List string keys of messages in repository.returnan Iterator over the list of keys in the repository
Obtains a lock on a message identified by keyparamkey the key of the message to be lockedreturntrue if successfully obtained the lock, false otherwise
Removes a specified messageparammail the message to be removed from the repository
Remove an Collection of mails from the repositoryparammails The Collection of MailImpl's to deletesince2.2.0
Removes a message identified by key.paramkey the key of the message to be removed from the repository
Retrieves a message given a key. At the moment, keys can be obtained from list() in superinterface Store.Repositoryparamkey the key of the message to retrievereturnthe mail corresponding to this key, null if none exists
Stores a message in this repository. Shouldn't this return the key under which it is stored?parammc the mail message to store
Releases a lock on a message identified the keyparamkey the key of the message to be unlockedreturntrue if successfully released the lock, false otherwise