Class ColorSupported is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
identifies whether the device is capable of any type of color printing at
all, including highlight color as well as full process color. All document
instructions having to do with color are embedded within the print data (none
are attributes attached to the job outside the print data).
Note: End users are able to determine the nature and details of the color
support by querying the {@link PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer
PrinterMoreInfoManufacturer} attribute.
Don't confuse the ColorSupported attribute with the {@link Chromaticity
Chromaticity} attribute. {@link Chromaticity Chromaticity} is an attribute
the client can specify for a job to tell the printer whether to print a
document in monochrome or color, possibly causing the printer to print a
color document in monochrome. ColorSupported is a printer description
attribute that tells whether the printer can print in color regardless of how
the client specifies to print any particular document.
IPP Compatibility: The IPP boolean value is "true" for SUPPORTED and
"false" for NOT_SUPPORTED. The category name returned by
getName() is the IPP attribute name. The enumeration's
integer value is the IPP enum value. The toString() method
returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.