Fields Summary |
String | TESTSUITESthe testsuites element for the aggregate document |
String | TESTSUITEthe testsuite element |
String | TESTCASEthe testcase element |
String | ERRORthe error element |
String | FAILUREthe failure element |
String | SYSTEM_ERRthe system-err element |
String | SYSTEM_OUTthe system-out element |
String | ATTR_PACKAGEpackage attribute for the aggregate document |
String | ATTR_NAMEname attribute for property, testcase and testsuite elements |
String | ATTR_TIMEtime attribute for testcase and testsuite elements |
String | ATTR_ERRORSerrors attribute for testsuite elements |
String | ATTR_FAILURESfailures attribute for testsuite elements |
String | ATTR_TESTStests attribute for testsuite elements |
String | ATTR_TYPEtype attribute for failure and error elements |
String | ATTR_MESSAGEmessage attribute for failure elements |
String | PROPERTIESthe properties element |
String | PROPERTYthe property element |
String | ATTR_VALUEvalue attribute for property elements |
String | ATTR_CLASSNAMEclassname attribute for testcase elements |
String | ATTR_IDid attribute |
String | TIMESTAMPtimestamp of test cases |
String | HOSTNAMEname of host running the tests |