SynthesisRequest.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API4377Thu Mar 12 22:22:10 GMT 2015android.speech.tts


public final class SynthesisRequest extends Object
Contains data required by engines to synthesize speech. This data is:
  • The text to synthesize
  • The synthesis locale, represented as a language, country and a variant. The language is an ISO 639-3 letter language code, and the country is an ISO 3166 alpha 3 code. The variant is not specified.
  • The name of the voice requested for this synthesis. May be empty if the client uses {@link TextToSpeech#setLanguage} instead of {@link TextToSpeech#setVoice}
  • The synthesis speech rate, with 100 being the normal, and higher values representing higher speech rates.
  • The voice pitch, with 100 being the default pitch.
Any additional parameters sent to the text to speech service are passed in uninterpreted, see the {@code params} argument in {@link TextToSpeech#speak} and {@link TextToSpeech#synthesizeToFile}.

Fields Summary
private final CharSequence
private final android.os.Bundle
private String
private String
private String
private String
private int
private int
private int
Constructors Summary
public SynthesisRequest(String text, android.os.Bundle params)

        mText = text;
        // Makes a copy of params.
        mParams = new Bundle(params);
public SynthesisRequest(CharSequence text, android.os.Bundle params)

        mText = text;
        // Makes a copy of params.
        mParams = new Bundle(params);
Methods Summary
public intgetCallerUid()
Gets the request caller Uid.

        return mCallerUid;
public java.lang.CharSequencegetCharSequenceText()
Gets the text which should be synthesized.

        return mText;
public java.lang.StringgetCountry()
Gets the ISO 3-letter country code for the language to use.

        return mCountry;
public java.lang.StringgetLanguage()
Gets the ISO 3-letter language code for the language to use.

        return mLanguage;
public android.os.BundlegetParams()
Gets the additional params, if any.

        return mParams;
public intgetPitch()
Gets the pitch to use. The normal pitch is 100.

        return mPitch;
public intgetSpeechRate()
Gets the speech rate to use. The normal rate is 100.

        return mSpeechRate;
public java.lang.StringgetText()
Gets the text which should be synthesized.

As of API level 21, replaced by {@link #getCharSequenceText}.

        return mText.toString();
public java.lang.StringgetVariant()
Gets the language variant to use.

        return mVariant;
public java.lang.StringgetVoiceName()
Gets the name of the voice to use.

        return mVoiceName;
voidsetCallerUid(int uid)
Sets Caller Uid

        mCallerUid = uid;
voidsetLanguage(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String country, java.lang.String variant)
Sets the locale for the request.

        mLanguage = language;
        mCountry = country;
        mVariant = variant;
voidsetPitch(int pitch)
Sets the pitch.

        mPitch = pitch;
voidsetSpeechRate(int speechRate)
Sets the speech rate.

        mSpeechRate = speechRate;
voidsetVoiceName(java.lang.String voiceName)
Sets the voice name for the request.

        mVoiceName = voiceName;