Fields Summary |
static final byte | WIM_GENERIC_RSA_IDIdentifier for RSA generic SE. |
static short | freeKeySlotsThe number of keys that can be generated. |
static short | newFileIDIdentifier of file for new key. |
static byte | newKeyIDIdentifier for new key. |
static short | freePINSlotsThe number of PINs that can be added. |
static byte | newPINIDIdentifier of new PIN. |
static byte | newPINRefReference of new PIN. |
static final byte | PIN_G_IDIdentifier of PIN-G. |
static final short | PINRecordSizePIN record size. |
static final short | PINLabelOffsetPIN label offset. |
static short | newPINOffsetNew PIN offset in AODF. |
static byte[] | PINsPINs. |
static short | newPrivKeyOffsetOffset from start of the first empty entry in PrKDF. |
static final short | privKeyRecordSizeThe size of record in PrKDF. |
static final short | privPINIDOffsetOffset of PIN identifier data in PrKDF record. |
static final short | privHashOffsetOffset of key identifier data in PrKDF record. |
static final short | privUsageOffsetOffset of usage field data in PrKDF record. |
static final short | privKeyLengthOffsetOffset of key length in PrKDF record. |
static short | newPubKeyOffsetOffset from start of the first empty entry in PrKDF. |
static final short | pubKeyRecordSizeThe size of record in PuKDF. |
static final short | pubHashOffsetOffset of key identifier data in PuKDF record. |
static final short | pubKeyLengthOffsetOffset of key length in PuKDF record. |
static byte[] | PrivateKeysPrivate keys. |
static final short | AODFOffsetAODF data offset. |
static final short | PrKDFOffsetPrKDF data offset. |
static final short | PuKDFOffsetPuKDF data offset. |
static byte[] | FilesFiles. |