FirstFitLocalCombiningAllocator.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API43812Thu Mar 12 22:18:30 GMT


public class FirstFitLocalCombiningAllocator extends RegisterAllocator
Allocates registers in a first-fit fashion, with the bottom reserved for method parameters and all SSAregisters representing the same local variable kept together if possible.

Fields Summary
private static final boolean
local debug flag
private final Map
maps local variable to a list of associated SSA registers
private final ArrayList
list of move-result-pesudo instructions seen in this method
private final ArrayList
list of invoke-range instructions seen in this method
private final ArrayList
list of phi instructions seen in this method
private final BitSet
indexed by SSA reg; the set of SSA regs we've mapped
private final
Register mapper which will be our result
private final int
end of rop registers range (starting at 0) reserved for parameters
private final BitSet
set of rop registers reserved for parameters or local variables
private final BitSet
set of rop registers that have been used by anything
private final boolean
true if converter should take steps to minimize rop-form registers
Constructors Summary
public FirstFitLocalCombiningAllocator( ssaMeth, InterferenceGraph interference, boolean minimizeRegisters)
Constructs instance.

ssaMeth {@code non-null;} method to process
interference non-null interference graph for SSA registers
minimizeRegisters true if converter should take steps to minimize rop-form registers

        super(ssaMeth, interference);

        ssaRegsMapped = new BitSet(ssaMeth.getRegCount());

        mapper = new InterferenceRegisterMapper(
                interference, ssaMeth.getRegCount());

        this.minimizeRegisters = minimizeRegisters;

         * Reserve space for the params at the bottom of the register
         * space. Later, we'll flip the params to the end of the register
         * space.

        paramRangeEnd = ssaMeth.getParamWidth();

        reservedRopRegs = new BitSet(paramRangeEnd * 2);
        reservedRopRegs.set(0, paramRangeEnd);
        usedRopRegs = new BitSet(paramRangeEnd * 2);
        localVariables = new TreeMap<LocalItem, ArrayList<RegisterSpec>>();
        moveResultPseudoInsns = new ArrayList<NormalSsaInsn>();
        invokeRangeInsns = new ArrayList<NormalSsaInsn>();
        phiInsns = new ArrayList<PhiInsn>();
Methods Summary
private voidaddMapping( ssaSpec, int ropReg)
Adds a mapping from an SSA register to a rop register. {@link #canMapReg} should have already been called.

ssaSpec {@code non-null;} SSA register to map from
ropReg {@code >=0;} rop register to map to

        int ssaReg = ssaSpec.getReg();

        // An assertion.
        if (ssaRegsMapped.get(ssaReg) || !canMapReg(ssaSpec, ropReg)) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "attempt to add invalid register mapping");

        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.printf("Add mapping s%d -> v%d c:%d\n",
                    ssaSpec.getReg(), ropReg, ssaSpec.getCategory());

        int category = ssaSpec.getCategory();
        mapper.addMapping(ssaSpec.getReg(), ropReg, category);
        usedRopRegs.set(ropReg, ropReg + category);
private voidadjustAndMapSourceRangeRange( insn)
Maps the source registers of the specified instruction such that they will fall in a contiguous range in rop form. Moves are inserted as necessary to allow the range to be allocated.

insn {@code non-null;} insn whos sources to process

        int newRegStart = findRangeAndAdjust(insn);

        RegisterSpecList sources = insn.getSources();
        int szSources = sources.size();
        int nextRopReg = newRegStart;

        for (int i = 0; i < szSources; i++) {
            RegisterSpec source = sources.get(i);
            int sourceReg = source.getReg();
            int category = source.getCategory();
            int curRopReg = nextRopReg;
            nextRopReg += category;

            if (ssaRegsMapped.get(sourceReg)) {

            LocalItem localItem = getLocalItemForReg(sourceReg);
            addMapping(source, curRopReg);

            if (localItem != null) {
                markReserved(curRopReg, category);
                ArrayList<RegisterSpec> similarRegisters
                        = localVariables.get(localItem);

                int szSimilar = similarRegisters.size();

                 * Try to map all SSA registers also associated with
                 * this local.
                for (int j = 0; j < szSimilar; j++) {
                    RegisterSpec similarSpec = similarRegisters.get(j);
                    int similarReg = similarSpec.getReg();

                    // Don't map anything that's also a source.
                    if (-1 != sources.indexOfRegister(similarReg)) {

                    // Registers left unmapped will get handled later.
                    tryMapReg(similarSpec, curRopReg, category);


        if (DEBUG) {

        if (DEBUG) System.out.println("--->Mapping local-associated params");

        if (DEBUG) System.out.println("--->Mapping other params");

        if (DEBUG) System.out.println("--->Mapping invoke-range");

        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("--->Mapping local-associated non-params");

        if (DEBUG) System.out.println("--->Mapping check-cast results");

        if (DEBUG) System.out.println("--->Mapping phis");

        if (DEBUG) System.out.println("--->Mapping others");

        return mapper;
private voidanalyzeInstructions()
Analyze each instruction and find out all the local variable assignments and move-result-pseudo/invoke-range instrucitons.

        ssaMeth.forEachInsn(new SsaInsn.Visitor() {
            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public void visitMoveInsn(NormalSsaInsn insn) {

            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public void visitPhiInsn(PhiInsn insn) {

            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public void visitNonMoveInsn(NormalSsaInsn insn) {

             * This method collects three types of instructions:
             * 1) Adds a local variable assignment to the
             *    {@code localVariables} map.
             * 2) Add move-result-pseudo to the
             *    {@code moveResultPseudoInsns} list.
             * 3) Add invoke-range to the
             *    {@code invokeRangeInsns} list.
             * @param insn {@code non-null;} insn that may represent a
             * local variable assignment
            private void processInsn(SsaInsn insn) {
                RegisterSpec assignment;
                assignment = insn.getLocalAssignment();

                if (assignment != null) {
                    LocalItem local = assignment.getLocalItem();

                    ArrayList<RegisterSpec> regList
                        = localVariables.get(local);

                    if (regList == null) {
                        regList = new ArrayList<RegisterSpec>();
                        localVariables.put(local, regList);


                if (insn instanceof NormalSsaInsn) {
                    if (insn.getOpcode().getOpcode() ==
                            RegOps.MOVE_RESULT_PSEUDO) {
                        moveResultPseudoInsns.add((NormalSsaInsn) insn);
                    } else if (Optimizer.getAdvice().requiresSourcesInOrder(
                            insn.getSources())) {
                        invokeRangeInsns.add((NormalSsaInsn) insn);
                } else if (insn instanceof PhiInsn) {
                    phiInsns.add((PhiInsn) insn);

private booleancanMapReg( ssaSpec, int ropReg)
Checks to see if {@code ssaSpec} can be mapped to {@code ropReg}. Checks interference graph and ensures the range does not cross the parameter range.

ssaSpec {@code non-null;} SSA spec
ropReg prosepctive new-namespace reg
{@code true} if mapping is possible

        int category = ssaSpec.getCategory();
        return !(spansParamRange(ropReg, category)
                || mapper.interferes(ssaSpec, ropReg));
private booleancanMapRegs(java.util.ArrayList specs, int ropReg)
Checks to see if a list of SSA registers can all be mapped into the same rop reg. Ignores registers that have already been mapped, and checks the interference graph and ensures the range does not cross the parameter range.

specs {@code non-null;} SSA registers to check
ropReg {@code >=0;} rop register to check mapping to
{@code true} if all unmapped registers can be mapped

        for (RegisterSpec spec : specs) {
            if (ssaRegsMapped.get(spec.getReg())) continue;
            if (!canMapReg(spec, ropReg)) return false;
        return true;
private intfindAnyFittingRange( insn, int rangeLength, int[] categoriesForIndex, java.util.BitSet outMovesRequired)
Finds an unreserved range that will fit the sources of the specified instruction. Does not bother trying to center the range around an already-mapped source register;

insn {@code non-null;} insn to build range for
rangeLength {@code >=0;} length required in register units
categoriesForIndex {@code non-null;} indexed by source index; the category for each source
outMovesRequired {@code non-null;} an output parameter indexed by source index that will contain the set of sources which need moves inserted
the rop register that starts the fitting range

        Alignment alignment = Alignment.UNSPECIFIED;

        if (DexOptions.ALIGN_64BIT_REGS_SUPPORT) {
          int regNumber = 0;
          int p64bitsAligned = 0;
          int p64bitsNotAligned = 0;
          for (int category : categoriesForIndex) {
            if (category == 2) {
              if (isEven(regNumber)) {
              } else {
              regNumber += 2;
            } else {
              regNumber += 1;

          if (p64bitsNotAligned > p64bitsAligned) {
            if (isEven(paramRangeEnd)) {
              alignment = Alignment.ODD;
            } else {
              alignment = Alignment.EVEN;
          } else if (p64bitsAligned > 0) {
            if (isEven(paramRangeEnd)) {
              alignment = Alignment.EVEN;
            } else {
              alignment = Alignment.ODD;

        int rangeStart = paramRangeEnd;
        while (true) {
          rangeStart = findNextUnreservedRopReg(rangeStart, rangeLength, alignment);

          int fitWidth = fitPlanForRange(rangeStart, insn, categoriesForIndex, outMovesRequired);

          if (fitWidth >= 0) {

        return rangeStart;
private intfindNextUnreservedRopReg(int startReg, int regCategory)
Finds unreserved rop registers with a specific category.

startReg {@code >= 0;} a rop register to start the search at
regCategory {@code > 0;} category of the searched registers.
{@code >= 0;} start of available registers.

      return findNextUnreservedRopReg(startReg, regCategory, getAlignment(regCategory));
private intfindNextUnreservedRopReg(int startReg, int width,$Alignment alignment)
Finds a range of unreserved rop registers.

startReg {@code >= 0;} a rop register to start the search at
width {@code > 0;} the width, in registers, required.
alignment the alignment constraint.
{@code >= 0;} start of available register range.

      int reg = alignment.nextClearBit(reservedRopRegs, startReg);

      while (true) {
        int i = 1;

        while (i < width && !reservedRopRegs.get(reg + i)) {

        if (i == width) {
          return reg;

        reg = alignment.nextClearBit(reservedRopRegs, reg + i);
private intfindRangeAndAdjust( insn)
Find a contiguous rop register range that fits the specified instruction's sources. First, try to center the range around sources that have already been mapped to rop registers. If that fails, just find a new contiguous range that doesn't interfere.

insn {@code non-null;} the insn whose sources need to fit. Must be last insn in basic block.
{@code >= 0;} rop register of start of range

        RegisterSpecList sources = insn.getSources();
        int szSources = sources.size();
        // the category for each source index
        int categoriesForIndex[] = new int[szSources];
        int rangeLength = 0;

        // Compute rangeLength and categoriesForIndex
        for (int i = 0; i < szSources; i++) {
            int category = sources.get(i).getCategory();
            categoriesForIndex[i] = category;
            rangeLength += categoriesForIndex[i];

        // the highest score of fits tried so far
        int maxScore = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        // the high scoring range's start
        int resultRangeStart = -1;
        // by source index: set of sources needing moves in high scoring plan
        BitSet resultMovesRequired = null;

         * First, go through each source that's already been mapped. Try
         * to center the range around the rop register this source is mapped
         * to.
        int rangeStartOffset = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < szSources; i++) {
            int ssaCenterReg = sources.get(i).getReg();

            if (i != 0) {
                rangeStartOffset -= categoriesForIndex[i - 1];
            if (!ssaRegsMapped.get(ssaCenterReg)) {

            int rangeStart = mapper.oldToNew(ssaCenterReg) + rangeStartOffset;

            if (rangeStart < 0 || spansParamRange(rangeStart, rangeLength)) {

            BitSet curMovesRequired = new BitSet(szSources);

            int fitWidth
                    = fitPlanForRange(rangeStart, insn, categoriesForIndex,

            if (fitWidth < 0) {

            int score = fitWidth - curMovesRequired.cardinality();

            if (score > maxScore) {
                maxScore = score;
                resultRangeStart = rangeStart;
                resultMovesRequired = curMovesRequired;

            if (fitWidth == rangeLength) {
                // We can't do any better than this, so stop here

         * If we were unable to find a plan for a fit centered around
         * an already-mapped source, just try to find a range of
         * registers we can move the range into.

        if (resultRangeStart == -1) {
            resultMovesRequired = new BitSet(szSources);

            resultRangeStart = findAnyFittingRange(insn, rangeLength,
                    categoriesForIndex, resultMovesRequired);

         * Now, insert any moves required.

        for (int i = resultMovesRequired.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0;
             i = resultMovesRequired.nextSetBit(i+1)) {
            insn.changeOneSource(i, insertMoveBefore(insn, sources.get(i)));

        return resultRangeStart;
private intfindRopRegForLocal(int startReg, int category)
Finds rop registers that can be used for local variables. If {@code MIX_LOCALS_AND_OTHER} is {@code false}, this means any rop register that has not yet been used.

startReg {@code >= 0;} a rop register to start the search at
category {@code > 0;} the register category required.
{@code >= 0;} start of available registers.

      Alignment alignment = getAlignment(category);
      int reg = alignment.nextClearBit(usedRopRegs, startReg);

      while (true) {
        int i = 1;

        while (i < category && !usedRopRegs.get(reg + i)) {

        if (i == category) {
          return reg;

        reg = alignment.nextClearBit(usedRopRegs, reg + i);
private intfitPlanForRange(int ropReg, insn, int[] categoriesForIndex, java.util.BitSet outMovesRequired)
Attempts to build a plan for fitting a range of sources into rop registers.

ropReg {@code >= 0;} rop reg that begins range
insn {@code non-null;} insn to plan range for
categoriesForIndex {@code non-null;} indexed by source index; the category for each source
outMovesRequired {@code non-null;} an output parameter indexed by source index that will contain the set of sources which need moves inserted
the width of the fit that that does not involve added moves or {@code -1} if "no fit possible"

        RegisterSpecList sources = insn.getSources();
        int szSources = sources.size();
        int fitWidth = 0;
        IntSet liveOut = insn.getBlock().getLiveOutRegs();
        RegisterSpecList liveOutSpecs = ssaSetToSpecs(liveOut);

        // An SSA reg may only be mapped into a range once.
        BitSet seen = new BitSet(ssaMeth.getRegCount());

        for (int i = 0; i < szSources ; i++) {
            RegisterSpec ssaSpec = sources.get(i);
            int ssaReg = ssaSpec.getReg();
            int category = categoriesForIndex[i];

            if (i != 0) {
                ropReg += categoriesForIndex[i-1];

            if (ssaRegsMapped.get(ssaReg)
                    && mapper.oldToNew(ssaReg) == ropReg) {
                // This is a register that is already mapped appropriately.
                fitWidth += category;
            } else if (rangeContainsReserved(ropReg, category)) {
                fitWidth = -1;
            } else if (!ssaRegsMapped.get(ssaReg)
                    && canMapReg(ssaSpec, ropReg)
                    && !seen.get(ssaReg)) {
                // This is a register that can be mapped appropriately.
                fitWidth += category;
            } else if (!mapper.areAnyPinned(liveOutSpecs, ropReg, category)
                    && !mapper.areAnyPinned(sources, ropReg, category)) {
                 * This is a source that can be moved. We can insert a
                 * move as long as:
                 *   * no SSA register pinned to the desired rop reg
                 *     is live out on the block
                 *   * no SSA register pinned to desired rop reg is
                 *     a source of this insn (since this may require
                 *     overlapping moves, which we can't presently handle)

            } else {
                fitWidth = -1;

        return fitWidth;
private$AlignmentgetAlignment(int regCategory)
Return the register alignment constraint to have 64-bits registers that will be align on even dalvik registers after that parameter registers are move up to the top of the frame to match the calling convention.

regCategory category of the register that will be aligned.
the register alignment constraint.

      Alignment alignment = Alignment.UNSPECIFIED;

      if (DexOptions.ALIGN_64BIT_REGS_SUPPORT && regCategory == 2) {
        if (isEven(paramRangeEnd)) {
          alignment = Alignment.EVEN;
        } else {
          alignment = Alignment.ODD;

      return alignment;
private ssaReg)
Gets a local item associated with an ssa register, if one exists.

ssaReg {@code >= 0;} SSA register
{@code null-ok;} associated local item or null

        for (Map.Entry<LocalItem, ArrayList<RegisterSpec>> entry :
                 localVariables.entrySet()) {
            for (RegisterSpec spec : entry.getValue()) {
                if (spec.getReg() == ssaReg) {
                    return entry.getKey();

        return null;
private intgetParameterIndexForReg(int ssaReg)
Gets the parameter index for SSA registers that are method parameters. {@code -1} is returned for non-parameter registers.

ssaReg {@code >=0;} SSA register to look up
parameter index or {@code -1} if not a parameter

        SsaInsn defInsn = ssaMeth.getDefinitionForRegister(ssaReg);
        if (defInsn == null) {
            return -1;

        Rop opcode = defInsn.getOpcode();

        // opcode == null for phi insns.
        if (opcode != null && opcode.getOpcode() == RegOps.MOVE_PARAM) {
            CstInsn origInsn = (CstInsn) defInsn.getOriginalRopInsn();
            return  ((CstInteger) origInsn.getConstant()).getValue();

        return -1;
private voidhandleCheckCastResults()
Handles check cast results to reuse the same source register. Inserts a move if it can't map the same register to both and the check cast is not caught.

        for (NormalSsaInsn insn : moveResultPseudoInsns) {
            RegisterSpec moveRegSpec = insn.getResult();
            int moveReg = moveRegSpec.getReg();
            BitSet predBlocks = insn.getBlock().getPredecessors();

            // Expect one predecessor block only
            if (predBlocks.cardinality() != 1) {

            SsaBasicBlock predBlock =
            ArrayList<SsaInsn> insnList = predBlock.getInsns();

             * If the predecessor block has a check-cast, it will be the last
             * instruction
            SsaInsn checkCastInsn = insnList.get(insnList.size() - 1);
            if (checkCastInsn.getOpcode().getOpcode() != RegOps.CHECK_CAST) {

            RegisterSpec checkRegSpec = checkCastInsn.getSources().get(0);
            int checkReg = checkRegSpec.getReg();

             * See if either register is already mapped. Most likely the move
             * result will be mapped already since the cast result is stored
             * in a local variable.
            int category = checkRegSpec.getCategory();
            boolean moveMapped = ssaRegsMapped.get(moveReg);
            boolean checkMapped = ssaRegsMapped.get(checkReg);
            if (moveMapped & !checkMapped) {
                int moveRopReg = mapper.oldToNew(moveReg);
                checkMapped = tryMapReg(checkRegSpec, moveRopReg, category);
            if (checkMapped & !moveMapped) {
                int checkRopReg = mapper.oldToNew(checkReg);
                moveMapped = tryMapReg(moveRegSpec, checkRopReg, category);

            // Map any unmapped registers to anything available
            if (!moveMapped || !checkMapped) {
                int ropReg = findNextUnreservedRopReg(paramRangeEnd, category);
                ArrayList<RegisterSpec> ssaRegs =
                    new ArrayList<RegisterSpec>(2);

                while (!tryMapRegs(ssaRegs, ropReg, category, false)) {
                    ropReg = findNextUnreservedRopReg(ropReg + 1, category);

             * If source and result have a different mapping, insert a move so
             * they can have the same mapping. Don't do this if the check cast
             * is caught, since it will overwrite a potentially live value.
            boolean hasExceptionHandlers =
                checkCastInsn.getOriginalRopInsn().getCatches().size() != 0;
            int moveRopReg = mapper.oldToNew(moveReg);
            int checkRopReg = mapper.oldToNew(checkReg);
            if (moveRopReg != checkRopReg && !hasExceptionHandlers) {
                ((NormalSsaInsn) checkCastInsn).changeOneSource(0,
                        insertMoveBefore(checkCastInsn, checkRegSpec));
                addMapping(checkCastInsn.getSources().get(0), moveRopReg);
private voidhandleInvokeRangeInsns()
Handles all insns that want a register range for their sources.

        for (NormalSsaInsn insn : invokeRangeInsns) {
private voidhandleLocalAssociatedOther()
Maps all local-associated registers that are not parameters. Tries to find an unreserved range that's wide enough for all of the SSA registers, and then tries to map them all to that range. If not all fit, a new range is tried until all registers have been fit.

        for (ArrayList<RegisterSpec> specs : localVariables.values()) {
            int ropReg = paramRangeEnd;

            boolean done = false;
            do {
                int maxCategory = 1;

                // Compute max category for remaining unmapped registers.
                int sz = specs.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
                    RegisterSpec ssaSpec = specs.get(i);
                    int category = ssaSpec.getCategory();
                    if (!ssaRegsMapped.get(ssaSpec.getReg())
                            && category > maxCategory) {
                        maxCategory = category;

                ropReg = findRopRegForLocal(ropReg, maxCategory);
                if (canMapRegs(specs, ropReg)) {
                    done = tryMapRegs(specs, ropReg, maxCategory, true);

                // Increment for next call to findRopRegForLocal.
            } while (!done);
private voidhandleLocalAssociatedParams()
Maps all local-associated parameters to rop registers.

        for (ArrayList<RegisterSpec> ssaRegs : localVariables.values()) {
            int sz = ssaRegs.size();
            int paramIndex = -1;
            int paramCategory = 0;

            // First, find out if this local variable is a parameter.
            for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
                RegisterSpec ssaSpec = ssaRegs.get(i);
                int ssaReg = ssaSpec.getReg();

                paramIndex = getParameterIndexForReg(ssaReg);

                if (paramIndex >= 0) {
                    paramCategory = ssaSpec.getCategory();
                    addMapping(ssaSpec, paramIndex);

            if (paramIndex < 0) {
                // This local wasn't a parameter.

            // Any remaining local-associated registers will be mapped later.
            tryMapRegs(ssaRegs, paramIndex, paramCategory, true);
private voidhandleNormalUnassociated()
Maps all non-parameter, non-local variable registers.

        int szSsaRegs = ssaMeth.getRegCount();

        for (int ssaReg = 0; ssaReg < szSsaRegs; ssaReg++) {
            if (ssaRegsMapped.get(ssaReg)) {
                // We already did this one

            RegisterSpec ssaSpec = getDefinitionSpecForSsaReg(ssaReg);

            if (ssaSpec == null) continue;

            int category = ssaSpec.getCategory();
            // Find a rop reg that does not interfere
            int ropReg = findNextUnreservedRopReg(paramRangeEnd, category);
            while (!canMapReg(ssaSpec, ropReg)) {
                ropReg = findNextUnreservedRopReg(ropReg + 1, category);

            addMapping(ssaSpec, ropReg);
private voidhandlePhiInsns()
Handles all phi instructions, trying to map them to a common register.

        for (PhiInsn insn : phiInsns) {
private voidhandleUnassociatedParameters()
Maps any parameter that isn't local-associated, which can happen in the case where there is no java debug info.

        int szSsaRegs = ssaMeth.getRegCount();

        for (int ssaReg = 0; ssaReg < szSsaRegs; ssaReg++) {
            if (ssaRegsMapped.get(ssaReg)) {
                // We already did this one above

            int paramIndex = getParameterIndexForReg(ssaReg);

            RegisterSpec ssaSpec = getDefinitionSpecForSsaReg(ssaReg);
            if (paramIndex >= 0) {
                addMapping(ssaSpec, paramIndex);
private static booleanisEven(int regNumger)

      return ((regNumger & 1) == 0);
private booleanisThisPointerReg(int startReg)
Returns true if given rop register represents the {@code this} pointer for a non-static method.

startReg rop register
true if the "this" pointer is located here.

        // "this" is always the first parameter.
        return startReg == 0 && !ssaMeth.isStatic();
private voidmarkReserved(int ropReg, int category)
Marks a range of rop registers as "reserved for a local variable."

ropReg {@code >= 0;} rop register to reserve
category {@code > 0;} width to reserve

        reservedRopRegs.set(ropReg, ropReg + category, true);
private voidprintLocalVars()
Dumps local variable table to stdout for debugging.

        System.out.println("Printing local vars");
        for (Map.Entry<LocalItem, ArrayList<RegisterSpec>> e :
                localVariables.entrySet()) {
            StringBuilder regs = new StringBuilder();

            regs.append(' ");
            for (RegisterSpec reg : e.getValue()) {
                regs.append(' ");
            System.out.printf("Local: %s Registers: %s\n", e.getKey(), regs);
private voidprocessPhiInsn( insn)
Attempts to map the sources and result of a phi to a common register. Will try existing mappings first, from most to least common. If none of the registers have mappings yet, a new mapping is created.

        RegisterSpec result = insn.getResult();
        int resultReg = result.getReg();
        int category = result.getCategory();

        RegisterSpecList sources = insn.getSources();
        int sourcesSize = sources.size();

        // List of phi sources / result that need mapping
        ArrayList<RegisterSpec> ssaRegs = new ArrayList<RegisterSpec>();

        // Track how many times a particular mapping is found
        Multiset mapSet = new Multiset(sourcesSize + 1);

         * If the result of the phi has an existing mapping, get it.
         * Otherwise, add it to the list of regs that need mapping.
        if (ssaRegsMapped.get(resultReg)) {
        } else {

        for (int i = 0; i < sourcesSize; i++) {
            RegisterSpec source = sources.get(i);
            SsaInsn def = ssaMeth.getDefinitionForRegister(source.getReg());
            RegisterSpec sourceDef = def.getResult();
            int sourceReg = sourceDef.getReg();

             * If a source of the phi has an existing mapping, get it.
             * Otherwise, add it to the list of regs that need mapping.
            if (ssaRegsMapped.get(sourceReg)) {
            } else {

        // Try all existing mappings, with the most common ones first
        for (int i = 0; i < mapSet.getSize(); i++) {
            int maxReg = mapSet.getAndRemoveHighestCount();
            tryMapRegs(ssaRegs, maxReg, category, false);

        // Map any remaining unmapped regs with whatever fits
        int mapReg = findNextUnreservedRopReg(paramRangeEnd, category);
        while (!tryMapRegs(ssaRegs, mapReg, category, false)) {
            mapReg = findNextUnreservedRopReg(mapReg + 1, category);
private booleanrangeContainsReserved(int ropRangeStart, int width)
Checks to see if any rop registers in the specified range are reserved for local variables or parameters.

ropRangeStart {@code >= 0;} lowest rop register
width {@code > 0;} number of rop registers in range.
{@code true} if any register in range is marked reserved

        for (int i = ropRangeStart; i < (ropRangeStart + width); i++) {
            if (reservedRopRegs.get(i)) {
                return true;
        return false;
private booleanspansParamRange(int ssaReg, int category)
Returns true if the specified rop register + category will cross the boundry between the lower {@code paramWidth} registers reserved for method params and the upper registers. We cannot allocate a register that spans the param block and the normal block, because we will be moving the param block to high registers later.

ssaReg register in new namespace
category width that the register will have
{@code true} in the case noted above

        return ((ssaReg < paramRangeEnd)
                && ((ssaReg + category) > paramRangeEnd)); ssaSet)
Converts a bit set of SSA registers into a RegisterSpecList containing the definition specs of all the registers.

ssaSet {@code non-null;} set of SSA registers
list of RegisterSpecs as noted above

        RegisterSpecList result = new RegisterSpecList(ssaSet.elements());

        IntIterator iter = ssaSet.iterator();

        int i = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            result.set(i++, getDefinitionSpecForSsaReg(;

        return result;
private booleantryMapReg( ssaSpec, int ropReg, int maxAllowedCategory)
Tries to map an SSA register to a rop register.

ssaSpec {@code non-null;} SSA register
ropReg {@code >=0;} rop register
maxAllowedCategory {@code 1..2;} the maximum category that the SSA register is allowed to be
{@code true} if map succeeded, {@code false} if not

        if (ssaSpec.getCategory() <= maxAllowedCategory
                && !ssaRegsMapped.get(ssaSpec.getReg())
                && canMapReg(ssaSpec, ropReg)) {
            addMapping(ssaSpec, ropReg);
            return true;

        return false;
private booleantryMapRegs(java.util.ArrayList specs, int ropReg, int maxAllowedCategory, boolean markReserved)
Tries to map a list of SSA registers into the a rop reg, marking used rop space as reserved. SSA registers that don't fit are left unmapped.

specs {@code non-null;} SSA registers to attempt to map
ropReg {@code >=0;} rop register to map to
maxAllowedCategory {@code 1..2;} maximum category allowed in mapping.
markReserved do so if {@code true}
{@code true} if all registers were mapped, {@code false} if some remain unmapped

        boolean remaining = false;
        for (RegisterSpec spec : specs) {
            if (ssaRegsMapped.get(spec.getReg())) {

            boolean succeeded;
            succeeded = tryMapReg(spec, ropReg, maxAllowedCategory);
            remaining = !succeeded || remaining;
            if (succeeded && markReserved) {
                // This only needs to be called once really with
                // the widest category used, but <shrug>
                markReserved(ropReg, spec.getCategory());
        return !remaining;
public booleanwantsParamsMovedHigh()

        return true;