Monitored Object provides an Hierarchichal view of the ORB Monitoring
System. It can contain multiple children and a single parent. Each
Monitored Object may also contain Multiple Monitored Attributes.
This method will add a child Monitored Object to this Monitored Object.
public void
Clears the state of all the Monitored Attributes associated with the
Monitored Object. It will also clear the state on all it's child
Monitored Object. The call to clearState will be initiated from
CORBAMBean.startMonitoring() call.
Gets all the Monitored Attributes for this Monitored Objects. It doesn't
include the Child Monitored Object, that needs to be traversed using
getChild() or getChildren() call.
Collection of all the Attributes for this MonitoredObject
Gets the child MonitoredObject associated with this MonitoredObject
instance using name as the key. The name should be fully qualified name
like orb.connectionmanager