Constructor.paramfactory document factory, may not be nullthrowsorg.w3c.domts.DOMTestIncompatibleException Thrown if test is not compatible with parser configuration super(factory); if (factory.hasFeature("XML", null) != true) { throw org.w3c.domts.DOMTestIncompatibleException.incompatibleFeature("XML", null); } // // check if loaded documents are supported for content type // String contentType = getContentType(); preload(contentType, "hc_staff", true);
super(factory); if (factory.hasFeature("XML", null) != true) { throw org.w3c.domts.DOMTestIncompatibleException.incompatibleFeature("XML", null); } // // check if loaded documents are supported for content type // String contentType = getContentType(); preload(contentType, "hc_staff", true);
Gets URI that identifies the test.returnuri identifier of test return "";
return "";
Runs this test from the command line.paramargs command line arguments DOMTestCase.doMain(documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreateentref.class, args);
DOMTestCase.doMain(documentinvalidcharacterexceptioncreateentref.class, args);
Runs the test case.throwsThrowable Any uncaught exception causes test to fail Document doc; EntityReference badEntityRef; doc = (Document) load("hc_staff", true); if (("text/html".equals(getContentType()))) { { boolean success = false; try { badEntityRef = doc.createEntityReference("foo"); } catch (DOMException ex) { success = (ex.code == DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); } assertTrue("throw_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR", success); } } else { { boolean success = false; try { badEntityRef = doc.createEntityReference("invalid^Name"); } catch (DOMException ex) { success = (ex.code == DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR); } assertTrue("throw_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR", success); } }
Document doc; EntityReference badEntityRef; doc = (Document) load("hc_staff", true); if (("text/html".equals(getContentType()))) { { boolean success = false; try { badEntityRef = doc.createEntityReference("foo"); } catch (DOMException ex) { success = (ex.code == DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); } assertTrue("throw_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR", success); } } else { { boolean success = false; try { badEntityRef = doc.createEntityReference("invalid^Name"); } catch (DOMException ex) { success = (ex.code == DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR); } assertTrue("throw_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR", success); } }