Insert or update a User object to the persistent store.
If a User is not logged in, then a new User is created and
automatically logged in. Otherwise, the existing User is updated.
boolean creating = Constants.CREATE.equals(getTask());
creating = creating && isCreating(); // trust but verify
if (creating) {
User user = findUser(getUsername(), getPassword());
boolean haveUser = (user != null);
if (haveUser) {
return INPUT;
copyUser(getUsername(), getPassword());
} else {
// FIXME: Any way to call the RegisrationSave validators from here?
String newPassword = getPassword();
if (newPassword != null) {
String confirmPassword = getPassword2();
boolean matches = ((null != confirmPassword)
&& (confirmPassword.equals(newPassword)));
if (matches) {
} else {
return INPUT;
return SUCCESS;