeMethod)).intValue();

        ArrayList failures = new ArrayList();
        Object child = null;
        for(int i=0; i<noOfElements; i++) {
            child = validatee.getElement(elementName, i);
            if(child != null) {
        return failures;
private java.util.CollectionvalidateCardinalConstraint(Validatee validatee, java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String elementDtdName)
Validates the given element of given Validatee for Cardinality.This method is called for each and every element of the Validatee. You does not need to define Cardinal cosntraints in Validation File. Cardinal constraint is implicity applied to each and every element.

elementName the given element to be validated
elementDtdName the dtd name of the given element
validatee the given Validatee object; the element which needs to be validated
Collection the Collection of ConstraintFailure Objects. Collection is empty if there are no failures.

        ArrayList failures = new ArrayList();
        int cardinal = validatee.getElementCardinal(elementName);
        CardinalConstraint constraint = getCardinalConstraint(cardinal);

            case Constants.MANDATORY_ARRAY :
            case Constants.OPTIONAL_ARRAY: {
                Object[] elements = 
                    (Object [])validatee.getElements(elementName);
                String name = validatee.getIndexedXPath() +
                    Constants.XPATH_DELIMITER + elementDtdName;
                ///String name = validatee.getXPath() +
                    ///Constants.XPATH_DELIMITER + elementDtdName;
                failures.addAll(constraint.match(elements, name));
            case Constants.OPTIONAL_ELEMENT : {
                Object element = validatee.getElement(elementName);
            case Constants.MANDATORY_ELEMENT :
            default : {
                Object element = validatee.getElement(elementName);
                String name = validatee.getIndexedXPath() +
                    Constants.XPATH_DELIMITER + elementDtdName;
                ///String name = validatee.getXPath() +
                    ///Constants.XPATH_DELIMITER + elementDtdName;
                failures.addAll(constraint.match(element, name));
        return failures;
public java.util.CollectionvalidateIndividualProperty(java.lang.String property, java.lang.String absoluteDtdName, java.lang.String fieldName)
Validates the given Element.

property the Element to be validated
absoluteDtdName the complete dtd name of property
fieldName the name of the GUI field, associated with property
Collection the Collection of ConstraintFailure Objects. Collection is empty if there are no failures.

        ArrayList failures = new ArrayList();

        String xpath = utils.getParentName(absoluteDtdName,
        Validator validator = getValidator(xpath);
        if(null != validator){
                property, absoluteDtdName, fieldName));
        } else {
            ///String format = BundleReader.getValue(
            ///    "MSG_No_definition_for");                            //NOI18N
            ///Object[] arguments = 
            ///    new Object[]{"Validator", xpath};                    //NOI18N
            ///    MessageFormat.format(format, arguments));

        return failures;