// Validate XML request to make sure elements are properly qualified
// or not per the WSDL
MessageContext mc = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
Message request = mc.getRequestMessage();
SOAPEnvelope env = request.getSOAPEnvelope();
String requestString = request.getSOAPPartAsString();
Element body;
try {
body = env.getFirstBody().getAsDOM();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AxisFault("Unable to get request body as DOM Element on server");
// Now we have a DOM Element, verfy namespace attributes
// Here is what we think it looks like
// <phone age="35"
// ns1:color="red"
// ns1:hair="brown"
// xmlns:ns1="urn:attributeQualify">
// <areaCode>505</areaCode>
// <exchange>555</exchange>
// <number>1212</number>
String bodyNS = body.getNamespaceURI();
if (! NAMESPACE.equals(bodyNS))
throw new AxisFault("On Server: Namespace of body element incorrect: " +
bodyNS + " should be: " + NAMESPACE);
// Verify age does NOT have a namespace (unqualified)
Attr ageAttr = body.getAttributeNode("age");
if (ageAttr.getNamespaceURI() != null) {
throw new AxisFault("On Server: Namespace of age attribute incorrect: "
+ ageAttr.getNamespaceURI() + " should be: NULL");
// Verify hair and color have the right namespace (are qualified).
Attr hairAttr = body.getAttributeNodeNS(NAMESPACE, "hair");
if (hairAttr == null) {
throw new AxisFault("On Server: Missing namespace for attribute 'hair' should be: " + NAMESPACE);
Attr colorAttr = body.getAttributeNodeNS(NAMESPACE, "color");
if (hairAttr == null) {
throw new AxisFault("On Server: Missing namespace for attribute 'color' should be: " + NAMESPACE);
// Echo input
return in;