this.stateType = stateType; this.commandType = commandType; this.actionType = actionType; this.message = message;
The action of this deploymentreturnthe action return actionType;
return actionType;
The deployment commandreturnthe command return commandType;
return commandType;
Get the messagereturnthe message return message;
return message;
Get the state of the deploymentreturnthe state return stateType;
return stateType;
Is the deployment completereturntrue when complete, false otherwise return stateType == StateType.COMPLETED;
return stateType == StateType.COMPLETED;
Has the deployment failedreturntrue when failed, false otherwise return stateType == StateType.FAILED;
return stateType == StateType.FAILED;
Is the deployment in progressreturntrue when in progress, false otherwise return stateType == StateType.RUNNING;
return stateType == StateType.RUNNING;
Set the current deployment message this.message = message;
this.message = message;
Set the current deployment status this.stateType = stateType;
this.stateType = stateType;
return "[ stateType=" + stateType + ", commandType=" + commandType + ", actionType=" + actionType + ", message=" + message + " ]";