Main startup routine for the bootstrap server.
It first determines the port on which to listen, checks that the
specified file is available, and then creates the resolver
that will be used to service the requests in the
String propertiesFilename = null;
int initialPort = ORBConstants.DEFAULT_INITIAL_PORT;
// Process arguments
for (int i=0;i<args.length;i++) {
// Look for the filename
if (args[i].equals("-InitialServicesFile") && i < args.length -1) {
propertiesFilename = args[i+1];
// Was the initial port specified? If so, override
// This property normally is applied for the client side
// configuration of resolvers. Here we are using it to
// define the server port that the with which the resolvers
// communicate.
if (args[i].equals("-ORBInitialPort") && i < args.length-1) {
initialPort = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]);
if (propertiesFilename == null) {
System.out.println( CorbaResourceUtil.getText("bootstrap.usage",
// Create a file
File file = new File(propertiesFilename);
// Verify that if it exists, it is readable
if (file.exists() == true && file.canRead() == false) {
"bootstrap.filenotreadable", file.getAbsolutePath()));
// Success: start up
"bootstrap.success", Integer.toString(initialPort),
Properties props = new Properties() ;
// Use the SERVER_PORT to create an Acceptor using the
// old legacy code in ORBConfiguratorImpl. When (if?)
// the legacy support is removed, this code will need
// to create an Acceptor directly.
props.put( ORBConstants.SERVER_PORT_PROPERTY,
Integer.toString( initialPort ) ) ;
ORB orb = (ORB) org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(args,props);
LocalResolver lres = orb.getLocalResolver() ;
Resolver fres = ResolverDefault.makeFileResolver( orb, file ) ;
Resolver cres = ResolverDefault.makeCompositeResolver( fres, lres ) ;
LocalResolver sres = ResolverDefault.makeSplitLocalResolver( cres, lres ) ;
orb.setLocalResolver( sres ) ;
try {
// This causes the acceptors to start listening.
} catch (org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName e) {
RuntimeException rte = new RuntimeException("This should not happen");
throw rte;
} ;