LessThanOrEqualsOperator.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4189Sat May 05 19:17:28 BST 2007org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl


public class LessThanOrEqualsOperator extends RelationalOperator

The implementation of the less than or equals operator

Nathan Abramson - Art Technology Group
$Change: 181177 $$DateTime: 2001/06/26 08:45:09 $$Author: tcfujii $

Fields Summary
public static final LessThanOrEqualsOperator
Constructors Summary
public LessThanOrEqualsOperator()

Methods Summary
public java.lang.Objectapply(java.lang.Object pLeft, java.lang.Object pRight, java.lang.Object pContext, Logger pLogger)
Applies the operator to the given value

    if (pLeft == pRight) {
      return Boolean.TRUE;
    else if (pLeft == null ||
	     pRight == null) {
      return Boolean.FALSE;
    else {
      return super.apply (pLeft, pRight, pContext, pLogger);
public booleanapply(double pLeft, double pRight, Logger pLogger)
Applies the operator to the given double values

    return pLeft <= pRight;
public booleanapply(long pLeft, long pRight, Logger pLogger)
Applies the operator to the given long values

    return pLeft <= pRight;
public booleanapply(java.lang.String pLeft, java.lang.String pRight, Logger pLogger)
Applies the operator to the given String values

    return pLeft.compareTo (pRight) <= 0;
public java.lang.StringgetOperatorSymbol()
Returns the symbol representing the operator

    return "<=";