Methods Summary |
public static boolean | booleanValue(java.lang.String s)Convert a String value to 'boolean'.
Besides the standard conversions done by
Boolean.valueOf(s).booleanValue(), the value "yes"
(ignore case) is also converted to 'true'.
If 's' is null, then 'false' is returned.
boolean b = false;
if (s != null) {
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
b = true;
} else {
b = Boolean.valueOf(s).booleanValue();
return b;
public static void | checkAttributes(java.lang.String typeOfTag, Node n, org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspUtil$ValidAttribute[] validAttributes, ErrorDispatcher err)Checks if all mandatory attributes are present and if all attributes
present have valid names. Checks attributes specified as XML-style
attributes as well as attributes specified using the jsp:attribute
standard action.
Attributes attrs = n.getAttributes();
Mark start = n.getStart();
boolean valid = true;
// AttributesImpl.removeAttribute is broken, so we do this...
int tempLength = (attrs == null) ? 0 : attrs.getLength();
Vector temp = new Vector(tempLength, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < tempLength; i++) {
String qName = attrs.getQName(i);
if ((!qName.equals("xmlns")) && (!qName.startsWith("xmlns:")))
// Add names of attributes specified using jsp:attribute
Node.Nodes tagBody = n.getBody();
if( tagBody != null ) {
int numSubElements = tagBody.size();
for( int i = 0; i < numSubElements; i++ ) {
Node node = tagBody.getNode( i );
if( node instanceof Node.NamedAttribute ) {
String attrName = node.getAttributeValue( "name" );
temp.addElement( attrName );
// Check if this value appear in the attribute of the node
if (n.getAttributeValue(attrName) != null) {
err.jspError(n, "",
else {
// Nothing can come before jsp:attribute, and only
// jsp:body can come after it.
* First check to see if all the mandatory attributes are present.
* If so only then proceed to see if the other attributes are valid
* for the particular tag.
String missingAttribute = null;
for (int i = 0; i < validAttributes.length; i++) {
int attrPos;
if (validAttributes[i].mandatory) {
attrPos = temp.indexOf(validAttributes[i].name);
if (attrPos != -1) {
valid = true;
} else {
valid = false;
missingAttribute = validAttributes[i].name;
// If mandatory attribute is missing then the exception is thrown
if (!valid)
err.jspError(start, "jsp.error.mandatory.attribute", typeOfTag,
// Check to see if there are any more attributes for the specified tag.
int attrLeftLength = temp.size();
if (attrLeftLength == 0)
// Now check to see if the rest of the attributes are valid too.
String attribute = null;
for (int j = 0; j < attrLeftLength; j++) {
valid = false;
attribute = (String) temp.elementAt(j);
for (int i = 0; i < validAttributes.length; i++) {
if (attribute.equals(validAttributes[i].name)) {
valid = true;
if (!valid)
err.jspError(start, "jsp.error.invalid.attribute", typeOfTag,
// XXX *could* move EL-syntax validation here... (sb)
public static void | checkScope(java.lang.String scope, Node n, ErrorDispatcher err)Checks to see if the given scope is valid.
if (scope != null && !scope.equals("page") && !scope.equals("request")
&& !scope.equals("session") && !scope.equals("application")) {
err.jspError(n, "jsp.error.invalid.scope", scope);
public static java.lang.String | coerceToBoolean(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "(Boolean) org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerce(" + s + ", Boolean.class)";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return "new Boolean(false)";
} else {
// Detect format error at translation time
return "new Boolean(" + Boolean.valueOf(s).toString() + ")";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToByte(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "(Byte) org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerce(" + s + ", Byte.class)";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return "new Byte((byte) 0)";
} else {
// Detect format error at translation time
return "new Byte((byte)" + Byte.valueOf(s).toString() + ")";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToChar(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerceToChar(" + s + ")";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return "(char) 0";
} else {
char ch = s.charAt(0);
// this trick avoids escaping issues
return "((char) " + (int) ch + ")";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToCharacter(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "(Character) org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerce(" + s + ", Character.class)";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return "new Character((char) 0)";
} else {
char ch = s.charAt(0);
// this trick avoids escaping issues
return "new Character((char) " + (int) ch + ")";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToDouble(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "(Double) org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerce(" + s + ", Double.class)";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return "new Double(0)";
} else {
// Detect format error at translation time
return "new Double(" + Double.valueOf(s).toString() + ")";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToFloat(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "(Float) org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerce(" + s + ", Float.class)";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return "new Float(0)";
} else {
// Detect format error at translation time
return "new Float(" + Float.valueOf(s).toString() + "f)";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToInt(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerceToInt(" + s + ")";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
return "0";
return Integer.valueOf(s).toString();
public static java.lang.String | coerceToInteger(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "(Integer) org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerce(" + s + ", Integer.class)";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return "new Integer(0)";
} else {
// Detect format error at translation time
return "new Integer(" + Integer.valueOf(s).toString() + ")";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToLong(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "(Long) org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerce(" + s + ", Long.class)";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return "new Long(0)";
} else {
// Detect format error at translation time
return "new Long(" + Long.valueOf(s).toString() + "l)";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToPrimitiveBoolean(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerceToBoolean(" + s + ")";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
return "false";
return Boolean.valueOf(s).toString();
public static java.lang.String | coerceToPrimitiveByte(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerceToByte(" + s + ")";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
return "(byte) 0";
return "((byte)" + Byte.valueOf(s).toString() + ")";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToPrimitiveDouble(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerceToDouble(" + s + ")";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
return "(double) 0";
return Double.valueOf(s).toString();
public static java.lang.String | coerceToPrimitiveFloat(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerceToFloat(" + s + ")";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
return "(float) 0";
return Float.valueOf(s).toString() + "f";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToPrimitiveLong(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerceToLong(" + s + ")";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
return "(long) 0";
return Long.valueOf(s).toString() + "l";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToPrimitiveShort(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerceToShort(" + s + ")";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0)
return "(short) 0";
return "((short) " + Short.valueOf(s).toString() + ")";
public static java.lang.String | coerceToShort(java.lang.String s, boolean isNamedAttribute)
if (isNamedAttribute) {
return "(Short) org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspRuntimeLibrary.coerce(" + s + ", Short.class)";
} else {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return "new Short((short) 0)";
} else {
// Detect format error at translation time
return "new Short(\"" + Short.valueOf(s).toString() + "\")";
public static java.lang.String | escapeQueryString(java.lang.String unescString)
if ( unescString == null )
return null;
String escString = "";
String shellSpChars = "\\\"";
for(int index=0; index<unescString.length(); index++) {
char nextChar = unescString.charAt(index);
if( shellSpChars.indexOf(nextChar) != -1 )
escString += "\\";
escString += nextChar;
return escString;
public static char[] | escapeQuotes(char[] chars)
// Prescan to convert %\> to %>
String s = new String(chars);
while (true) {
int n = s.indexOf("%\\>");
if (n < 0)
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s.substring(0, n));
sb.append(s.substring(n + 3));
s = sb.toString();
chars = s.toCharArray();
return (chars);
// Escape all backslashes not inside a Java string literal
CharArrayWriter caw = new CharArrayWriter();
boolean inJavaString = false;
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (chars[i] == '"') inJavaString = !inJavaString;
// escape out the escape character
if (!inJavaString && (chars[i] == '\\')) caw.write('\\');
return caw.toCharArray();
public static java.lang.String | escapeXml(java.lang.String s)Escape the 5 entities defined by XML.
if (s == null) return null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for(int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == '<") {
} else if (c == '>") {
} else if (c == '\'") {
} else if (c == '&") {
} else if (c == '"") {
} else {
return sb.toString();
public static java.lang.String | getCanonicalName(java.lang.Class c)Compute the canonical name from a Class instance. Note that a
simple replacment of '$' with '.' of a binary name would not work,
as '$' is a legal Java Identifier character.
String binaryName = c.getName();
c = c.getDeclaringClass();
if (c == null) {
return binaryName;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(binaryName);
do {
buf.setCharAt(c.getName().length(), '.");
c = c.getDeclaringClass();
} while ( c != null);
return buf.toString();
public static java.lang.String | getExpr(java.lang.String expression, boolean isXml)
String returnString;
String openExpr;
String closeExpr;
if (isXml) {
openExpr = OPEN_EXPR_XML;
closeExpr = CLOSE_EXPR_XML;
} else {
openExpr = OPEN_EXPR;
closeExpr = CLOSE_EXPR;
int length = expression.length();
if (expression.startsWith(openExpr) &&
expression.endsWith(closeExpr)) {
returnString = expression.substring(
openExpr.length(), length - closeExpr.length());
} else {
returnString = "";
return returnString;
public static java.lang.String | getExprInXml(java.lang.String expression)Takes a potential expression and converts it into XML form
String returnString;
int length = expression.length();
if (expression.startsWith(OPEN_EXPR)
&& expression.endsWith(CLOSE_EXPR)) {
returnString = expression.substring (1, length - 1);
} else {
returnString = expression;
return escapeXml(returnString.replace(Constants.ESC, '$"));
public static | getInputStream(java.lang.String fname, java.util.jar.JarFile jarFile, org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext ctxt, ErrorDispatcher err)
InputStream in = null;
if (jarFile != null) {
String jarEntryName = fname.substring(1, fname.length());
ZipEntry jarEntry = jarFile.getEntry(jarEntryName);
if (jarEntry == null) {
err.jspError("jsp.error.file.not.found", fname);
in = jarFile.getInputStream(jarEntry);
} else {
in = ctxt.getResourceAsStream(fname);
if (in == null) {
err.jspError("jsp.error.file.not.found", fname);
return in;
static | getReader(java.lang.String fname, java.lang.String encoding, java.util.jar.JarFile jarFile, org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext ctxt, ErrorDispatcher err)
return getReader(fname, encoding, jarFile, ctxt, err, 0);
static | getReader(java.lang.String fname, java.lang.String encoding, java.util.jar.JarFile jarFile, org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext ctxt, ErrorDispatcher err, int skip)
InputStreamReader reader = null;
InputStream in = getInputStream(fname, jarFile, ctxt, err);
for (int i = 0; i < skip; i++) {;
try {
reader = new InputStreamReader(in, encoding);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
err.jspError("jsp.error.unsupported.encoding", encoding);
return reader;
public static java.lang.String | getTagHandlerClassName(java.lang.String path, ErrorDispatcher err)Gets the fully-qualified class name of the tag handler corresponding to
the given tag file path.
String className = null;
int begin = 0;
int index;
index = path.lastIndexOf(".tag");
if (index == -1) {
err.jspError("jsp.error.tagfile.badSuffix", path);
//It's tempting to remove the ".tag" suffix here, but we can't.
//If we remove it, the fully-qualified class name of this tag
//could conflict with the package name of other tags.
//For instance, the tag file
// /WEB-INF/tags/foo.tag
//would have fully-qualified class name
//which would conflict with the package name of the tag file
// /WEB-INF/tags/foo/bar.tag
index = path.indexOf(WEB_INF_TAGS);
if (index != -1) {
className = "org.apache.jsp.tag.web.";
begin = index + WEB_INF_TAGS.length();
} else {
index = path.indexOf(META_INF_TAGS);
if (index != -1) {
className = "org.apache.jsp.tag.meta.";
begin = index + META_INF_TAGS.length();
} else {
err.jspError("jsp.error.tagfile.illegalPath", path);
className += makeJavaPackage(path.substring(begin));
return className;
public static java.lang.String | interpreterCall(boolean isTagFile, java.lang.String expression, java.lang.Class expectedType, java.lang.String fnmapvar, boolean XmlEscape)Produces a String representing a call to the EL interpreter.
* Determine which context object to use.
String jspCtxt = null;
if (isTagFile)
jspCtxt = "this.getJspContext()";
jspCtxt = "_jspx_page_context";
* Determine whether to use the expected type's textual name
* or, if it's a primitive, the name of its correspondent boxed
* type.
String targetType = expectedType.getName();
String primitiveConverterMethod = null;
if (expectedType.isPrimitive()) {
if (expectedType.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) {
targetType = Boolean.class.getName();
primitiveConverterMethod = "booleanValue";
} else if (expectedType.equals(Byte.TYPE)) {
targetType = Byte.class.getName();
primitiveConverterMethod = "byteValue";
} else if (expectedType.equals(Character.TYPE)) {
targetType = Character.class.getName();
primitiveConverterMethod = "charValue";
} else if (expectedType.equals(Short.TYPE)) {
targetType = Short.class.getName();
primitiveConverterMethod = "shortValue";
} else if (expectedType.equals(Integer.TYPE)) {
targetType = Integer.class.getName();
primitiveConverterMethod = "intValue";
} else if (expectedType.equals(Long.TYPE)) {
targetType = Long.class.getName();
primitiveConverterMethod = "longValue";
} else if (expectedType.equals(Float.TYPE)) {
targetType = Float.class.getName();
primitiveConverterMethod = "floatValue";
} else if (expectedType.equals(Double.TYPE)) {
targetType = Double.class.getName();
primitiveConverterMethod = "doubleValue";
if (primitiveConverterMethod != null) {
XmlEscape = false;
* Build up the base call to the interpreter.
// XXX - We use a proprietary call to the interpreter for now
// as the current standard machinery is inefficient and requires
// lots of wrappers and adapters. This should all clear up once
// the EL interpreter moves out of JSTL and into its own project.
// In the future, this should be replaced by code that calls
// ExpressionEvaluator.parseExpression() and then cache the resulting
// expression objects. The interpreterCall would simply select
// one of the pre-cached expressions and evaluate it.
// Note that PageContextImpl implements VariableResolver and
// the generated Servlet/SimpleTag implements FunctionMapper, so
// that machinery is already in place (mroth).
targetType = toJavaSourceType(targetType);
StringBuffer call = new StringBuffer(
"(" + targetType + ") "
+ "org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate"
+ "(" + Generator.quote(expression) + ", "
+ targetType + ".class, "
+ "(PageContext)" + jspCtxt
+ ", " + fnmapvar
+ ", " + XmlEscape
+ ")");
* Add the primitive converter method if we need to.
if (primitiveConverterMethod != null) {
call.insert(0, "(");
call.append(")." + primitiveConverterMethod + "()");
return call.toString();
public static boolean | isExpression(java.lang.String token, boolean isXml)Checks if the token is a runtime expression.
In standard JSP syntax, a runtime expression starts with '<%' and
ends with '%>'. When the JSP document is in XML syntax, a runtime
expression starts with '%=' and ends with '%'.
String openExpr;
String closeExpr;
if (isXml) {
openExpr = OPEN_EXPR_XML;
closeExpr = CLOSE_EXPR_XML;
} else {
openExpr = OPEN_EXPR;
closeExpr = CLOSE_EXPR;
if (token.startsWith(openExpr) && token.endsWith(closeExpr)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static boolean | isJavaKeyword(java.lang.String key)Test whether the argument is a Java keyword
int i = 0;
int j = javaKeywords.length;
while (i < j) {
int k = (i+j)/2;
int result = javaKeywords[k].compareTo(key);
if (result == 0) {
return true;
if (result < 0) {
i = k+1;
} else {
j = k;
return false;
public static final java.lang.String | makeJavaIdentifier(java.lang.String identifier)Converts the given identifier to a legal Java identifier
StringBuffer modifiedIdentifier =
new StringBuffer(identifier.length());
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(identifier.charAt(0))) {
for (int i = 0; i < identifier.length(); i++) {
char ch = identifier.charAt(i);
if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(ch) && ch != '_") {
} else if (ch == '.") {
} else {
if (isJavaKeyword(modifiedIdentifier.toString())) {
return modifiedIdentifier.toString();
public static final java.lang.String | makeJavaPackage(java.lang.String path)Converts the given path to a Java package or fully-qualified class name
String classNameComponents[] = split(path,"/");
StringBuffer legalClassNames = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < classNameComponents.length; i++) {
if (i < classNameComponents.length - 1) {
return legalClassNames.toString();
public static final java.lang.String | makeXmlJavaIdentifier(java.lang.String name)Converts the given Xml name to a legal Java identifier. This is
slightly more efficient than makeJavaIdentifier in that we only need
to worry about '.', '-', and ':' in the string. We also assume that
the resultant string is further concatenated with some prefix string
so that we don't have to worry about it being a Java key word.
if (name.indexOf('-") >= 0)
name = replace(name, '-", "$1");
if (name.indexOf('.") >= 0)
name = replace(name, '.", "$2");
if (name.indexOf(':") >= 0)
name = replace(name, ':", "$3");
return name;
public static final java.lang.String | mangleChar(char ch)Mangle the specified character to create a legal Java class name.
char[] result = new char[5];
result[0] = '_";
result[1] = Character.forDigit((ch >> 12) & 0xf, 16);
result[2] = Character.forDigit((ch >> 8) & 0xf, 16);
result[3] = Character.forDigit((ch >> 4) & 0xf, 16);
result[4] = Character.forDigit(ch & 0xf, 16);
return new String(result);
public static java.lang.String | nextTemporaryVariableName()Generates a new temporary variable name.
(not thread-safe)
return Constants.TEMP_VARIABLE_NAME_PREFIX + (tempSequenceNumber++);
public static char[] | removeQuotes(char[] chars)
CharArrayWriter caw = new CharArrayWriter();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (chars[i] == '%" && chars[i+1] == '\\" &&
chars[i+2] == '>") {
i = i + 2;
} else {
return caw.toCharArray();
public static java.lang.String | replace(java.lang.String name, char replace, java.lang.String with)Replaces any occurrences of the character replace with the
string with.
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
int begin = 0;
int end;
int last = name.length();
while (true) {
end = name.indexOf(replace, begin);
if (end < 0) {
end = last;
buf.append(name.substring(begin, end));
if (end == last) {
begin = end + 1;
return buf.toString();
public static void | resetTemporaryVariableName()Resets the temporary variable name.
(not thread-safe)
tempSequenceNumber = 0;
private static final java.lang.String[] | split(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String pat)Splits a string into it's components.
Vector comps = new Vector();
int pos = path.indexOf(pat);
int start = 0;
while( pos >= 0 ) {
if(pos > start ) {
String comp = path.substring(start,pos);
start = pos + pat.length();
pos = path.indexOf(pat,start);
if( start < path.length()) {
String [] result = new String[comps.size()];
for(int i=0; i < comps.size(); i++) {
result[i] = (String)comps.elementAt(i);
return result;
public static java.lang.Class | toClass(java.lang.String type, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)Returns the Class object associated with the class or
interface with the given string name.
The Class object is determined by passing the given string
name to the Class.forName() method, unless the given string
name represents a primitive type, in which case it is converted to a
Class object by appending ".class" to it (e.g., "int.class").
Class c = null;
int i0 = type.indexOf('[");
int dims = 0;
if (i0 > 0) {
// This is an array. Count the dimensions
for (int i = 0; i < type.length(); i++) {
if (type.charAt(i) == '[")
type = type.substring(0, i0);
if ("boolean".equals(type))
c = boolean.class;
else if ("char".equals(type))
c = char.class;
else if ("byte".equals(type))
c = byte.class;
else if ("short".equals(type))
c = short.class;
else if ("int".equals(type))
c = int.class;
else if ("long".equals(type))
c = long.class;
else if ("float".equals(type))
c = float.class;
else if ("double".equals(type))
c = double.class;
else if (type.indexOf('[") < 0)
c = loader.loadClass(type);
if (dims == 0)
return c;
if (dims == 1)
return java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(c, 1).getClass();
// Array of more than i dimension
return java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(c, new int[dims]).getClass();
public static java.lang.String | toJavaSourceType(java.lang.String type)Class.getName() return arrays in the form "[[[", where et,
the element type can be one of ZBCDFIJS or L;
It is converted into forms that can be understood by javac.
if (type.charAt(0) != '[") {
return type;
int dims = 1;
String t = null;
for (int i = 1; i < type.length(); i++) {
if (type.charAt(i) == '[") {
} else {
switch (type.charAt(i)) {
case 'Z": t = "boolean"; break;
case 'B": t = "byte"; break;
case 'C": t = "char"; break;
case 'D": t = "double"; break;
case 'F": t = "float"; break;
case 'I": t = "int"; break;
case 'J": t = "long"; break;
case 'S": t = "short"; break;
case 'L": t = type.substring(i+1, type.indexOf(';")); break;
StringBuffer resultType = new StringBuffer(t);
for (; dims > 0; dims--) {
return resultType.toString();
public static java.lang.String | toJavaSourceTypeFromTld(java.lang.String type)Handles taking input from TLDs
'java.lang.Object' -> 'java.lang.Object.class'
'int' -> 'int.class'
'void' -> 'Void.TYPE'
'int[]' -> 'int[].class'
if (type == null || "void".equals(type)) {
return "Void.TYPE";
return type + ".class";
public static void | validateExpressions(Mark where, java.lang.String expressions, java.lang.Class expectedType, javax.el.FunctionMapper functionMapper, ErrorDispatcher err)Validates the syntax of all ${} expressions within the given string.
// try {
// JspUtil.expressionEvaluator.parseExpression( expressions,
// expectedType, functionMapper );
// }
// catch( ELParseException e ) {
// err.jspError(where, "jsp.error.invalid.expression", expressions,
// e.toString() );
// }
// catch( ELException e ) {
// err.jspError(where, "jsp.error.invalid.expression", expressions,
// e.toString() );
// }