Methods Summary |
public void | deleteRule(int index)Used to delete a rule from the style sheet.
public org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRuleList | getCssRules()The list of all CSS rules contained within the style sheet. This
includes both rule sets and at-rules.
public org.w3c.dom.css.CSSRule | getOwnerRule()If this style sheet comes from an @import rule, the
ownerRule attribute will contain the
CSSImportRule . In that case, the ownerNode
attribute in the StyleSheet interface will be
null . If the style sheet comes from an element or a
processing instruction, the ownerRule attribute will be
null and the ownerNode attribute will
contain the Node .
public int | insertRule(java.lang.String rule, int index)Used to insert a new rule into the style sheet. The new rule now
becomes part of the cascade.