INetworkScoreCache.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API4162Sat Mar 14 05:48:02 GMT


public interface INetworkScoreCache implements android.os.IInterface
A service which stores a subset of scored networks from the active network scorer.

To be implemented by network subsystems (e.g. Wi-Fi). NetworkScoreService will propagate scores down to each subsystem depending on the network type. Implementations may register for a given network type by calling NetworkScoreManager.registerNetworkSubsystem.

A proper implementation should throw SecurityException whenever the caller is not privileged. It may request scores by calling NetworkScoreManager#requestScores(NetworkKey[]); a call to updateScores may follow but may not depending on the active scorer's implementation, and in general this method may be called at any time.

Implementations should also override dump() so that "adb shell dumpsys network_score" includes the current scores for each network for debugging purposes.


Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidclearScores()

public voidupdateScores(java.util.List networks)