Compute the default (reduce) action for this row and store it in
default_reduce. In the case of non-zero default we will have the
effect of replacing all errors by that reduction. This may cause
us to do erroneous reduces, but will never cause us to shift past
the point of the error and never cause an incorrect parse. -1 will
be used to encode the fact that no reduction can be used as a
default (in which case error will be used).
/*--- General Methods ---------------------------------------*/
int i, prod, max_prod, max_red;
/* if we haven't allocated the count table, do so now */
if (reduction_count == null)
reduction_count = new int[production.number()];
/* clear the reduction count table and maximums */
for (i = 0; i < production.number(); i++)
reduction_count[i] = 0;
max_prod = -1;
max_red = 0;
/* walk down the row and look at the reduces */
for (i = 0; i < size(); i++)
if (under_term[i].kind() == parse_action.REDUCE)
/* count the reduce in the proper production slot and keep the
max up to date */
prod = ((reduce_action)under_term[i]).reduce_with().index();
if (reduction_count[prod] > max_red)
max_red = reduction_count[prod];
max_prod = prod;
/* record the max as the default (or -1 for not found) */
default_reduce = max_prod;