Adds a routing table observer if it is not already observing.paramrto the observer to addreturntrue if now observing, false otherwise
Adds a contact to the router and marks it as "known to be alive"paramnode_idparamattachmentreturn
Informs the router that an attempt to interact with the contact failedparamnode_idparamattachmentreturn
Adds a contact to the router. The contact is not known to be alive (e.g. we've been returned the contact by someone but we've not either got a reply from it, nor has it invoked us.paramnode_idparamattachmentreturn
Returns whether the given observer is already observing.paramrto the observer to query as observingreturntrue if observing, false otherwise
returns a list of best contacts in terms of uptime, best firstparammaxreturn
Returns K or a few more closest contacts, unordered
Returns a list of DHTRouterContact objectsreturn
Removes the observer if it is already observing.paramrto the observer to removereturntrue if no longer observing, false otherwise
Tells the router to perform its "start of day" functions required to integrate it into the DHT (search for itself, refresh buckets)