IndentContLineReader.javaAPI DocExample3686Sat Nov 25 12:55:30 GMT 2000None


public class IndentContLineReader extends ContLineReader
Subclass of ContLineReader for lines continued by indentation of following line (like RFC822 mail, Usenet News, etc.). Normally you would read header & body of the message(s) with code like:
while ((headerLine = clr.readLine()) != null && headerLine.length() > 0) {
while ((bodyLine = clr.readLine()) != null) {

Fields Summary
protected String
protected static String
Constructors Summary
public IndentContLineReader(Reader in)
Construct an IndentContLineReader with the default buffer size.

public IndentContLineReader(Reader in, int sz)
Construct an IndentContLineReader using the given buffer size.

		super(in, sz);
Methods Summary
public intgetLineNumber()
Line number of first line in current (possibly continued) line

		return firstLineNumber;
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] argv)

		IndentContLineReader is = new IndentContLineReader(
			new StringReader(sampleTxt));
		String aLine;
		// Print Mail/News Header
		System.out.println("----- Message Header -----");
		while ((aLine = is.readLine()) != null && aLine.length() > 0) {
			System.out.println(is.getLineNumber() + ": " + aLine);
		// Make "is" behave like normal BufferedReader
		// Print Message Body
		System.out.println("----- Message Body -----");
		while ((aLine = is.readLine()) != null) {
			System.out.println(is.getLineNumber() + ": " + aLine);
public java.lang.StringreadLine()
Read one (possibly continued) line, stripping out the '\'s that mark the end of all but the last.

		String s;

		// If we saved a previous line, start with it. Else,
		// read the first line of possible continuation. 
		// If non-null, put it into the StringBuffer and its line 
		// number in firstLineNumber.
		if (prevLine != null) {
			s = prevLine;
			prevLine = null;
		else  {
			s = readPhysicalLine();

		// save the line number of the first line.
		firstLineNumber = super.getLineNumber();

		// Now we have one line. If we are not in continuation
		// mode, or if a previous readPhysicalLine() returned null,
		// we are finished, so return it.
		if (!doContinue || s == null)
			return s;

		// Otherwise, start building a stringbuffer
		StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s);

		// Read as many continued lines as there are, if any.
		while (true) {
			String nextPart = readPhysicalLine();
			if (nextPart == null) {
				// Egad! EOF within continued line.
				// Return what we have so far.
				return sb.toString();
			// If the next line begins with space, it's continuation
			if (nextPart.length() > 0 &&
				Character.isWhitespace(nextPart.charAt(0))) {
				sb.append(nextPart);	// and add line.
			} else {
				// else we just read too far, so put in "pushback" holder
				prevLine = nextPart;

		return sb.toString();		// return what's left