Test wether the implementatin of the ConnectionRequestInfo interface
properly overrides the equals method.
Result result = getInitializedResult();
ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
// let's get first the the default implementation of the ConnectionManager
//File jarFile = Verifier.getJarFile(descriptor.getModuleDescriptor().getArchiveUri());
// File f=Verifier.getArchiveFile(descriptor.getModuleDescriptor().getArchiveUri());
Class c = findImplementorOf(descriptor, "javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo");
if (c == null) {
"For [ {0} ]",
new Object[] {compName.toString()}));
"Warning: There is no implementation of the optional [ {0} ] interface",
new Object[] {"javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo"}));
} else {
// An implementation of the interface is provided, let's check the equals method
checkMethodImpl(c, "equals", new Class[] {Object.class}, "public boolean equals(java.lang.Object)", result);
return result;