try {
Properties props = new Properties();
FileInputStream propFile = new FileInputStream("");
// get the wait time before starting the controller...
String controllerStartWaitTime = (String)props.get("controller.startWaitTime");
trace("Controller start wait time: " + controllerStartWaitTime);
// get the wait time between writing log messages...
String logFlushWaitTime = (String)props.get("logger.flushWaitTime");
trace("Log flush wait time: " + logFlushWaitTime);
// get the consumer work factor...
String consumerWorkFactor = (String)props.get("controller.consumer.workFactor");
trace("Consumer work factor: " + consumerWorkFactor);
// get the supplier work factor...
String supplierWorkFactor = (String)props.get("controller.supplier.workFactor");
trace("Supplier work factor: " + supplierWorkFactor);
// Create the timer...
Timer timer = new Timer();
Listener listener = new Listener();
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (new Long(controllerStartWaitTime)).longValue();
Date startDate = new Date(startTime);
trace("Scheduler: INFO: Controller will start after " + startDate);
// Add notification that starts the controller...
timer.addNotification(Controller.CONTROLLER_START, null, props, // so the listener will have the parameter values...
timer.addNotificationListener(listener, null, null);
// Add notification that flushes the log...
timer.addNotification(MessageLogQueue.FLUSH_LOG, "Time to flush the log to disk.",
null, new Date(), (new Long(logFlushWaitTime)).longValue());
timer.addNotificationListener(MessageLogQueue.instance(), null,
trace("Scheduler: INFO: Log will flush every " + logFlushWaitTime
+ "ms. starting at " + new Date());
// ObjectName objName = new ObjectName("Timer:type=generic");
// MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();
// mbs.registerMBean(timer, objName);
} catch (Exception e) {
trace("Scheduler.main(): ERROR: " + e.getMessage());