Create a byte array consisting of an SST record and any
required Continue records, ready to be written out.
If an SST record and any subsequent Continue records are read
in to create this instance, this method should produce a byte
array that is identical to the byte array produced by
concatenating the input records' data.
UnicodeString.UnicodeRecordStats stats = new UnicodeString.UnicodeRecordStats();
sstRecordHeader.writeSSTHeader( stats, data, 0 + offset, 0 );
int pos = offset + SSTRecord.SST_RECORD_OVERHEAD;
for ( int k = 0; k < strings.size(); k++ )
if (k % ExtSSTRecord.DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE == 0)
int index = k/ExtSSTRecord.DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE;
if (index < ExtSSTRecord.MAX_BUCKETS) {
//Excel only indexes the first 128 buckets.
bucketAbsoluteOffsets[index] = pos-offset;
bucketRelativeOffsets[index] = pos-offset;
UnicodeString s = getUnicodeString(k);
pos += s.serialize(stats, pos, data);
//Check to see if there is a hanging continue record length
if (stats.lastLengthPos != -1) {
short lastRecordLength = (short)(pos - stats.lastLengthPos-2);
if (lastRecordLength > 8224)
throw new InternalError();
LittleEndian.putShort(data, stats.lastLengthPos, lastRecordLength);
return pos - offset;