InstrProcessorST.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API41008Wed May 06 22:41:16 BST 2009com.vladium.emma.instr


public final class InstrProcessorST extends InstrProcessor implements com.vladium.emma.IAppErrorCodes
Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003

Fields Summary
private final Job[]
private final InstrVisitor.InstrResult
private InstrVisitor
private byte[]
private int
private com.vladium.util.ByteArrayOStream
private int
private long
private File
private File
private JarOutputStream
private long
private static final int
private static final int
private static final boolean
private static final boolean
private static final boolean
private static final Class[]
Constructors Summary

        m_jobs = new Job [JOB_QUEUE_SIZE];
        m_instrResult = new InstrVisitor.InstrResult ();
Methods Summary
protected void_run(com.vladium.util.IProperties toolProperties)

        final Logger log = m_log;

        final boolean verbose = log.atVERBOSE ();
        if (verbose)
            log.verbose (IAppConstants.APP_VERBOSE_BUILD_ID);
            // [assertion: m_instrPath != null]
            log.verbose ("instrumentation path:");
            log.verbose ("{");
            for (int p = 0; p < m_instrPath.length; ++ p)
                final File f = m_instrPath [p];
                final String nonexistent = f.exists () ? "" : "{nonexistent} ";
                log.verbose ("  " + nonexistent + f.getAbsolutePath ());
            log.verbose ("}");
            // [assertion: m_outMode != null]
            log.verbose ("instrumentation output mode: " + m_outMode);
   ("processing instrumentation path ...");
        RuntimeException failure = null;
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
            m_timeStamp = start;
            // construct instr path enumerator [throws on illegal input only]:
            final IPathEnumerator enumerator = IPathEnumerator.Factory.create (m_instrPath, m_canonical, this);
            // create out dir(s):
                if (m_outMode != OutMode.OUT_MODE_OVERWRITE) createDir (m_outDir, true);
                if ((m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_FULLCOPY))
                    final File classesDir = Files.newFile (m_outDir, CLASSES);
                    createDir (classesDir, false); // note: not using mkdirs() here
                    final File libDir = Files.newFile (m_outDir, LIB);
                    createDir (libDir, false); // note: not using mkdirs() here
            // get the data out settings [note: this is not conditioned on m_dumpRawData]:
            File mdataOutFile = m_mdataOutFile;
            Boolean mdataOutMerge = m_mdataOutMerge;
                if (mdataOutFile == null)
                    mdataOutFile = new File (toolProperties.getProperty (EMMAProperties.PROPERTY_META_DATA_OUT_FILE,
                if (mdataOutMerge == null)
                    final String _dataOutMerge = toolProperties.getProperty (EMMAProperties.PROPERTY_META_DATA_OUT_MERGE,
                                                                             EMMAProperties.DEFAULT_META_DATA_OUT_MERGE.toString ());
                    mdataOutMerge = Property.toBoolean (_dataOutMerge) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
            if (verbose)
                log.verbose ("metadata output file: " + mdataOutFile.getAbsolutePath ());
                log.verbose ("metadata output merge mode: " + mdataOutMerge);
            // TODO: can also register an exit hook to clean up temp files, but this is low value
            // allocate I/O buffers:
            m_readbuf = new byte [BUF_SIZE]; // don't reuse this across run() calls to reset it to the original size
            m_readpos = 0;
            m_baos = new ByteArrayOStream (BUF_SIZE); // don't reuse this across run() calls to reset it to the original size
            // reset job queue position: 
            m_jobPos = 0;
            m_currentArchiveTS = Long.MAX_VALUE;

            final CoverageOptions options = CoverageOptionsFactory.create (toolProperties);            
            m_visitor = new InstrVisitor (options); // TODO: reuse this?
            m_mdata = DataFactory.newMetaData (options);
            // actual work is driven by the path enumerator:
                enumerator.enumerate ();
                drainJobQueue ();
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (INSTR_IO_FAILURE, ioe);
            if (log.atINFO ())
                final long end = System.currentTimeMillis ();
       ("instrumentation path processed in " + (end - start) + " ms");
       ("[" + m_classInstrs + " class(es) instrumented, " + m_classCopies + " resource(s) copied]");
            // persist metadata:
                // TODO: create an empty file earlier to catch any errors sooner? [to avoid scenarios where a user waits throught the entire instr run to find out the file could not be written to]
                if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (mdataOutFile != null, "m_metadataOutFile is null");
                if (verbose)
                    if (m_mdata != null)
                        log.verbose ("metadata contains " + m_mdata.size () + " entries");
                if (m_mdata.isEmpty ())
           ("no output created: metadata is empty");
                    start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
                    DataFactory.persist (m_mdata, mdataOutFile, mdataOutMerge.booleanValue ());
                    final long end = System.currentTimeMillis ();
                    if (log.atINFO ())
               ("metadata " + (mdataOutMerge.booleanValue () ? "merged into" : "written to") + " [" + mdataOutFile.getAbsolutePath () + "] {in " + (end - start) + " ms}");
            catch (IOException ioe)
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (OUT_IO_FAILURE, new Object [] {mdataOutFile.getAbsolutePath ()}, ioe);
        catch (SecurityException se)
            failure = new EMMARuntimeException (SECURITY_RESTRICTION, new String [] {IAppConstants.APP_NAME}, se);
        catch (RuntimeException re)
            failure = re;
            reset ();
        if (failure != null)
            if (Exceptions.unexpectedFailure (failure, EXPECTED_FAILURES))
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (UNEXPECTED_FAILURE,
                                                new Object [] {failure.toString (), IAppConstants.APP_BUG_REPORT_LINK},
                throw failure;
private voidaddJob(com.vladium.emma.instr.InstrProcessorST$Job job)

        if (m_jobPos == JOB_QUEUE_SIZE) drainJobQueue ();
        m_jobs [m_jobPos ++] = job;
private voiddrainJobQueue()

        for (int j = 0; j < m_jobPos; ++ j)
            final Job job = m_jobs [j];
            if (job != null) // a guard just in case
                m_jobs [j] = null;
        m_jobPos = 0;
private voidensureReadCapacity(int capacity)

        if (m_readbuf.length < capacity)
            final int readbuflen = m_readbuf.length;
            m_readbuf = null;
            m_readbuf = new byte [Math.max (readbuflen << 1, capacity)];
public final voidhandleArchiveEnd( parentDir, archive)

        final Logger log = m_log;
        if (log.atTRACE2 ()) log.trace2 ("handleArchiveEnd", "[" + parentDir + "] [" + archive + "]");
        m_currentArchiveTS = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        if ((m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_FULLCOPY) || (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_OVERWRITE))
                drainJobQueue (); // drain the queue before closing the archive
                m_archiveOut.flush ();
                m_archiveOut.close ();
                m_archiveOut = null;
            catch (IOException ioe)
                // TODO: error code
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (ioe);
            // in overwrite mode replace the original archive with the temp archive:
            if (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_OVERWRITE)
                if (! Files.renameFile (m_tempArchiveFile, m_origArchiveFile, true)) // overwrite the original archive
                    // TODO: disable temp file cleanup in this case so that the user
                    // could do it manually later?
                    // error code
                    throw new EMMARuntimeException ("could not rename temporary file [" + m_tempArchiveFile + "] to [" + m_origArchiveFile + "]: make sure the original file is not locked and can be deleted");
                    if (log.atTRACE2 ()) log.trace2 ("handleArchiveEnd", "renamed temp archive [" + m_tempArchiveFile.getAbsolutePath () + "] to [" + m_origArchiveFile + "]");
                    m_origArchiveFile = m_tempArchiveFile = null;
public final voidhandleArchiveEntry(java.util.jar.JarInputStream in, entry)

        final Logger log = m_log;
        if (log.atTRACE2 ()) log.trace2 ("handleArchiveEntry", "[" + entry.getName () + "]");
        final String name = entry.getName ();
        final String lcName = name.toLowerCase ();

        final boolean notcopymode = (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_FULLCOPY) || (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_OVERWRITE);
        boolean copyEntry = false;

        if (lcName.endsWith (".class"))
            final String className = name.substring (0, name.length () - 6).replace ('/", '.");
            // it is possible that a class with this name has already been processed;
            // however, we can't skip it here because there is no guarantee that
            // the runtime classpath will be identical to the instrumentation path
            // [the metadata will still contain only a single entry for a class with
            // this name: it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that both
            // files represent the same class; in the future I might use a more
            // robust internal strategy that uses something other than a class name
            // as a metadata key]
            if ((m_coverageFilter == null) || m_coverageFilter.included (className))
                InputStream clsin = null;
                    File outFile = null;
                    File fullOutFile = null;
                    if (DO_DEPENDS_CHECKING)
                        // in 'copy' mode 
                        if (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_COPY)
                            outFile = new File (className.replace ('.", File.separatorChar).concat (".class"));
                            fullOutFile = getFullOutFile (null, outFile, IN_CLASSES);
                            // if we already processed this class name within this instrumentor
                            // run, skip duplicates in copy mode: 
                            if (m_mdata.hasDescriptor (Descriptors.javaNameToVMName (className)))
                            // BUG_SF989071: using outFile here instead resulted in
                            // a zero result regardless of whether the target existed or not
                            final long outTimeStamp = fullOutFile.lastModified (); // 0 if 'fullOutFile' does not exist or if an I/O error occurs
                            if (outTimeStamp > 0)
                                long inTimeStamp = entry.getTime (); // can return -1
                                if (inTimeStamp < 0) inTimeStamp = m_currentArchiveTS; // default to the archive file timestamp
                                if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (inTimeStamp > 0);
                                if (inTimeStamp <= outTimeStamp)
                                    if (log.atVERBOSE ()) log.verbose ("destination file [" + outFile + "] skipped: more recent than the source");
                    readZipEntry (in, entry);
                    final ClassDef clsDef = ClassDefParser.parseClass (m_readbuf, m_readpos);
                    m_visitor.process (clsDef, m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_OVERWRITE, true, true, m_instrResult);
                    if (m_instrResult.m_instrumented)
                        if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (m_instrResult.m_descriptor != null, "no descriptor created for an instrumented class");
                        ++ m_classInstrs;
                        // update metadata [if this class has not been seen before]:
                        m_mdata.add (m_instrResult.m_descriptor, false);
                        // class def modified: write it to an array and submit a write job
                        m_baos.reset ();
                        ClassWriter.writeClassTable (clsDef, m_baos);
                        if (notcopymode)
                            // [destination is a zip entry]
                            entry.setTime (m_timeStamp);
                            addJob (new EntryWriteJob (m_archiveOut, m_baos.copyByteArray (), entry, false));
                        else // copy mode
                            // [destination is a file]
                            if (! DO_DEPENDS_CHECKING) // this block is just a complement to the one above (where fullOutFile is inited)
                                outFile = new File (className.replace ('.", File.separatorChar).concat (".class"));
                                fullOutFile = getFullOutFile (null, outFile, IN_CLASSES);
                            addJob (new FileWriteJob (fullOutFile, m_baos.copyByteArray (), true));
                    else if (notcopymode)
                        // original class def already read into m_readbuf:
                        // clone the array and submit an entry write job
                        final byte [] data = new byte [m_readpos];
                        System.arraycopy (m_readbuf, 0, data, 0, data.length);
                        ++ m_classCopies;
                        entry.setTime (m_timeStamp);
                        addJob (new EntryWriteJob (m_archiveOut, data, entry, true));
                catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)
                    // ignore: this should never happen
                    if ($assert.ENABLED)
                        fnfe.printStackTrace (System.out);
                catch (IOException ioe)
                    // TODO: error code
                    throw new EMMARuntimeException (ioe);
                    if (clsin != null)
                            clsin.close ();
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // TODO: error code
                            throw new EMMARuntimeException (e);
                // copy excluded .class entries in full copy and overwrite modes:
                copyEntry = notcopymode;
            // copy non-.class entries in full copy and overwrite modes:
            copyEntry = notcopymode;
            // skipping these entries here is important: this is done as a complement
            // to Sun jar API workarounds as detailed in PathEnumerator.enumeratePathArchive():
            if (copyEntry && name.equalsIgnoreCase ("META-INF/"))
                copyEntry = false;
            if (copyEntry && name.equalsIgnoreCase (JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME))
                copyEntry = false;
            // TODO: skip signature-related entries (.SF and .RSA/.DSA/.PGP)
        if (copyEntry)
                readZipEntry (in, entry);
                final byte [] data = new byte [m_readpos];
                System.arraycopy (m_readbuf, 0, data, 0, data.length);
                ++ m_classCopies;
                entry.setTime (m_timeStamp);
                addJob (new EntryWriteJob (m_archiveOut, data, entry, true));
            catch (IOException ioe)
                // TODO: error code
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (ioe);
public final voidhandleArchiveStart( parentDir, archive, java.util.jar.Manifest manifest)

        final Logger log = m_log;
        if (log.atTRACE2 ()) log.trace2 ("handleArchiveStart", "[" + parentDir + "] [" + archive + "]");
        // TODO: pass manifest into this callback, if any
        // TODO: detect if manifest corresonds to a previously intrumented archive already ?
            final File fullArchiveFile = Files.newFile (parentDir, archive);
            m_currentArchiveTS = fullArchiveFile.lastModified ();
            if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (m_currentArchiveTS > 0, "invalid ts: " + m_currentArchiveTS);
        if ((m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_FULLCOPY) || (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_OVERWRITE))
            final Manifest outManifest = manifest != null
                ? new Manifest (manifest) // shallow copy
                : new Manifest (); 
            // set some basic main attributes:
            final Attributes mainAttrs = outManifest.getMainAttributes ();
            if (manifest == null) mainAttrs.put (Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION,  "1.0");
            mainAttrs.put (new Attributes.Name ("Created-By"), IAppConstants.APP_NAME + " v" + IAppConstants.APP_VERSION_WITH_BUILD_ID_AND_TAG);
            // note: Manifest makes these 72-char-safe
            mainAttrs.put (Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE,  "instrumented version of [" + archive.getAbsolutePath () + "]");
            mainAttrs.put (Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE,  "instrumented on " + new Date (m_timeStamp) + " [" + Property.getSystemFingerprint () + "]");
            // TODO: remove entries related to signing            
            if (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_FULLCOPY)
                // create an identically named artive in outdir/lib [the stream is
                // closed in the archive end event handler]:
                    final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream (getFullOutFile (parentDir, archive, IN_LIB));
                    m_archiveOut = outManifest != null ? new JarOutputStream (out, outManifest) : new JarOutputStream (out);
                catch (IOException ioe)
                    // TODO: error code
                    throw new EMMARuntimeException (ioe);
            else if (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_OVERWRITE)
                // create a temp file in the same dir [moved into the original one
                // in the archive end event handler]:
                m_origArchiveFile = Files.newFile (parentDir, archive);
                // length > 3:
                final String archiveName = Files.getFileName (archive) + IAppConstants.APP_NAME_LC;
                final String archiveExt = EMMAProperties.PROPERTY_TEMP_FILE_EXT;
                    m_tempArchiveFile = Files.createTempFile (parentDir, archiveName, archiveExt);
                    if (log.atTRACE2 ()) log.trace2 ("handleArchiveStart", "created temp archive [" + m_tempArchiveFile.getAbsolutePath () + "]");
                    final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream (m_tempArchiveFile);
                    m_archiveOut = outManifest != null ? new JarOutputStream (out, outManifest) : new JarOutputStream (out);
                catch (IOException ioe)
                    // TODO: error code
                    throw new EMMARuntimeException (ioe);
public final voidhandleDirEnd( pathDir, dir)

        final Logger log = m_log;
        if (log.atTRACE2 ()) log.trace2 ("handleDirEnd", "[" + pathDir + "] [" + dir + "]");
        // in overwrite mode, flush the job queue before going to the next directory:
        if (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_OVERWRITE)
                drainJobQueue ();
            catch (IOException ioe)
                // TODO: error code
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (ioe);
public final voidhandleDirStart( pathDir, dir)

        final Logger log = m_log;
        if (log.atTRACE2 ()) log.trace2 ("handleDirStart", "[" + pathDir + "] [" + dir + "]");
        // in full copy mode, create all dirs here; in copy mode, do it as part
        // of writing each individual file:
        if (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_FULLCOPY)
            final File saveDir = new File (getFullOutDir (pathDir, IN_CLASSES), dir.getPath ());
            createDir (saveDir, true);
public final voidhandleFile( pathDir, file)

        final Logger log = m_log;
        if (log.atTRACE2 ()) log.trace2 ("handleFile", "[" + pathDir + "] [" + file + "]");
        final String name = file.getPath ();
        final String lcName = name.toLowerCase ();

        final boolean fullcopymode = (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_FULLCOPY);
        final boolean mkdir = (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_COPY);

        boolean copyFile = false;

        if (lcName.endsWith (".class"))
            final String className = name.substring (0, name.length () - 6).replace (File.separatorChar, '.");
            // it is possible that a class with this name has already been processed;
            // however, we can't skip it here because there is no guarantee that
            // the runtime classpath will be identical to the instrumentation path
            // [the metadata will still contain only a single entry for a class with
            // this name: it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that both
            // files represent the same class; in the future I might use a more
            // robust internal strategy that uses something other than a class name
            // as a metadata key]
            if ((m_coverageFilter == null) || m_coverageFilter.included (className))
                InputStream clsin = null;
                    final File inFile = Files.newFile (pathDir, file.getPath ());
                    final File fullOutFile = getFullOutFile (pathDir, file, IN_CLASSES);
                    if (DO_DEPENDS_CHECKING)
                        if (m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_COPY)
                            // if we already processed this class name within this instrumentor
                            // run, skip duplicates in copy mode: 
                            if (m_mdata.hasDescriptor (Descriptors.javaNameToVMName (className)))
                            // otherwise, instrument only if the dest file is out of date
                            // wrt to the source file:
                            final long outTimeStamp = fullOutFile.lastModified (); // 0 if 'fullOutFile' does not exist or if an I/O error occurs
                            if (outTimeStamp > 0)
                                final long inTimeStamp = inFile.lastModified ();
                                if (inTimeStamp <= outTimeStamp)
                                    if (log.atVERBOSE ()) log.verbose ("destination file [" + fullOutFile + "] skipped: more recent that the source file");
                    readFile (inFile);
                    ClassDef clsDef = ClassDefParser.parseClass (m_readbuf, m_readpos);

                    // in non-overwrite modes, bail if src file already instrumented:
                    m_visitor.process (clsDef, m_outMode == OutMode.OUT_MODE_OVERWRITE, true, true, m_instrResult);
                    if (m_instrResult.m_instrumented)
                        if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (m_instrResult.m_descriptor != null, "no descriptor created for an instrumented class");
                        ++ m_classInstrs;
                        // update metadata [if this class has not been seen before]:
//       ObjectSizeProfiler.SizeProfile profile = ObjectSizeProfiler.profile (m_instrResult.m_descriptor, true);
//       System.out.println (clsDef.getName () + " metadata:");
//       System.out.println (profile.root ().dump (0.2));
                        m_mdata.add (m_instrResult.m_descriptor, false);

                        // class def modified: write it to an array and submit a write job
                        m_baos.reset ();
                        ClassWriter.writeClassTable (clsDef, m_baos);
                        clsDef = null;
                        final byte [] outdata = m_baos.copyByteArray ();
                        addJob (new FileWriteJob (fullOutFile, outdata, mkdir));
                    else if (fullcopymode)
                        // original class def already read into m_readbuf:
                        // clone the array and submit a file write job
                        clsDef = null;
                        final byte [] outdata = new byte [m_readpos];
                        System.arraycopy (m_readbuf, 0, outdata, 0, m_readpos);
                        ++ m_classCopies;
                        addJob (new FileWriteJob (fullOutFile, outdata, mkdir));
                catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe)
                    // ignore: this should never happen
                    if ($assert.ENABLED)
                        fnfe.printStackTrace (System.out);
                catch (IOException ioe)
                    // TODO: error code
                    throw new EMMARuntimeException (ioe);
                    if (clsin != null)
                            clsin.close ();
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // TODO: error code
                            throw new EMMARuntimeException (e);
                // copy excluded .class files in full copy mode:
                copyFile = fullcopymode;
            // copy non-.class files in full copy mode:
            copyFile = fullcopymode;
        if (copyFile)
                final File inFile = Files.newFile (pathDir, file.getPath ());
                readFile (inFile);
                final byte [] data = new byte [m_readpos];
                System.arraycopy (m_readbuf, 0, data, 0, data.length);
                ++ m_classCopies;
                final File outFile = getFullOutFile (pathDir, file, IN_CLASSES);
                addJob (new FileWriteJob (outFile, data, mkdir));
            catch (IOException ioe)
                // TODO: error code
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (ioe);
private voidreadFile( file)

        final int length = (int) file.length ();
        ensureReadCapacity (length);
        InputStream in = null;
            in = new FileInputStream (file);
            int totalread = 0;
            for (int read;
                 (totalread < length) && (read = (m_readbuf, totalread, length - totalread)) >= 0;
                 totalread += read);
            m_readpos = totalread;
            if (in != null) try { in.close (); } catch (Exception ignore) {} 
private voidreadZipEntry( in, entry)

        final int length = (int) entry.getSize (); // can be -1 if unknown
        if (length >= 0)
            ensureReadCapacity (length);
            int totalread = 0;
            for (int read;
                 (totalread < length) && (read = (m_readbuf, totalread, length - totalread)) >= 0;
                 totalread += read);
            m_readpos = totalread;
            ensureReadCapacity (BUF_SIZE);
            m_baos.reset ();
            for (int read; (read = (m_readbuf)) >= 0; m_baos.write (m_readbuf, 0, read));
            m_readbuf = m_baos.copyByteArray ();
            m_readpos = m_readbuf.length;
protected voidreset()

        m_visitor = null;
        m_mdata = null;
        m_readbuf = null;
        m_baos = null;
        for (int j = 0; j < m_jobs.length; ++ j) m_jobs [j] = null;
            if (m_archiveOut != null) 
                try { m_archiveOut.close (); } catch (Exception ignore) {} // unlock the file descriptor for deletion
            if (m_tempArchiveFile != null)
                m_tempArchiveFile.delete ();
        m_archiveOut = null;
        m_origArchiveFile = null;
        m_tempArchiveFile = null;
        super.reset ();
static voidwriteFile(byte[] data, outFile, boolean mkdirs)

        RandomAccessFile raf = null;
            if (mkdirs)
                final File parent = outFile.getParentFile ();
                if (parent != null) parent.mkdirs (); // no error checking here [errors will be throw below]
            raf = new RandomAccessFile (outFile, "rw");
            if (DO_RAF_EXTENSION) raf.setLength (data.length);
            raf.write (data);
            if (raf != null) raf.close (); // note: intentionally letting the exception percolate up
static voidwriteZipEntry(byte[] data, out, entry, boolean isCopy)

        if (isCopy)
            out.putNextEntry (entry); // reusing ' entry' is ok here because we are not changing the data 
                out.write (data);
                out.closeEntry ();
            // need to compute the checksum which slows things down quite a bit:
            final ZipEntry entryCopy = new ZipEntry (entry.getName ());
            entryCopy.setTime (entry.getTime ()); // avoid repeated calls to System.currentTimeMillis() inside the zip stream
            entryCopy.setMethod (ZipOutputStream.STORED);
            // [directory status is implicit in the name]
            entryCopy.setSize (data.length);
            entryCopy.setCompressedSize (data.length);
            final CRC32 crc = new CRC32 ();
            crc.update (data);
            entryCopy.setCrc (crc.getValue ());
            out.putNextEntry (entryCopy);
                out.write (data);
                out.closeEntry ();