namednodemapsetnameditemns07public final class namednodemapsetnameditemns07 extends org.w3c.domts.DOMTestCase The method setNamedItemNS adds a node using its namespaceURI and localName and
raises a INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR Raised if arg is an Attr that is already an
attribute of another Element object.
Retreieve the attributes of first element whose localName is address into a named node map.
Retreive the attribute whose namespaceURI= and localName=domestic
from the NamedNodeMap. Retreieve the attributes of second element whose localName is address
into a named node map. Call the setNamedItemNS method on the second nodemap with the domestic
attribute that was retreived and removed from the first nodeMap as an argument.
Assuming that when an attribute is removed from a nodemap, it still remains in the domtree
his should raise an INUSE_ATTRIBIUTE_ERR. |
(Omit source code)
Constructors Summary |
public namednodemapsetnameditemns07(org.w3c.domts.DOMTestDocumentBuilderFactory factory)Constructor.
org.w3c.domts.DocumentBuilderSetting[] settings =
new org.w3c.domts.DocumentBuilderSetting[] {
DOMTestDocumentBuilderFactory testFactory = factory.newInstance(settings);
// check if loaded documents are supported for content type
String contentType = getContentType();
preload(contentType, "staffNS", true);
Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | getTargetURI()Gets URI that identifies the test.
return "";
| public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)Runs this test from the command line.
DOMTestCase.doMain(namednodemapsetnameditemns07.class, args);
| public void | runTest()Runs the test case.
Document doc;
NamedNodeMap attributes;
NodeList elementList;
Element element;
Attr attr;
Node newNode;
doc = (Document) load("staffNS", true);
elementList = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "address");
element = (Element) elementList.item(0);
attributes = element.getAttributes();
attr = (Attr) attributes.getNamedItemNS("", "domestic");
element = (Element) elementList.item(1);
attributes = element.getAttributes();
boolean success = false;
try {
newNode = attributes.setNamedItemNS(attr);
} catch (DOMException ex) {
success = (ex.code == DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR);
assertTrue("namednodemapsetnameditemns07", success);