Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | getCarriedName()Returns a user readable name with the key value. This may then be used to
reference the key using the ds:KeyName element within
ds:KeyInfo . The same CarriedKeyName label,
unlike an ID type, may occur multiple times within a single document. The
value of the key is to be the same in all EncryptedKey
elements identified with the same CarriedKeyName label
within a single XML document.
Note that because whitespace is significant in the value of
the ds:KeyName element, whitespace is also significant in
the value of the CarriedKeyName element.
public java.lang.String | getRecipient()Returns a hint as to which recipient this encrypted key value is intended
public ReferenceList | getReferenceList()Returns pointers to data and keys encrypted using this key. The reference
list may contain multiple references to EncryptedKey and
EncryptedData elements. This is done using
KeyReference and DataReference elements
public void | setCarriedName(java.lang.String name)Sets the carried name.
public void | setRecipient(java.lang.String recipient)Sets the recipient for this EncryptedKey .
public void | setReferenceList(ReferenceList list)Sets the ReferenceList to the EncryptedKey .