IMonitorable.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API4045Fri May 04 22:33:44 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor


public interface IMonitorable
IMonitorable interface defines behaviour exhibited by any component (service) that wants to expose some of its internal state to the monitoring clients (HTML gui, command-line administration or other third party tools built over command-line admin utility).

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public java.lang.ObjectgetMonitoredAttributeValue(java.lang.String monitorAttributeName)
Get value of specified monitored attribute.

monitorAttributeName name of the monitored attribute
value of the specified monitored attribute

public java.util.MapgetMonitoredAttributeValues(java.util.Set monitorAttributeNameSet)
Get values of specified monitored attributes. This method returns a map of monitored attribute names and their corresponding values.

monitorAttributeNameSet set of monitored attribute names
map of attribute names and their values

public java.util.MapgetMonitoringMetaData()
Get a map of monitored attribute names and their types. The keys in the map are names of the attribute and the values are their types. The type value are instances of class com.iplanet.ias.monitor.type.MonitoredAttributeType (or its sub-classes)

map of names and types of all monitored attributes

public voidstartMonitoring()
Start monitoring on this component. This will be called when monitoring is enabled on this component (or the group containing this component) through user interface.


public voidstopMonitoring()
Stop monitoring on this component. Called when monitoring is disabled on user interface.