Methods Summary |
protected void | checkInUse()
if (!inuse)
throw new IllegalStateException("Method called when DBM not open");
public void | close()Public wrapper for close method.
inuse = false;
protected native int | dbmclose()
protected native byte[] | dbmfetch(byte[] key)
protected native int | dbminit(java.lang.String file)
protected native int | dbmstore(byte[] key, byte[] content)
protected native int | delete(java.lang.Object key)
public java.lang.Object | fetch(java.lang.Object key)Fetch using Objects
byte[] datum = dbmfetch(toByteArray(key));
return toObject(datum);
public byte[] | fetch(byte[] key)Fetch using byte arrays
return dbmfetch(key);
public native byte[] | firstkey()
public java.lang.Object | firstkeyObject()
return toObject(firstkey());
public native byte[] | nextkey(byte[] key)
public java.lang.Object | nextkey(java.lang.Object key)
byte[] ba = nextkey(toByteArray(key));
if (ba == null)
return null;
return toObject(ba);
public void | store(byte[] key, byte[] value)Store using byte arrays
dbmstore(key, value);
public void | store(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)Store using Objects
dbmstore(toByteArray(key), toByteArray(value));
protected byte[] | toByteArray(java.lang.Object o)serialize an Object to byte array.
if (bo == null)
bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(bo);
return bo.toByteArray();
protected java.lang.Object | toObject(byte[] b)un-serialize an Object from a byte array.
Object o;
ByteArrayInputStream bi = new ByteArrayInputStream(b);
ObjectInputStream os = new ObjectInputStream(bi);
try {
o = os.readObject();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
// Convert ClassNotFoundException to I/O error
throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
return o;
public java.lang.String | toString()
return "DBM@" + hashCode() + "[" + fileName + "]";