MmsSmsDatabaseHelper.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API41029Wed May 06 22:42:48 BST


public class MmsSmsDatabaseHelper extends android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper

Fields Summary
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static MmsSmsDatabaseHelper
static final String
static final int
Constructors Summary
private MmsSmsDatabaseHelper(android.content.Context context)

        super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
Methods Summary
private voidcreateCommonTables(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

        // TODO Ensure that each entry is removed when the last use of
        // any address equivalent to its address is removed.

         * This table maps the first instance seen of any particular
         * MMS/SMS address to an ID, which is then used as its
         * canonical representation.  If the same address or an
         * equivalent address (as determined by our Sqlite
         * PHONE_NUMBERS_EQUAL extension) is seen later, this same ID
         * will be used.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE canonical_addresses (" +
                   "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
                   "address TEXT);");

         * This table maps the subject and an ordered set of recipient
         * IDs, separated by spaces, to a unique thread ID.  The IDs
         * come from the canonical_addresses table.  This works
         * because messages are considered to be part of the same
         * thread if they have the same subject (or a null subject)
         * and the same set of recipients.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE threads (" +
                   Threads._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
                   Threads.DATE + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," +
                   Threads.MESSAGE_COUNT + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," +
                   Threads.RECIPIENT_IDS + " TEXT," +
                   Threads.SNIPPET + " TEXT," +
                   Threads.SNIPPET_CHARSET + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," +
                   Threads.READ + " INTEGER DEFAULT 1," +
                   Threads.TYPE + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," +
                   Threads.ERROR + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," +
                   Threads.HAS_ATTACHMENT + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0);");

         * This table stores the queue of messages to be sent/downloaded.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + MmsSmsProvider.TABLE_PENDING_MSG +" (" +
                   PendingMessages._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
                   PendingMessages.PROTO_TYPE + " INTEGER," +
                   PendingMessages.MSG_ID + " INTEGER," +
                   PendingMessages.MSG_TYPE + " INTEGER," +
                   PendingMessages.ERROR_TYPE + " INTEGER," +
                   PendingMessages.ERROR_CODE + " INTEGER," +
                   PendingMessages.RETRY_INDEX + " INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," +
                   PendingMessages.DUE_TIME + " INTEGER," +
                   PendingMessages.LAST_TRY + " INTEGER);");

private voidcreateCommonTriggers(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

        // Updates threads table whenever a message is added to pdu.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER pdu_update_thread_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON " +
                   MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU + " " +

        // Updates threads table whenever a message is added to sms.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER sms_update_thread_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON sms " +

        // Updates threads table whenever a message in pdu is updated.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER pdu_update_thread_date_subject_on_update AFTER" +
                   "  UPDATE OF " + Mms.DATE + ", " + Mms.SUBJECT + ", " + Mms.MESSAGE_BOX +
                   "  ON " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU + " " +

        // Updates threads table whenever a message in sms is updated.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER sms_update_thread_date_subject_on_update AFTER" +
                   "  UPDATE OF " + Sms.DATE + ", " + Sms.BODY + ", " + Sms.TYPE +
                   "  ON sms " +

        // Updates threads table whenever a message in pdu is updated.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER pdu_update_thread_read_on_update AFTER" +
                   "  UPDATE OF " + Mms.READ +
                   "  ON " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU + " " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   PDU_UPDATE_THREAD_READ_BODY +

        // Updates threads table whenever a message in sms is updated.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER sms_update_thread_read_on_update AFTER" +
                   "  UPDATE OF " + Sms.READ +
                   "  ON sms " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   SMS_UPDATE_THREAD_READ_BODY +

        // Update threads table whenever a message in pdu is deleted
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER pdu_update_thread_on_delete " +
                   "AFTER DELETE ON pdu " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  UPDATE threads SET " +
                   "     date = (strftime('%s','now') * 1000)" +
                   "  WHERE threads._id = old." + Mms.THREAD_ID + "; " +
                   UPDATE_THREAD_COUNT_ON_OLD +

        // When the last message in a thread is deleted, these
        // triggers ensure that the entry for its thread ID is removed
        // from the threads table.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER delete_obsolete_threads_pdu " +
                   "AFTER DELETE ON pdu " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  DELETE FROM threads " +
                   "  WHERE " +
                   "    _id = old.thread_id " +
                   "    AND _id NOT IN " +
                   "    (SELECT thread_id FROM sms " +
                   "     UNION SELECT thread_id from pdu); " +

        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER delete_obsolete_threads_when_update_pdu " +
                   "AFTER UPDATE OF " + Mms.THREAD_ID + " ON pdu " +
                   "WHEN old." + Mms.THREAD_ID + " != new." + Mms.THREAD_ID + " " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  DELETE FROM threads " +
                   "  WHERE " +
                   "    _id = old.thread_id " +
                   "    AND _id NOT IN " +
                   "    (SELECT thread_id FROM sms " +
                   "     UNION SELECT thread_id from pdu); " +
        // Insert pending status for M-Notification.ind or M-ReadRec.ind
        // when they are inserted into Inbox/Outbox.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER insert_mms_pending_on_insert " +
                   "AFTER INSERT ON pdu " +
                   "WHEN new." + Mms.MESSAGE_TYPE + "=" + MESSAGE_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_IND +
                   "  OR new." + Mms.MESSAGE_TYPE + "=" + MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_REC_IND + " " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  INSERT INTO " + MmsSmsProvider.TABLE_PENDING_MSG +
                   "    (" + PendingMessages.PROTO_TYPE + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.MSG_ID + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.MSG_TYPE + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.ERROR_TYPE + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.ERROR_CODE + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.RETRY_INDEX + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.DUE_TIME + ") " +
                   "  VALUES " +
                   "    (" + MmsSms.MMS_PROTO + "," +
                   "      new." + BaseColumns._ID + "," +
                   "      new." + Mms.MESSAGE_TYPE + ",0,0,0,0);" +

        // Insert pending status for M-Send.req when it is moved into Outbox.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER insert_mms_pending_on_update " +
                   "AFTER UPDATE ON pdu " +
                   "WHEN new." + Mms.MESSAGE_TYPE + "=" + MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ +
                   "  AND new." + Mms.MESSAGE_BOX + "=" + Mms.MESSAGE_BOX_OUTBOX +
                   "  AND old." + Mms.MESSAGE_BOX + "!=" + Mms.MESSAGE_BOX_OUTBOX + " " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  INSERT INTO " + MmsSmsProvider.TABLE_PENDING_MSG +
                   "    (" + PendingMessages.PROTO_TYPE + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.MSG_ID + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.MSG_TYPE + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.ERROR_TYPE + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.ERROR_CODE + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.RETRY_INDEX + "," +
                   "     " + PendingMessages.DUE_TIME + ") " +
                   "  VALUES " +
                   "    (" + MmsSms.MMS_PROTO + "," +
                   "      new." + BaseColumns._ID + "," +
                   "      new." + Mms.MESSAGE_TYPE + ",0,0,0,0);" +

        // When a message is moved out of Outbox, delete its pending status.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER delete_mms_pending_on_update " +
                   "AFTER UPDATE ON " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU + " " +
                   "WHEN old." + Mms.MESSAGE_BOX + "=" + Mms.MESSAGE_BOX_OUTBOX +
                   "  AND new." + Mms.MESSAGE_BOX + "!=" + Mms.MESSAGE_BOX_OUTBOX + " " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  DELETE FROM " + MmsSmsProvider.TABLE_PENDING_MSG +
                   "  WHERE " + PendingMessages.MSG_ID + "=new._id; " +

        // Delete pending status for a message when it is deleted.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER delete_mms_pending_on_delete " +
                   "AFTER DELETE ON " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU + " " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  DELETE FROM " + MmsSmsProvider.TABLE_PENDING_MSG +
                   "  WHERE " + PendingMessages.MSG_ID + "=old._id; " +

        // TODO Add triggers for SMS retry-status management.

        // Update the error flag of threads when the error type of
        // a pending MM is updated.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER update_threads_error_on_update_mms " +
                   "  AFTER UPDATE OF err_type ON pending_msgs " +
                   "  WHEN (OLD.err_type < 10 AND NEW.err_type >= 10)" +
                   "    OR (OLD.err_type >= 10 AND NEW.err_type < 10) " +
                   "BEGIN" +
                   "  UPDATE threads SET error = " +
                   "    CASE" +
                   "      WHEN NEW.err_type >= 10 THEN error + 1" +
                   "      ELSE error - 1" +
                   "    END " +
                   "  WHERE _id =" +
                   "   (SELECT DISTINCT thread_id" +
                   "    FROM pdu" +
                   "    WHERE _id = NEW.msg_id); " +

        // Update the error flag of threads when delete pending message.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER update_threads_error_on_delete_mms " +
                   "  BEFORE DELETE ON pdu" +
                   "  WHEN OLD._id IN (SELECT DISTINCT msg_id" +
                   "                   FROM pending_msgs" +
                   "                   WHERE err_type >= 10) " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  UPDATE threads SET error = error - 1" +
                   "  WHERE _id = OLD.thread_id; " +

        // Update the error flag of threads while moving an MM out of Outbox,
        // which was failed to be sent permanently.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER update_threads_error_on_move_mms " +
                   "  BEFORE UPDATE OF msg_box ON pdu " +
                   "  WHEN (OLD.msg_box = 4 AND NEW.msg_box != 4) " +
                   "  AND (OLD._id IN (SELECT DISTINCT msg_id" +
                   "                   FROM pending_msgs" +
                   "                   WHERE err_type >= 10)) " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  UPDATE threads SET error = error - 1" +
                   "  WHERE _id = OLD.thread_id; " +

        // Update the error flag of threads after a text message was
        // failed to send/receive.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER update_threads_error_on_update_sms " +
                   "  AFTER UPDATE OF type ON sms" +
                   "  WHEN (OLD.type != 5 AND NEW.type = 5)" +
                   "    OR (OLD.type = 5 AND NEW.type != 5) " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  UPDATE threads SET error = " +
                   "    CASE" +
                   "      WHEN NEW.type = 5 THEN error + 1" +
                   "      ELSE error - 1" +
                   "    END " +
                   "  WHERE _id = NEW.thread_id; " +
private voidcreateMmsTables(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

        // N.B.: Whenever the columns here are changed, the columns in
        // {@ref MmsSmsProvider} must be changed to match.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU + " (" +
                   Mms._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
                   Mms.THREAD_ID + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.DATE + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.MESSAGE_BOX + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.READ + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," +
                   Mms.MESSAGE_ID + " TEXT," +
                   Mms.SUBJECT + " TEXT," +
                   Mms.SUBJECT_CHARSET + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.CONTENT_TYPE + " TEXT," +
                   Mms.CONTENT_LOCATION + " TEXT," +
                   Mms.EXPIRY + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.MESSAGE_CLASS + " TEXT," +
                   Mms.MESSAGE_TYPE + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.MMS_VERSION + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.MESSAGE_SIZE + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.PRIORITY + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.READ_REPORT + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.REPORT_ALLOWED + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.RESPONSE_STATUS + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.STATUS + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.TRANSACTION_ID + " TEXT," +
                   Mms.RETRIEVE_STATUS + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.RETRIEVE_TEXT + " TEXT," +
                   Mms.RETRIEVE_TEXT_CHARSET + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.READ_STATUS + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.CONTENT_CLASS + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.RESPONSE_TEXT + " TEXT," +
                   Mms.DELIVERY_TIME + " INTEGER," +
                   Mms.DELIVERY_REPORT + " INTEGER);");

        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + MmsProvider.TABLE_ADDR + " (" +
                   Addr._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
                   Addr.MSG_ID + " INTEGER," +
                   Addr.CONTACT_ID + " INTEGER," +
                   Addr.ADDRESS + " TEXT," +
                   Addr.TYPE + " INTEGER," +
                   Addr.CHARSET + " INTEGER);");

        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PART + " (" +
                   Part._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
                   Part.MSG_ID + " INTEGER," +
                   Part.SEQ + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," +
                   Part.CONTENT_TYPE + " TEXT," +
                   Part.NAME + " TEXT," +
                   Part.CHARSET + " INTEGER," +
                   Part.CONTENT_DISPOSITION + " TEXT," +
                   Part.FILENAME + " TEXT," +
                   Part.CONTENT_ID + " TEXT," +
                   Part.CONTENT_LOCATION + " TEXT," +
                   Part.CT_START + " INTEGER," +
                   Part.CT_TYPE + " TEXT," +
                   Part._DATA + " TEXT);");

        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + MmsProvider.TABLE_RATE + " (" +
                   Rate.SENT_TIME + " INTEGER);");

        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + MmsProvider.TABLE_DRM + " (" +
                   BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
                   "_data TEXT);");
private voidcreateMmsTriggers(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

        // Cleans up parts when a MM is deleted.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER part_cleanup DELETE ON " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU + " " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  DELETE FROM " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PART +
                   "  WHERE " + Part.MSG_ID + "=old._id;" +

        // Cleans up address info when a MM is deleted.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER addr_cleanup DELETE ON " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU + " " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  DELETE FROM " + MmsProvider.TABLE_ADDR +
                   "  WHERE " + Addr.MSG_ID + "=old._id;" +

        // Delete obsolete delivery-report, read-report while deleting their
        // associated Send.req.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER cleanup_delivery_and_read_report " +
                   "AFTER DELETE ON " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU + " " +
                   "WHEN old." + Mms.MESSAGE_TYPE + "=" + MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_REQ + " " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  DELETE FROM " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU +
                   "  WHERE (" + Mms.MESSAGE_TYPE + "=" + MESSAGE_TYPE_DELIVERY_IND +
                   "    OR " + Mms.MESSAGE_TYPE + "=" + MESSAGE_TYPE_READ_ORIG_IND + ")" +
                   "    AND " + Mms.MESSAGE_ID + "=old." + Mms.MESSAGE_ID + "; " +
        // Update threads table to indicate whether attachments exist when
        // parts are inserted or deleted.
private voidcreateSmsTables(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

        // N.B.: Whenever the columns here are changed, the columns in
        // {@ref MmsSmsProvider} must be changed to match.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE sms (" +
                   "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
                   "thread_id INTEGER," +
                   "address TEXT," +
                   "person INTEGER," +
                   "date INTEGER," +
                   "protocol INTEGER," +
                   "read INTEGER DEFAULT 0," +
                   "status INTEGER DEFAULT -1," + // a TP-Status value
                                                  // or -1 if it
                                                  // status hasn't
                                                  // been received
                   "type INTEGER," +
                   "reply_path_present INTEGER," +
                   "subject TEXT," +
                   "body TEXT," +
                   "service_center TEXT);");

         * This table is used by the SMS dispatcher to hold
         * incomplete partial messages until all the parts arrive.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE raw (" +
                   "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
                   "date INTEGER," +
                   "reference_number INTEGER," + // one per full message
                   "count INTEGER," + // the number of parts
                   "sequence INTEGER," + // the part number of this message
                   "destination_port INTEGER," +
                   "address TEXT," +
                   "pdu TEXT);"); // the raw PDU for this part

        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE attachments (" +
                   "sms_id INTEGER," +
                   "content_url TEXT," +
                   "offset INTEGER);");

         * This table is used by the SMS dispatcher to hold pending
         * delivery status report intents.
        db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE sr_pending (" +
                   "reference_number INTEGER," +
                   "action TEXT," +
                   "data TEXT);");
public static intdeleteOneSms(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db, int message_id)

        int thread_id = -1;
        // Find the thread ID that the specified SMS belongs to.
        Cursor c = db.query("sms", new String[] { "thread_id" },
                            "_id=" + message_id, null, null, null, null);
        if (c != null) {
            if (c.moveToFirst()) {
                thread_id = c.getInt(0);

        // Delete the specified message.
        int rows = db.delete("sms", "_id=" + message_id, null);
        if (thread_id > 0) {
            // Update its thread.
            updateThread(db, thread_id);
        return rows;
private voiddropAll(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

        // Clean the database out in order to start over from scratch.
        // We don't need to drop our triggers here because SQLite automatically
        // drops a trigger when its attached database is dropped.
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS canonical_addresses");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS threads");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + MmsSmsProvider.TABLE_PENDING_MSG);
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sms");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS raw");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS attachments");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS thread_ids");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sr_pending");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PDU + ";");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + MmsProvider.TABLE_ADDR + ";");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + MmsProvider.TABLE_PART + ";");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + MmsProvider.TABLE_RATE + ";");
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + MmsProvider.TABLE_DRM + ";");
static synchronized context)
Return a singleton helper for the combined MMS and SMS database.

        if (mInstance == null) {
            mInstance = new MmsSmsDatabaseHelper(context);
        return mInstance;
public voidonCreate(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

public voidonUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int currentVersion)

        Log.w(TAG, "Upgrading database from version " + oldVersion
                + " to " + currentVersion + ".");

        switch (oldVersion) {
        case 40:
            if (currentVersion <= 40) {

            try {
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex);
            } finally {
            // fall through
        case 41:
            if (currentVersion <= 41) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex);
            } finally {
            // fall through
        case 42:
            if (currentVersion <= 42) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex);
            } finally {
            // fall through
        case 43:
            if (currentVersion <= 43) {

            try {
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex);
            } finally {

        Log.e(TAG, "Destroying all old data.");
public static voidupdateAllThreads(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db, java.lang.String where, java.lang.String[] whereArgs)

        if (where == null) {
            where = "";
        } else {
            where = "WHERE (" + where + ")";
        String query = "SELECT _id FROM threads WHERE _id IN " +
                       "(SELECT DISTINCT thread_id FROM sms " + where + ")";
        Cursor c = db.rawQuery(query, whereArgs);
        if (c != null) {
            while (c.moveToNext()) {
                updateThread(db, c.getInt(0));
        // remove orphaned threads
                "_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT thread_id FROM sms " +
                "UNION SELECT DISTINCT thread_id FROM pdu)", null);
public static voidupdateThread(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db, long thread_id)

        if (thread_id < 0) {
            updateAllThreads(db, null, null);
        // Delete the row for this thread in the threads table if
        // there are no more messages attached to it in either
        // the sms or pdu tables.
        int rows = db.delete("threads",
                  "_id = ? AND _id NOT IN" +
                  "          (SELECT thread_id FROM sms " +
                  "           UNION SELECT thread_id FROM pdu)",
                  new String[] { String.valueOf(thread_id) });
        if (rows > 0) {
            // If this deleted a row, we have no more work to do.
        // Update the message count in the threads table as the sum
        // of all messages in both the sms and pdu tables.
            "  UPDATE threads SET message_count = " +
            "     (SELECT COUNT(sms._id) FROM sms LEFT JOIN threads " +
            "      ON threads._id = " + Sms.THREAD_ID +
            "      WHERE " + Sms.THREAD_ID + " = " + thread_id +
            "        AND sms." + Sms.TYPE + " != 3) + " +
            "     (SELECT COUNT(pdu._id) FROM pdu LEFT JOIN threads " +
            "      ON threads._id = " + Mms.THREAD_ID +
            "      WHERE " + Mms.THREAD_ID + " = " + thread_id +
            "        AND (m_type=132 OR m_type=130 OR m_type=128)" +
            "        AND " + Mms.MESSAGE_BOX + " != 3) " +
            "  WHERE threads._id = " + thread_id + ";");

        // Update the date and the snippet (and its character set) in
        // the threads table to be that of the most recent message in
        // the thread.
            "  UPDATE threads" + 
            "  SET" + 
            "  date =" + 
            "    (SELECT date FROM" + 
            "        (SELECT date * 1000 AS date, thread_id FROM pdu" + 
            "         UNION SELECT date, thread_id FROM sms)" + 
            "     WHERE thread_id = " + thread_id + " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1)," + 
            "  snippet =" + 
            "    (SELECT snippet FROM" + 
            "        (SELECT date * 1000 AS date, sub AS snippet, thread_id FROM pdu" + 
            "         UNION SELECT date, body AS snippet, thread_id FROM sms)" + 
            "     WHERE thread_id = " + thread_id + " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1)," + 
            "  snippet_cs =" + 
            "    (SELECT snippet_cs FROM" + 
            "        (SELECT date * 1000 AS date, sub_cs AS snippet_cs, thread_id FROM pdu" + 
            "         UNION SELECT date, 0 AS snippet_cs, thread_id FROM sms)" + 
            "     WHERE thread_id = " + thread_id + " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1)" + 
            "  WHERE threads._id = " + thread_id + ";"); 

        // Update the error column of the thread to indicate if there
        // are any messages in it that have failed to send.
            "UPDATE threads SET error =" +
            "       (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sms WHERE type=5" +
            "        AND thread_id = " + thread_id + " LIMIT 1)" +
            "   WHERE threads._id = " + thread_id + ";");
private voidupgradeDatabaseToVersion41(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

        db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_threads_error_on_move_mms");
        db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER update_threads_error_on_move_mms " +
                   "  BEFORE UPDATE OF msg_box ON pdu " +
                   "  WHEN (OLD.msg_box = 4 AND NEW.msg_box != 4) " +
                   "  AND (OLD._id IN (SELECT DISTINCT msg_id" +
                   "                   FROM pending_msgs" +
                   "                   WHERE err_type >= 10)) " +
                   "BEGIN " +
                   "  UPDATE threads SET error = error - 1" +
                   "  WHERE _id = OLD.thread_id; " +
private voidupgradeDatabaseToVersion42(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

        db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS sms_update_thread_on_delete");
        db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS delete_obsolete_threads_sms");
        db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_threads_error_on_delete_sms");
private voidupgradeDatabaseToVersion43(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

        // Add 'has_attachment' column to threads table.
        db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE threads ADD COLUMN has_attachment INTEGER DEFAULT 0");

        // Set the values of that column correctly based on the current
        // contents of the database.
        db.execSQL("UPDATE threads SET has_attachment=1 WHERE _id IN " +
                   "  (SELECT DISTINCT pdu.thread_id FROM part " +
                   "   JOIN pdu ON pdu._id=part.mid " +
                   "   WHERE part.ct != 'text/plain' AND part.ct != 'application/smil')");

        // Add insert and delete triggers for keeping it up to date.
private voidupgradeDatabaseToVersion44(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db)

        // Set the values of that column correctly based on the current
        // contents of the database.
        db.execSQL("UPDATE threads SET has_attachment=1 WHERE _id IN " +
                   "  (SELECT DISTINCT pdu.thread_id FROM part " +
                   "   JOIN pdu ON pdu._id=part.mid " +
                   "   WHERE part.ct != 'text/plain' AND part.ct != 'application/smil')");

        // add the update trigger for keeping the threads up to date.