nodesetprefix01public final class nodesetprefix01 extends org.w3c.domts.DOMTestCase The method setPrefix sets the namespace prefix of this node. Note that setting this attribute,
when permitted, changes the nodeName attribute, which holds the qualified name, as well as the
tagName and name attributes of the Element and Attr interfaces, when applicable.
Create a new element node with a namespace prefix. Add it to a new DocumentFragment Node without
a prefix. Call setPrefix on the elemen node. Check if the prefix was set correctly on the element. |
Constructors Summary |
public nodesetprefix01(org.w3c.domts.DOMTestDocumentBuilderFactory factory)Constructor.
org.w3c.domts.DocumentBuilderSetting[] settings =
new org.w3c.domts.DocumentBuilderSetting[] {
DOMTestDocumentBuilderFactory testFactory = factory.newInstance(settings);
// check if loaded documents are supported for content type
String contentType = getContentType();
preload(contentType, "staff", true);
Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | getTargetURI()Gets URI that identifies the test.
return "";
| public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)Runs this test from the command line.
DOMTestCase.doMain(nodesetprefix01.class, args);
| public void | runTest()Runs the test case.
Document doc;
DocumentFragment docFragment;
Element element;
String elementTagName;
String elementNodeName;
Node appendedChild;
doc = (Document) load("staff", true);
docFragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
element = doc.createElementNS("", "emp:address");
appendedChild = docFragment.appendChild(element);
elementTagName = element.getTagName();
elementNodeName = element.getNodeName();
assertEquals("nodesetprefix01_tagname", "dmstc:address", elementTagName);
assertEquals("nodesetprefix01_nodeName", "dmstc:address", elementNodeName);