BitSet.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API36179Fri Aug 26 14:57:22 BST 2005java.util


public class BitSet extends Object implements Cloneable, Serializable
This class implements a vector of bits that grows as needed. Each component of the bit set has a boolean value. The bits of a BitSet are indexed by nonnegative integers. Individual indexed bits can be examined, set, or cleared. One BitSet may be used to modify the contents of another BitSet through logical AND, logical inclusive OR, and logical exclusive OR operations.

By default, all bits in the set initially have the value false.

Every bit set has a current size, which is the number of bits of space currently in use by the bit set. Note that the size is related to the implementation of a bit set, so it may change with implementation. The length of a bit set relates to logical length of a bit set and is defined independently of implementation.

Unless otherwise noted, passing a null parameter to any of the methods in a BitSet will result in a NullPointerException. A BitSet is not safe for multithreaded use without external synchronization.

Arthur van Hoff
Michael McCloskey
1.60, 02/19/04

(Omit source code)

Fields Summary
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final long
private long[]
The bits in this BitSet. The ith bit is stored in bits[i/64] at bit position i % 64 (where bit position 0 refers to the least significant bit and 63 refers to the most significant bit). INVARIANT: The words in bits[] above unitsInUse-1 are zero.
private transient int
The number of units in the logical size of this BitSet. INVARIANT: unitsInUse is nonnegative. INVARIANT: bits[unitsInUse-1] is nonzero unless unitsInUse is zero.
private static final long
private static final byte[]
Constructors Summary
public BitSet()
Creates a new bit set. All bits are initially false.

public BitSet(int nbits)
Creates a bit set whose initial size is large enough to explicitly represent bits with indices in the range 0 through nbits-1. All bits are initially false.

nbits the initial size of the bit set.
NegativeArraySizeException if the specified initial size is negative.

	// nbits can't be negative; size 0 is OK
	if (nbits < 0)
	    throw new NegativeArraySizeException("nbits < 0: " + nbits);

	bits = new long[(unitIndex(nbits-1) + 1)];
Methods Summary
public voidand(java.util.BitSet set)
Performs a logical AND of this target bit set with the argument bit set. This bit set is modified so that each bit in it has the value true if and only if it both initially had the value true and the corresponding bit in the bit set argument also had the value true.

set a bit set.

	if (this == set)

	// Perform logical AND on bits in common
	int oldUnitsInUse = unitsInUse;
	unitsInUse = Math.min(unitsInUse, set.unitsInUse);
        int i;
	for(i=0; i<unitsInUse; i++)
	    bits[i] &= set.bits[i];

	// Clear out units no longer used
	for( ; i < oldUnitsInUse; i++)
	    bits[i] = 0;

        // Recalculate units in use if necessary
        if (unitsInUse > 0 && bits[unitsInUse - 1] == 0)
public voidandNot(java.util.BitSet set)
Clears all of the bits in this BitSet whose corresponding bit is set in the specified BitSet.

set the BitSet with which to mask this BitSet.

        int unitsInCommon = Math.min(unitsInUse, set.unitsInUse);

	// Perform logical (a & !b) on bits in common
        for (int i=0; i<unitsInCommon; i++) {
	    bits[i] &= ~set.bits[i];

private static longbit(int bitIndex)
Given a bit index, return a unit that masks that bit in its unit.

        return 1L << (bitIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK);
private static intbitCount(long val)
Returns the number of bits set in val. For a derivation of this algorithm, see "Algorithms and data structures with applications to graphics and geometry", by Jurg Nievergelt and Klaus Hinrichs, Prentice Hall, 1993.

        val -= (val & 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL) >>> 1;
        val =  (val & 0x3333333333333333L) + ((val >>> 2) & 0x3333333333333333L);
        val =  (val + (val >>> 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fL;
        val += val >>> 8;     
        val += val >>> 16;    
        return ((int)(val) + (int)(val >>> 32)) & 0xff;
private static intbitLen(int w)
bitLen(val) is the number of bits in val.

        // Binary search - decision tree (5 tests, rarely 6)
         (w < 1<<15 ?
          (w < 1<<7 ?
           (w < 1<<3 ?
            (w < 1<<1 ? (w < 1<<0 ? (w<0 ? 32 : 0) : 1) : (w < 1<<2 ? 2 : 3)) :
            (w < 1<<5 ? (w < 1<<4 ? 4 : 5) : (w < 1<<6 ? 6 : 7))) :
           (w < 1<<11 ?
            (w < 1<<9 ? (w < 1<<8 ? 8 : 9) : (w < 1<<10 ? 10 : 11)) :
            (w < 1<<13 ? (w < 1<<12 ? 12 : 13) : (w < 1<<14 ? 14 : 15)))) :
          (w < 1<<23 ?
           (w < 1<<19 ?
            (w < 1<<17 ? (w < 1<<16 ? 16 : 17) : (w < 1<<18 ? 18 : 19)) :
            (w < 1<<21 ? (w < 1<<20 ? 20 : 21) : (w < 1<<22 ? 22 : 23))) :
           (w < 1<<27 ?
            (w < 1<<25 ? (w < 1<<24 ? 24 : 25) : (w < 1<<26 ? 26 : 27)) :
            (w < 1<<29 ? (w < 1<<28 ? 28 : 29) : (w < 1<<30 ? 30 : 31)))));
private static longbitsLeftOf(int x)
Returns a long that has all the bits that are more significant than or equal to the specified index set to 1. All other bits are 0.

        return WORD_MASK << x;
private static longbitsRightOf(int x)
Returns a long that has all bits that are less significant than the specified index set to 1. All other bits are 0.

        return (x==0 ? 0 : WORD_MASK >>> (64-x));
public intcardinality()
Returns the number of bits set to true in this BitSet.

the number of bits set to true in this BitSet.

        int sum = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<unitsInUse; i++)
            sum += bitCount(bits[i]);
        return sum;
public voidclear(int bitIndex)
Sets the bit specified by the index to false.

bitIndex the index of the bit to be cleared.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative.

	if (bitIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);

	int unitIndex = unitIndex(bitIndex);
	if (unitIndex >= unitsInUse)

	bits[unitIndex] &= ~bit(bitIndex);
        if (bits[unitsInUse-1] == 0)
public voidclear(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
Sets the bits from the specified fromIndex(inclusive) to the specified toIndex(exclusive) to false.

fromIndex index of the first bit to be cleared.
toIndex index after the last bit to be cleared.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if fromIndex is negative, or toIndex is negative, or fromIndex is larger than toIndex.

	if (fromIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex < 0: " + fromIndex);
        if (toIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("toIndex < 0: " + toIndex);
        if (fromIndex > toIndex)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex: " + fromIndex +
                                                " > toIndex: " + toIndex);

        int startUnitIndex = unitIndex(fromIndex);
	if (startUnitIndex >= unitsInUse)
        int endUnitIndex = unitIndex(toIndex);

        long bitMask = 0;
        if (startUnitIndex == endUnitIndex) {
            // Case 1: One word
            bitMask = (1L << (toIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK)) -
                      (1L << (fromIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK));
            bits[startUnitIndex] &= ~bitMask;
            if (bits[unitsInUse-1] == 0)

        // Case 2: Multiple words
        // Handle first word
        bitMask = bitsLeftOf(fromIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK);
        bits[startUnitIndex] &= ~bitMask;

        // Handle intermediate words, if any
        if (endUnitIndex - startUnitIndex > 1) {
            for(int i=startUnitIndex+1; i<endUnitIndex; i++) {
                if (i < unitsInUse)
                    bits[i] = 0;

        // Handle last word
        if (endUnitIndex < unitsInUse) {
            bitMask = bitsRightOf(toIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK);
            bits[endUnitIndex] &= ~bitMask;

        if (bits[unitsInUse-1] == 0)
public voidclear()
Sets all of the bits in this BitSet to false.


        while (unitsInUse > 0)
            bits[--unitsInUse] = 0;
public java.lang.Objectclone()
Cloning this BitSet produces a new BitSet that is equal to it. The clone of the bit set is another bit set that has exactly the same bits set to true as this bit set and the same current size.

Overrides the clone method of Object.

a clone of this bit set.

	BitSet result = null;
	try {
	    result = (BitSet) super.clone();
	} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
	    throw new InternalError();
	result.bits = new long[bits.length];
	System.arraycopy(bits, 0, result.bits, 0, unitsInUse);
	return result;
private voidensureCapacity(int unitsRequired)
Ensures that the BitSet can hold enough units.

unitsRequired the minimum acceptable number of units.

	if (bits.length < unitsRequired) {
	    // Allocate larger of doubled size or required size
	    int request = Math.max(2 * bits.length, unitsRequired);
	    long newBits[] = new long[request];
	    System.arraycopy(bits, 0, newBits, 0, unitsInUse);
	    bits = newBits;
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compares this object against the specified object. The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is a Bitset object that has exactly the same set of bits set to true as this bit set. That is, for every nonnegative int index k,
((BitSet)obj).get(k) == this.get(k)
must be true. The current sizes of the two bit sets are not compared.

Overrides the equals method of Object.

obj the object to compare with.
true if the objects are the same; false otherwise.

	if (!(obj instanceof BitSet))
	    return false;
	if (this == obj)
	    return true;

	BitSet set = (BitSet) obj;
	int minUnitsInUse = Math.min(unitsInUse, set.unitsInUse);

	// Check units in use by both BitSets
	for (int i = 0; i < minUnitsInUse; i++)
	    if (bits[i] != set.bits[i])
		return false;

	// Check any units in use by only one BitSet (must be 0 in other)
	if (unitsInUse > minUnitsInUse) {
	    for (int i = minUnitsInUse; i<unitsInUse; i++)
		if (bits[i] != 0)
		    return false;
	} else {
	    for (int i = minUnitsInUse; i<set.unitsInUse; i++)
		if (set.bits[i] != 0)
		    return false;

	return true;
public voidflip(int bitIndex)
Sets the bit at the specified index to the complement of its current value.

bitIndex the index of the bit to flip.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative.

	if (bitIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);
	int unitIndex = unitIndex(bitIndex);
        int unitsRequired = unitIndex+1;

        if (unitsInUse < unitsRequired) {
            bits[unitIndex] ^= bit(bitIndex);
            unitsInUse = unitsRequired;
        } else {
            bits[unitIndex] ^= bit(bitIndex);
            if (bits[unitsInUse-1] == 0)
public voidflip(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
Sets each bit from the specified fromIndex(inclusive) to the specified toIndex(exclusive) to the complement of its current value.

fromIndex index of the first bit to flip.
toIndex index after the last bit to flip.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if fromIndex is negative, or toIndex is negative, or fromIndex is larger than toIndex.

	if (fromIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex < 0: " + fromIndex);
        if (toIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("toIndex < 0: " + toIndex);
        if (fromIndex > toIndex)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex: " + fromIndex +
                                                " > toIndex: " + toIndex);
        // Increase capacity if necessary
        int endUnitIndex = unitIndex(toIndex);
        int unitsRequired = endUnitIndex + 1;

        if (unitsInUse < unitsRequired) {
            unitsInUse = unitsRequired;

        int startUnitIndex = unitIndex(fromIndex);
        long bitMask = 0;
        if (startUnitIndex == endUnitIndex) {
            // Case 1: One word
            bitMask = (1L << (toIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK)) -
                      (1L << (fromIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK));
            bits[startUnitIndex] ^= bitMask;
            if (bits[unitsInUse-1] == 0)
        // Case 2: Multiple words
        // Handle first word
        bitMask = bitsLeftOf(fromIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK);
        bits[startUnitIndex] ^= bitMask;

        // Handle intermediate words, if any
        if (endUnitIndex - startUnitIndex > 1) {
            for(int i=startUnitIndex+1; i<endUnitIndex; i++)
                bits[i] ^= WORD_MASK;

        // Handle last word
        bitMask = bitsRightOf(toIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK);
        bits[endUnitIndex] ^= bitMask;

        // Check to see if we reduced size
        if (bits[unitsInUse-1] == 0)
public booleanget(int bitIndex)
Returns the value of the bit with the specified index. The value is true if the bit with the index bitIndex is currently set in this BitSet; otherwise, the result is false.

bitIndex the bit index.
the value of the bit with the specified index.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative.

	if (bitIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);

	boolean result = false;
	int unitIndex = unitIndex(bitIndex);
	if (unitIndex < unitsInUse)
	    result = ((bits[unitIndex] & bit(bitIndex)) != 0);

	return result;
public java.util.BitSetget(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
Returns a new BitSet composed of bits from this BitSet from fromIndex(inclusive) to toIndex(exclusive).

fromIndex index of the first bit to include.
toIndex index after the last bit to include.
a new BitSet from a range of this BitSet.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if fromIndex is negative, or toIndex is negative, or fromIndex is larger than toIndex.

	if (fromIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex < 0: " + fromIndex);
        if (toIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("toIndex < 0: " + toIndex);
        if (fromIndex > toIndex)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex: " + fromIndex +
                                                " > toIndex: " + toIndex);

        // If no set bits in range return empty bitset
        if (length() <= fromIndex || fromIndex == toIndex)
            return new BitSet(0);

        // An optimization
        if (length() < toIndex)
            toIndex = length();

        BitSet result = new BitSet(toIndex - fromIndex);
        int startBitIndex = fromIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK;
        int endBitIndex = toIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK;
        int targetWords = (toIndex - fromIndex + 63)/64;
        int sourceWords = unitIndex(toIndex) - unitIndex(fromIndex) + 1;
        int inverseIndex = 64 - startBitIndex;
        int targetIndex = 0;
        int sourceIndex = unitIndex(fromIndex);

        // Process all words but the last word
        while (targetIndex < targetWords - 1)
            result.bits[targetIndex++] =
               (bits[sourceIndex++] >>> startBitIndex) |
               ((inverseIndex==64) ? 0 : bits[sourceIndex] << inverseIndex);

        // Process the last word
        result.bits[targetIndex] = (sourceWords == targetWords ?
           (bits[sourceIndex] & bitsRightOf(endBitIndex)) >>> startBitIndex :
           (bits[sourceIndex++] >>> startBitIndex) | ((inverseIndex==64) ? 0 :
           (getBits(sourceIndex) & bitsRightOf(endBitIndex)) << inverseIndex));

        // Set unitsInUse correctly
        result.unitsInUse = targetWords;
	return result;
private longgetBits(int j)
Returns the unit of this bitset at index j as if this bitset had an infinite amount of storage.

        return (j < unitsInUse) ? bits[j] : 0;
public inthashCode()
Returns a hash code value for this bit set. The has code depends only on which bits have been set within this BitSet. The algorithm used to compute it may be described as follows.

Suppose the bits in the BitSet were to be stored in an array of long integers called, say, bits, in such a manner that bit k is set in the BitSet (for nonnegative values of k) if and only if the expression

((k>>6) < bits.length) && ((bits[k>>6] & (1L << (bit & 0x3F))) != 0)
is true. Then the following definition of the hashCode method would be a correct implementation of the actual algorithm:
public int hashCode() {
long h = 1234;
for (int i = bits.length; --i >= 0; ) {
h ^= bits[i] * (i + 1);
return (int)((h >> 32) ^ h);
Note that the hash code values change if the set of bits is altered.

Overrides the hashCode method of Object.

a hash code value for this bit set.

	long h = 1234;
	for (int i = bits.length; --i >= 0; )
            h ^= bits[i] * (i + 1);

	return (int)((h >> 32) ^ h);
public booleanintersects(java.util.BitSet set)
Returns true if the specified BitSet has any bits set to true that are also set to true in this BitSet.

set BitSet to intersect with
boolean indicating whether this BitSet intersects the specified BitSet.

        for(int i = Math.min(unitsInUse, set.unitsInUse)-1; i>=0; i--)
            if ((bits[i] & set.bits[i]) != 0)
                return true;
        return false;
public booleanisEmpty()
Returns true if this BitSet contains no bits that are set to true.

boolean indicating whether this BitSet is empty.

        return (unitsInUse == 0);
public intlength()
Returns the "logical size" of this BitSet: the index of the highest set bit in the BitSet plus one. Returns zero if the BitSet contains no set bits.

the logical size of this BitSet.

        if (unitsInUse == 0)
            return 0;

	long highestUnit = bits[unitsInUse - 1];
	int highPart = (int)(highestUnit >>> 32);
        return 64 * (unitsInUse - 1) +
               (highPart == 0 ? bitLen((int)highestUnit)
                              : 32 + bitLen((int)highPart));
public intnextClearBit(int fromIndex)
Returns the index of the first bit that is set to false that occurs on or after the specified starting index.

fromIndex the index to start checking from (inclusive).
the index of the next clear bit.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative.

	if (fromIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex < 0: " + fromIndex);

        int u = unitIndex(fromIndex);
        if (u >= unitsInUse)
            return fromIndex;
        int testIndex = (fromIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK);
        long unit = bits[u] >> testIndex;

        if (unit == (WORD_MASK >> testIndex))
            testIndex = 0;

        while((unit==WORD_MASK) && (u < unitsInUse-1))
            unit = bits[++u];

        if (unit == WORD_MASK)
            return length();
        if (unit == 0)
            return u * BITS_PER_UNIT + testIndex;

        testIndex += trailingZeroCnt(~unit);
        return ((u * BITS_PER_UNIT) + testIndex);
public intnextSetBit(int fromIndex)
Returns the index of the first bit that is set to true that occurs on or after the specified starting index. If no such bit exists then -1 is returned. To iterate over the true bits in a BitSet, use the following loop: for(int i=bs.nextSetBit(0); i>=0; i=bs.nextSetBit(i+1)) { // operate on index i here }

fromIndex the index to start checking from (inclusive).
the index of the next set bit.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative.

	if (fromIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex < 0: " + fromIndex);
        int u = unitIndex(fromIndex);
        if (u >= unitsInUse)
            return -1;
        int testIndex = (fromIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK);
        long unit = bits[u] >> testIndex;

        if (unit == 0)
            testIndex = 0;

        while((unit==0) && (u < unitsInUse-1))
            unit = bits[++u];

        if (unit == 0)
            return -1;

        testIndex  += trailingZeroCnt(unit);
        return ((u * BITS_PER_UNIT) + testIndex);
public voidor(java.util.BitSet set)
Performs a logical OR of this bit set with the bit set argument. This bit set is modified so that a bit in it has the value true if and only if it either already had the value true or the corresponding bit in the bit set argument has the value true.

set a bit set.

	if (this == set)


	// Perform logical OR on bits in common
	int unitsInCommon = Math.min(unitsInUse, set.unitsInUse);
        int i;
	for(i=0; i<unitsInCommon; i++)
	    bits[i] |= set.bits[i];

	// Copy any remaining bits
	for(; i<set.unitsInUse; i++)
	    bits[i] = set.bits[i];

        if (unitsInUse < set.unitsInUse)
            unitsInUse = set.unitsInUse;
private voidreadObject( in)
This override of readObject makes sure unitsInUse is set properly when deserializing a bitset

        // Assume maximum length then find real length
        // because recalculateUnitsInUse assumes maintenance
        // or reduction in logical size
        unitsInUse = bits.length;
private voidrecalculateUnitsInUse()
Set the field unitsInUse with the logical size in units of the bit set. WARNING:This function assumes that the number of units actually in use is less than or equal to the current value of unitsInUse!

        // Traverse the bitset until a used unit is found
        int i;
        for (i = unitsInUse-1; i >= 0; i--)
	    if(bits[i] != 0)

        unitsInUse = i+1; // The new logical size
public voidset(int bitIndex)
Sets the bit at the specified index to true.

bitIndex a bit index.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative.

	if (bitIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);

        int unitIndex = unitIndex(bitIndex);
        int unitsRequired = unitIndex + 1;

        if (unitsInUse < unitsRequired) {
            bits[unitIndex] |= bit(bitIndex);
            unitsInUse = unitsRequired;
        } else {
            bits[unitIndex] |= bit(bitIndex);
public voidset(int bitIndex, boolean value)
Sets the bit at the specified index to the specified value.

bitIndex a bit index.
value a boolean value to set.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative.

        if (value)
public voidset(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
Sets the bits from the specified fromIndex(inclusive) to the specified toIndex(exclusive) to true.

fromIndex index of the first bit to be set.
toIndex index after the last bit to be set.
IndexOutOfBoundsException if fromIndex is negative, or toIndex is negative, or fromIndex is larger than toIndex.

	if (fromIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex < 0: " + fromIndex);
        if (toIndex < 0)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("toIndex < 0: " + toIndex);
        if (fromIndex > toIndex)
	    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex: " + fromIndex +
                                                " > toIndex: " + toIndex);

        // Increase capacity if necessary
        int endUnitIndex = unitIndex(toIndex);
        int unitsRequired = endUnitIndex + 1;

        if (unitsInUse < unitsRequired) {
            unitsInUse = unitsRequired;

        int startUnitIndex = unitIndex(fromIndex);
        long bitMask = 0;
        if (startUnitIndex == endUnitIndex) {
            // Case 1: One word
            bitMask = (1L << (toIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK)) -
                      (1L << (fromIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK));
            bits[startUnitIndex] |= bitMask;
        // Case 2: Multiple words
        // Handle first word
        bitMask = bitsLeftOf(fromIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK);
        bits[startUnitIndex] |= bitMask;

        // Handle intermediate words, if any
        if (endUnitIndex - startUnitIndex > 1) {
            for(int i=startUnitIndex+1; i<endUnitIndex; i++)
                bits[i] |= WORD_MASK;

        // Handle last word
        bitMask = bitsRightOf(toIndex & BIT_INDEX_MASK);
        bits[endUnitIndex] |= bitMask;
public voidset(int fromIndex, int toIndex, boolean value)
Sets the bits from the specified fromIndex(inclusive) to the specified toIndex(exclusive) to the specified value.

fromIndex index of the first bit to be set.
toIndex index after the last bit to be set
value value to set the selected bits to
IndexOutOfBoundsException if fromIndex is negative, or toIndex is negative, or fromIndex is larger than toIndex.

	if (value)
            set(fromIndex, toIndex);
            clear(fromIndex, toIndex);
public intsize()
Returns the number of bits of space actually in use by this BitSet to represent bit values. The maximum element in the set is the size - 1st element.

the number of bits currently in this bit set.

	return bits.length << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_UNIT;
public java.lang.StringtoString()
Returns a string representation of this bit set. For every index for which this BitSet contains a bit in the set state, the decimal representation of that index is included in the result. Such indices are listed in order from lowest to highest, separated by ", " (a comma and a space) and surrounded by braces, resulting in the usual mathematical notation for a set of integers.

Overrides the toString method of Object.


BitSet drPepper = new BitSet();
Now drPepper.toString() returns "{}".

Now drPepper.toString() returns "{2}".

Now drPepper.toString() returns "{2, 4, 10}".

a string representation of this bit set.

	int numBits = unitsInUse << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_UNIT;
	StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(8*numBits + 2);
	String separator = "";

	for (int i = 0 ; i < numBits; i++) {
	    if (get(i)) {
		separator = ", ";

	return buffer.toString();
private static inttrailingZeroCnt(long val)

        // Loop unrolled for performance
        int byteVal = (int)val & 0xff;
        if (byteVal != 0)
            return trailingZeroTable[byteVal];

        byteVal = (int)(val >>> 8) & 0xff;
        if (byteVal != 0)
            return trailingZeroTable[byteVal] + 8;

        byteVal = (int)(val >>> 16) & 0xff;
        if (byteVal != 0)
            return trailingZeroTable[byteVal] + 16;

        byteVal = (int)(val >>> 24) & 0xff;
        if (byteVal != 0)
            return trailingZeroTable[byteVal] + 24;

        byteVal = (int)(val >>> 32) & 0xff;
        if (byteVal != 0)
            return trailingZeroTable[byteVal] + 32;

        byteVal = (int)(val >>> 40) & 0xff;
        if (byteVal != 0)
            return trailingZeroTable[byteVal] + 40;

        byteVal = (int)(val >>> 48) & 0xff;
        if (byteVal != 0)
            return trailingZeroTable[byteVal] + 48;

        byteVal = (int)(val >>> 56) & 0xff;
        return trailingZeroTable[byteVal] + 56;
private static intunitIndex(int bitIndex)
Given a bit index return unit index containing it.

        return bitIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_UNIT;
public voidxor(java.util.BitSet set)
Performs a logical XOR of this bit set with the bit set argument. This bit set is modified so that a bit in it has the value true if and only if one of the following statements holds:
  • The bit initially has the value true, and the corresponding bit in the argument has the value false.
  • The bit initially has the value false, and the corresponding bit in the argument has the value true.

set a bit set.

        int unitsInCommon;

        if (unitsInUse >= set.unitsInUse) {
            unitsInCommon = set.unitsInUse;
        } else {
            unitsInCommon = unitsInUse;
            int newUnitsInUse = set.unitsInUse;
            unitsInUse = newUnitsInUse;

	// Perform logical XOR on bits in common
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<unitsInCommon; i++)
	    bits[i] ^= set.bits[i];

	// Copy any remaining bits
        for ( ; i<set.unitsInUse; i++)
            bits[i] = set.bits[i];
