Constructors Summary |
public ChainedConstructors(Class dataType)An illegal chained constructor showing attempt to use instance method.
// this(buildClassText(dataType), dataType.getName(), this);
// supress eclipse warnings.
public ChainedConstructors(String text)A chained construtor showing use of embedded code.
this(text, new String("A button to show " + text), null);
public ChainedConstructors(Color color)A chained constructor showing usage of an instance method.
this(color.toString(), "", null);
public ChainedConstructors(String text, boolean showDate)A chained constructor showing usage of a static method.
this(text, buildDateToolTip(text, showDate), null);
public ChainedConstructors(String text, String tooltip)A chained consturctor showign a simple call.
this(text, tooltip, null);
public ChainedConstructors(String text, String tooltip, ActionListener listener)The Primary constructor.
if (listener != null) {