// Use the root vfs path name
this.shortName = parent.getRoot().getPathName();
if( shortName.length() == 0 )
shortName = parent.getName();
// this is a hack because VFS has gay URL name.
if (shortName.endsWith("!/"))
this.shortName = shortName.substring(0, shortName.length() - 2);
// Further reduce the path to the last component of the url name
int x = shortName.lastIndexOf('/");
this.shortName = shortName.substring(x + 1);
baseName = shortName;
int idx = shortName.lastIndexOf('.");
if( idx > 0 )
baseName = shortName.substring(0, idx);
deployments = (ConcurrentHashMap<String, Ejb3Deployment>)parent.getDeploymentUnit().getAttachment("EJB_DEPLOYMENTS");
if (deployments == null)
deployments = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Ejb3Deployment>();
parent.getDeploymentUnit().addAttachment("EJB_DEPLOYMENTS", deployments);