Methods Summary |
public void | addMBean(java.lang.Object object, name)Stores an MBean associated with its object name in the repository.
public boolean | contains( name)Checks whether an MBean of the name specified is already stored in
the repository.
public java.lang.Integer | getCount()Gets the number of MBeans stored in the repository.
public java.lang.String | getDefaultDomain()Gets the name of the domain currently used by default in the repository.
public java.lang.String[] | getDomains()Returns the list of domains in which any MBean is currently
public boolean | isFiltering()Indicates whether or not the Repository Service supports filtering. If
the Repository Service does not support filtering, the MBean Server
will perform filtering.
public java.util.Set | query( name, query)Selects and retrieves the list of MBeans whose names match the specified
object name pattern and which match the specified query expression (optionally).
public void | remove( name)Removes an MBean from the repository.
public java.lang.Object | retrieve( name)Retrieves the MBean of the name specified from the repository. The
object name must match exactly.
public void | setConfigParameters(java.util.ArrayList configParameters)The purpose of this method is to provide a unified way to provide whatever
configuration information is needed by the specific underlying implementation
of the repository.