Fields Summary |
public static final String | DELEGATEThe object name of the MBeanServer delegate object
The value is JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate . |
public static final String | DOMAINThe default domain.
The value is DefaultDomain . |
public static final String | JMX_SPEC_NAMEThe name of the JMX specification implemented by this product.
The value is Java Management Extensions . |
public static final String | JMX_SPEC_VERSIONThe version of the JMX specification implemented by this product.
The value is 1.0 Final Release . |
public static final String | JMX_SPEC_VENDORThe vendor of the JMX specification implemented by this product.
The value is Sun Microsystems . |
public static final String | JMX_IMPL_NAMEThe name of this product implementing the JMX specification.
The value is iPlanet Application Server . |
public static final String | JMX_IMPL_VENDORThe name of the vendor of this product implementing the JMX specification.
The value is iPlanet . |
public static final String | JMX_IMPL_VERSIONThe version of this product implementing the JMX specification.
The value is 1.0 . |
public static final String | BUILD_NUMBERThe build number of the current product version |