J2EEManagedObject.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4174Fri May 04 22:30:52 BST


public interface J2EEManagedObject implements ConfigProvider,
The J2EEManagedObject model is the base model of all managed objects in the J2EE Management Model. All managed objects in the J2EE Platform must implement the J2EEManagedObject model.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
Get the corresponding configuration peer for this MBean (if any). The returned proxy will implement the appropriate interface, not just AMXConfig.

a proxy, or null if not found or inappropriate

Get the Monitoring (if any)

the proxy, or null if none

public java.lang.StringgetobjectName()
The ObjectName of the J2EEManagedObject. All managed objects must have a unique name within the context of the management domain. The name must not be null.

Note that the Attribute name is case-sensitive "getobjectName" as defined by JSR 77.

the ObjectName of the object, as a String

public booleaniseventProvider()
If true, indicates that the managed object provides event notification about events that occur on that object. NOTE: JSR 77 defines the Attribute name as "eventProvider".

public booleanisstateManageable()
If true, indicates that this managed object implements the StateManageable model and is state manageable.

Note that the Attribute name is case-sensitive "stateManageable" as defined by JSR 77.

public booleanisstatisticProvider()
If true, indicates that the managed object supports performance statistics and therefore implements the StatisticsProvider model.

Note that the Attribute name is case-sensitive "statisticProvider" as defined by JSR 77.

public booleanisstatisticsProvider()