TimestampValueTag.javaAPI DocExample3748Thu Jun 28 16:14:16 BST 2001com.ora.jsp.tags.sql.value

package com.ora.jsp.tags.sql.value;

import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
import com.ora.jsp.sql.value.*;
import com.ora.jsp.tags.sql.ValueTagParent;
import com.ora.jsp.util.*;

 * This class is a custom action intended to be used in the body of
 * a sqlQuery or an sqlUpdate action element. It adds the specified 
 * value to its parent's value list.
 * @author Hans Bergsten, Gefion software <>
 * @version 1.0
public class TimestampValueTag extends ValueTag {
    private Timestamp value;

     * Sets the value property.
    public void setValue(java.util.Date value) {
        // Convert the java.util.Date to a java.sql.Timestamp
        this.value = new Timestamp(value.getTime());

     * Gets the value, specified by the value attribute, the stringValue
     * attribute, the param attribute, or the name and property attributes,
     * and adds it to the parent's value list. If the value is a String
     * and a pattern attribute is specified, the String is converted
     * into the appropriate type before being added to the parent's
     * value list.
    public int doEndTag() throws JspException {
        if (stringValue != null) {
            value = toTimestamp(stringValue, pattern);
        else if (param != null) {
            String paramValue = getParameter(param);
            value = toTimestamp(paramValue, pattern);
        else if (name != null) {
            value = getTimestamp(name, property, pattern);
        ValueTagParent parent = 
            (ValueTagParent) findAncestorWithClass(this, ValueTagParent.class);
        if (parent == null) {
            throw new JspException("The sqlTimestampValue action is not " +
                "enclosed by a supported action type");
        parent.addValue(new TimestampValue(value));
        return EVAL_PAGE;
     * Releases all instance variables.
    public void release() {
        value = null;
    private Timestamp toTimestamp(String stringValue, String pattern) 
        throws JspException {
        Timestamp timestampValue = null;
        try {
            java.util.Date date = StringFormat.toDate(stringValue, pattern);
            timestampValue = new Timestamp(date.getTime());
        catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new JspException(stringValue + " can not be converted to " +
                " a BigDecimal using pattern: " + pattern + ". Message: " +
        return timestampValue;
    private Timestamp getTimestamp(String beanName, String propertyName,
        String pattern) throws JspException {
        Timestamp timestampValue = null;
        Object bean = getBean(beanName);
        Method readMethod = getPropertyReadMethod(bean, propertyName);
        Class returnType = readMethod.getReturnType();
        Object value = getValue(bean, readMethod, propertyName);
        if (Timestamp.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) {
            timestampValue = (Timestamp) value;
        else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) {
            timestampValue = toTimestamp((String) value, pattern);
        else {
            throw new JspException("Read method for the " + propertyName +
                " property in the bean named " + beanName + " is not of type " +
                " String or Timestamp");
        return timestampValue;