SecuritySupport.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API3595Fri Aug 26 14:56:00 BST


public class SecuritySupport extends Object
This class is duplicated for each Xalan-Java subpackage so keep it in sync. It is package private and therefore is not exposed as part of the Xalan-Java API. Base class with security related methods that work on JDK 1.1.

(Omit source code)

Fields Summary
private static final Object
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary

	return null;
booleangetFileExists( f)

        return f.exists(); file)

        return new FileInputStream(file);
Return an appropriate instance of this class, depending on whether we're on a JDK 1.1 or J2SE 1.2 (or later) system.

	SecuritySupport ss = null;
	try {
	    Class c = Class.forName("");
	    // if that worked, we're on 1.2.
	    // don't reference the class explicitly so it doesn't
	    // get dragged in accidentally.
	    c = Class.forName("javax.mail.SecuritySupport12");
	    Constructor cons = c.getConstructor(new Class[] { });
	    ss = (SecuritySupport)cons.newInstance(new Object[] { });
	     * Unfortunately, we can't load the class using reflection
	     * because the class is package private.  And the class has
	     * to be package private so the APIs aren't exposed to other
	     * code that could use them to circumvent security.  Thus,
	     * we accept the risk that the direct reference might fail
	     * on some JDK 1.1 JVMs, even though we would never execute
	     * this code in such a case.  Sigh...
	    ss = new SecuritySupport12();
	} catch (Exception ex) {
	    // ignore it
	} finally {
	    if (ss == null)
		ss = new SecuritySupport();
	    securitySupport = ss;
	return (SecuritySupport)securitySupport;
longgetLastModified( f)

        return f.lastModified();
java.lang.ClassLoadergetParentClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader cl)

        return null; cl, java.lang.String name)

        InputStream ris;
        if (cl == null) {
            ris = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name);
        } else {
            ris = cl.getResourceAsStream(name);
        return ris;

        return null;
java.lang.StringgetSystemProperty(java.lang.String propName)

        return System.getProperty(propName);