parse_action_table.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API4307Fri Aug 26 14:54:54 BST 2005com.sun.java_cup.internal


public class parse_action_table extends Object
This class represents the complete "action" table of the parser. It has one row for each state in the parse machine, and a column for each terminal symbol. Each entry in the table represents a shift, reduce, or an error.
last updated: 11/25/95
Scott Hudson

Fields Summary
protected int
How many rows/states are in the machine/table.
public parse_action_row[]
Actual array of rows, one per state.
Constructors Summary
public parse_action_table()
Simple constructor. All terminals, non-terminals, and productions must already have been entered, and the viable prefix recognizer should have been constructed before this is called.

      /* determine how many states we are working with */
      _num_states = lalr_state.number();

      /* allocate the array and fill it in with empty rows */
      under_state = new parse_action_row[_num_states];
      for (int i=0; i<_num_states; i++)
	under_state[i] = new parse_action_row();
Methods Summary
public voidcheck_reductions()
Check the table to ensure that all productions have been reduced. Issue a warning message (to System.err) for each production that is never reduced.

      parse_action act;
      production   prod;

      /* tabulate reductions -- look at every table entry */
      for (int row = 0; row < num_states(); row++)
	  for (int col = 0; col < under_state[row].size(); col++)
	      /* look at the action entry to see if its a reduce */
	      act = under_state[row].under_term[col];
	      if (act != null && act.kind() == parse_action.REDUCE)
		  /* tell production that we used it */

      /* now go across every production and make sure we hit it */
      for (Enumeration p = production.all(); p.hasMoreElements(); )
	  prod = (production)p.nextElement();

	  /* if we didn't hit it give a warning */
	  if (prod.num_reductions() == 0)
	      /* count it *

	      /* give a warning if they haven't been turned off */
	      if (!emit.nowarn)
		  System.err.println("*** Production \"" + 
				  prod.to_simple_string() + "\" never reduced");
public intnum_states()
How many rows/states are in the machine/table.

return _num_states;
public java.lang.StringtoString()

      String result;
      int cnt;

      result = "-------- ACTION_TABLE --------\n";
      for (int row = 0; row < num_states(); row++)
	  result += "From state #" + row + "\n";
	  cnt = 0;
	  for (int col = 0; col < under_state[row].size(); col++)
	      /* if the action is not an error print it */ 
	      if (under_state[row].under_term[col].kind() != parse_action.ERROR)
		  result += " [term " + col + ":" + under_state[row].under_term[col] + "]";

		  /* end the line after the 2nd one */
		  if (cnt == 2)
		      result += "\n";
		      cnt = 0;
          /* finish the line if we haven't just done that */
	  if (cnt != 0) result += "\n";
      result += "------------------------------";

      return result;