TestSpansAdvanced2public class TestSpansAdvanced2 extends TestSpansAdvanced Some expanded tests to make sure my patch doesn't break other SpanTermQuery
functionality. |
Fields Summary |
IndexSearcher | searcher2 |
Methods Summary |
protected void | setUp()Initializes the tests by adding documents to the index.
// create test index
final IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(mDirectory, new StandardAnalyzer(), false);
addDocument(writer, "A", "Should we, could we, would we?");
addDocument(writer, "B", "It should. Should it?");
addDocument(writer, "C", "It shouldn't.");
addDocument(writer, "D", "Should we, should we, should we.");
// re-open the searcher since we added more docs
searcher2 = new IndexSearcher(mDirectory);
| public void | testBooleanQueryWithSpanQueries()Tests two span queries.
doTestBooleanQueryWithSpanQueries(searcher2, 0.73500174f);
| public void | testMultipleDifferentSpanQueries()Tests a single span query that matches multiple documents.
final Query spanQuery1 = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(FIELD_TEXT, "should"));
final Query spanQuery2 = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(FIELD_TEXT, "we"));
final BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery();
query.add(spanQuery1, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
query.add(spanQuery2, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
final String[] expectedIds = new String[] { "D", "A" };
// these values were pre LUCENE-413
// final float[] expectedScores = new float[] { 0.93163157f, 0.20698164f };
final float[] expectedScores = new float[] { 1.0191123f, 0.93163157f };
assertHits(searcher2, query, "multiple different span queries", expectedIds, expectedScores);
| public void | testSingleSpanQuery()Tests a single span query that matches multiple documents.
final Query spanQuery = new SpanTermQuery(new Term(FIELD_TEXT, "should"));
final String[] expectedIds = new String[] { "B", "D", "1", "2", "3", "4", "A" };
final float[] expectedScores = new float[] { 0.625f, 0.45927936f, 0.35355338f, 0.35355338f, 0.35355338f,
0.35355338f, 0.26516503f, };
assertHits(searcher2, spanQuery, "single span query", expectedIds, expectedScores);
| public void | testVerifyIndex()Verifies that the index has the correct number of documents.
final IndexReader reader = IndexReader.open(mDirectory);
assertEquals(8, reader.numDocs());