UDPDatagramConnection.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)4153Wed May 02 18:00:14 BST


public interface UDPDatagramConnection implements DatagramConnection
This interface defines a datagram connection which knows it's local end point address. The protocol is transaction oriented, and delivery and duplicate protection are not guaranteed. Applications requiring ordered reliable delivery of streams of data should use the SocketConnection.

A UDPDatagramConnection is returned from in response to a request to open a datagram:// URL connection string. If the connection string omits both the host and port fields in the URL string, then the system will allocate an available port. The local address and the local port can be discovered using the accessor methods within this interface.

The syntax described here for the datagram URL connection string is also valid for the Datagram.setAddress() method used to assign a destination address to a Datagram to be sent. e.g., datagram://host:port

BNF Format for string

The URI must conform to the BNF syntax specified below. If the URI does not conform to this syntax, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

<datagram_connection_string> ::= "datagram://" | "datagram://"<hostport>
<hostport> ::= host ":" port
<host> ::= host name or IP address (omitted for inbound connections)
<port> ::= numeric port number (omitted for system assigned port)

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public java.lang.StringgetLocalAddress()
Gets the local address to which the datagram connection is bound.

The host address(IP number) that can be used to connect to this end of the datagram connection from an external system. Since IP addresses may be dynamically assigned, a remote application will need to be robust in the face of IP number reassignment.

The local hostname (if available) can be accessed from System.getProperty("microedition.hostname")

the local address to which the datagram connection is bound.
IOException if the connection was closed.

public intgetLocalPort()
Returns the local port to which this datagram connection is bound.

the local port number to which this datagram connection is connected.
IOException if the connection was closed.