This API is a Sun Microsystems internal API and is subject to change without notice.
Checks whether or not a community string is defined.paramcommunity The community to check.returntrue if the community is known, false otherwise.
Checks whether or not the specified host has READ access.paramaddress The host address to check.returntrue if the host has read permission, false otherwise.
Checks whether or not the specified host and community have READ access.paramaddress The host address to check.paramcommunity The community associated with the host.returntrue if the pair (host, community) has read permission, false otherwise.
Checks whether or not the specified host has WRITE access.paramaddress The host address to check.returntrue if the host has write permission, false otherwise.
Checks whether or not the specified host and community have WRITE access.paramaddress The host address to check.paramcommunity The community associated with the host.returntrue if the pair (host, community) has write permission, false otherwise.
Returns an enumeration of inform communities for a given host.paramaddress The address of the host.returnAn enumeration of inform communities for a given host (enumeration of String).
Returns an enumeration of inform destinations.returnAn enumeration of the inform destinations (enumeration of InetAddress).
Returns the name of the ACL.returnThe name of the ACL.
Returns an enumeration of trap communities for a given host.paramaddress The address of the host.returnAn enumeration of trap communities for a given host (enumeration of String).
Returns an enumeration of trap destinations.returnAn enumeration of the trap destinations (enumeration of InetAddress).