RadialPickerLayoutpublic class RadialPickerLayout extends android.widget.FrameLayout implements android.view.View.OnTouchListenerThe primary layout to hold the circular picker, and the am/pm buttons. This view well measure
itself to end up as a square. It also handles touches to be passed in to views that need to know
when they'd been touched. |
Fields Summary |
private static final String | TAG | private final int | TOUCH_SLOP | private final int | TAP_TIMEOUT | private static final int | VISIBLE_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE | private static final int | HOUR_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE | private static final int | MINUTE_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE | private static final int | HOUR_INDEX | private static final int | MINUTE_INDEX | private static final int | AMPM_INDEX | private static final int | ENABLE_PICKER_INDEX | private static final int | AM | private static final int | PM | private int | mLastValueSelected | private com.android.datetimepicker.HapticFeedbackController | mHapticFeedbackController | private OnValueSelectedListener | mListener | private boolean | mTimeInitialized | private int | mCurrentHoursOfDay | private int | mCurrentMinutes | private boolean | mIs24HourMode | private boolean | mHideAmPm | private int | mCurrentItemShowing | private CircleView | mCircleView | private AmPmCirclesView | mAmPmCirclesView | private RadialTextsView | mHourRadialTextsView | private RadialTextsView | mMinuteRadialTextsView | private RadialSelectorView | mHourRadialSelectorView | private RadialSelectorView | mMinuteRadialSelectorView | private android.view.View | mGrayBox | private int[] | mSnapPrefer30sMap | private boolean | mInputEnabled | private int | mIsTouchingAmOrPm | private boolean | mDoingMove | private boolean | mDoingTouch | private int | mDownDegrees | private float | mDownX | private float | mDownY | private android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager | mAccessibilityManager | private android.animation.AnimatorSet | mTransition | private android.os.Handler | mHandler |
Constructors Summary |
public RadialPickerLayout(android.content.Context context, android.util.AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);
ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(context);
TOUCH_SLOP = vc.getScaledTouchSlop();
TAP_TIMEOUT = ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout();
mDoingMove = false;
mCircleView = new CircleView(context);
mAmPmCirclesView = new AmPmCirclesView(context);
mHourRadialTextsView = new RadialTextsView(context);
mMinuteRadialTextsView = new RadialTextsView(context);
mHourRadialSelectorView = new RadialSelectorView(context);
mMinuteRadialSelectorView = new RadialSelectorView(context);
// Prepare mapping to snap touchable degrees to selectable degrees.
mLastValueSelected = -1;
mInputEnabled = true;
mGrayBox = new View(context);
mGrayBox.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
mAccessibilityManager = (AccessibilityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE);
mTimeInitialized = false;
Methods Summary |
public boolean | dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent event)Announce the currently-selected time when launched.
if (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED) {
// Clear the event's current text so that only the current time will be spoken.
Time time = new Time();
time.hour = getHours();
time.minute = getMinutes();
long millis = time.normalize(true);
int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;
if (mIs24HourMode) {
flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_24HOUR;
String timeString = DateUtils.formatDateTime(getContext(), millis, flags);
return true;
return super.dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event);
| public int | getCurrentItemShowing()Get the item (hours or minutes) that is currently showing.
if (mCurrentItemShowing != HOUR_INDEX && mCurrentItemShowing != MINUTE_INDEX) {
Log.e(TAG, "Current item showing was unfortunately set to "+mCurrentItemShowing);
return -1;
return mCurrentItemShowing;
| private int | getCurrentlyShowingValue()If the hours are showing, return the current hour. If the minutes are showing, return the
current minute.
int currentIndex = getCurrentItemShowing();
if (currentIndex == HOUR_INDEX) {
return mCurrentHoursOfDay;
} else if (currentIndex == MINUTE_INDEX) {
return mCurrentMinutes;
} else {
return -1;
| private int | getDegreesFromCoords(float pointX, float pointY, boolean forceLegal, java.lang.Boolean[] isInnerCircle)Calculate the degrees within the circle that corresponds to the specified coordinates, if
the coordinates are within the range that will trigger a selection.
int currentItem = getCurrentItemShowing();
if (currentItem == HOUR_INDEX) {
return mHourRadialSelectorView.getDegreesFromCoords(
pointX, pointY, forceLegal, isInnerCircle);
} else if (currentItem == MINUTE_INDEX) {
return mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getDegreesFromCoords(
pointX, pointY, forceLegal, isInnerCircle);
} else {
return -1;
| public int | getHours()
return mCurrentHoursOfDay;
| public int | getIsCurrentlyAmOrPm()
if (mCurrentHoursOfDay < 12) {
return AM;
} else if (mCurrentHoursOfDay < 24) {
return PM;
return -1;
| public int | getMinutes()
return mCurrentMinutes;
| public void | initialize(android.content.Context context, com.android.datetimepicker.HapticFeedbackController hapticFeedbackController, int initialHoursOfDay, int initialMinutes, boolean is24HourMode)Initialize the Layout with starting values.
if (mTimeInitialized) {
Log.e(TAG, "Time has already been initialized.");
mHapticFeedbackController = hapticFeedbackController;
mIs24HourMode = is24HourMode;
mHideAmPm = mAccessibilityManager.isTouchExplorationEnabled()? true : mIs24HourMode;
// Initialize the circle and AM/PM circles if applicable.
mCircleView.initialize(context, mHideAmPm);
if (!mHideAmPm) {
mAmPmCirclesView.initialize(context, initialHoursOfDay < 12? AM : PM);
// Initialize the hours and minutes numbers.
Resources res = context.getResources();
int[] hours = {12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11};
int[] hours_24 = {0, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23};
int[] minutes = {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55};
String[] hoursTexts = new String[12];
String[] innerHoursTexts = new String[12];
String[] minutesTexts = new String[12];
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
hoursTexts[i] = is24HourMode?
String.format("%02d", hours_24[i]) : String.format("%d", hours[i]);
innerHoursTexts[i] = String.format("%d", hours[i]);
minutesTexts[i] = String.format("%02d", minutes[i]);
hoursTexts, (is24HourMode? innerHoursTexts : null), mHideAmPm, true);
mMinuteRadialTextsView.initialize(res, minutesTexts, null, mHideAmPm, false);
// Initialize the currently-selected hour and minute.
setValueForItem(HOUR_INDEX, initialHoursOfDay);
setValueForItem(MINUTE_INDEX, initialMinutes);
int hourDegrees = (initialHoursOfDay % 12) * HOUR_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
mHourRadialSelectorView.initialize(context, mHideAmPm, is24HourMode, true,
hourDegrees, isHourInnerCircle(initialHoursOfDay));
int minuteDegrees = initialMinutes * MINUTE_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
mMinuteRadialSelectorView.initialize(context, mHideAmPm, false, false,
minuteDegrees, false);
mTimeInitialized = true;
| private boolean | isHourInnerCircle(int hourOfDay)Check if a given hour appears in the outer circle or the inner circle
// We'll have the 00 hours on the outside circle.
return mIs24HourMode && (hourOfDay <= 12 && hourOfDay != 0);
| public void | onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo info)Necessary for accessibility, to ensure we support "scrolling" forward and backward
in the circle.
| public void | onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec)Measure the view to end up as a square, based on the minimum of the height and width.
int measuredWidth = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
int measuredHeight = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
int minDimension = Math.min(measuredWidth, measuredHeight);
super.onMeasure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(minDimension, widthMode),
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(minDimension, heightMode));
| public boolean | onTouch(android.view.View v, android.view.MotionEvent event)
final float eventX = event.getX();
final float eventY = event.getY();
int degrees;
int value;
final Boolean[] isInnerCircle = new Boolean[1];
isInnerCircle[0] = false;
switch(event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
if (!mInputEnabled) {
return true;
mDownX = eventX;
mDownY = eventY;
mLastValueSelected = -1;
mDoingMove = false;
mDoingTouch = true;
// If we're showing the AM/PM, check to see if the user is touching it.
if (!mHideAmPm) {
mIsTouchingAmOrPm = mAmPmCirclesView.getIsTouchingAmOrPm(eventX, eventY);
} else {
mIsTouchingAmOrPm = -1;
if (mIsTouchingAmOrPm == AM || mIsTouchingAmOrPm == PM) {
// If the touch is on AM or PM, set it as "touched" after the TAP_TIMEOUT
// in case the user moves their finger quickly.
mDownDegrees = -1;
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else {
// If we're in accessibility mode, force the touch to be legal. Otherwise,
// it will only register within the given touch target zone.
boolean forceLegal = mAccessibilityManager.isTouchExplorationEnabled();
// Calculate the degrees that is currently being touched.
mDownDegrees = getDegreesFromCoords(eventX, eventY, forceLegal, isInnerCircle);
if (mDownDegrees != -1) {
// If it's a legal touch, set that number as "selected" after the
// TAP_TIMEOUT in case the user moves their finger quickly.
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mDoingMove = true;
int value = reselectSelector(mDownDegrees, isInnerCircle[0],
false, true);
mLastValueSelected = value;
mListener.onValueSelected(getCurrentItemShowing(), value, false);
return true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
if (!mInputEnabled) {
// We shouldn't be in this state, because input is disabled.
Log.e(TAG, "Input was disabled, but received ACTION_MOVE.");
return true;
float dY = Math.abs(eventY - mDownY);
float dX = Math.abs(eventX - mDownX);
if (!mDoingMove && dX <= TOUCH_SLOP && dY <= TOUCH_SLOP) {
// Hasn't registered down yet, just slight, accidental movement of finger.
// If we're in the middle of touching down on AM or PM, check if we still are.
// If so, no-op. If not, remove its pressed state. Either way, no need to check
// for touches on the other circle.
if (mIsTouchingAmOrPm == AM || mIsTouchingAmOrPm == PM) {
int isTouchingAmOrPm = mAmPmCirclesView.getIsTouchingAmOrPm(eventX, eventY);
if (isTouchingAmOrPm != mIsTouchingAmOrPm) {
mIsTouchingAmOrPm = -1;
if (mDownDegrees == -1) {
// Original down was illegal, so no movement will register.
// We're doing a move along the circle, so move the selection as appropriate.
mDoingMove = true;
degrees = getDegreesFromCoords(eventX, eventY, true, isInnerCircle);
if (degrees != -1) {
value = reselectSelector(degrees, isInnerCircle[0], false, true);
if (value != mLastValueSelected) {
mLastValueSelected = value;
mListener.onValueSelected(getCurrentItemShowing(), value, false);
return true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
if (!mInputEnabled) {
// If our touch input was disabled, tell the listener to re-enable us.
Log.d(TAG, "Input was disabled, but received ACTION_UP.");
mListener.onValueSelected(ENABLE_PICKER_INDEX, 1, false);
return true;
mDoingTouch = false;
// If we're touching AM or PM, set it as selected, and tell the listener.
if (mIsTouchingAmOrPm == AM || mIsTouchingAmOrPm == PM) {
int isTouchingAmOrPm = mAmPmCirclesView.getIsTouchingAmOrPm(eventX, eventY);
if (isTouchingAmOrPm == mIsTouchingAmOrPm) {
if (getIsCurrentlyAmOrPm() != isTouchingAmOrPm) {
mListener.onValueSelected(AMPM_INDEX, mIsTouchingAmOrPm, false);
setValueForItem(AMPM_INDEX, isTouchingAmOrPm);
mIsTouchingAmOrPm = -1;
// If we have a legal degrees selected, set the value and tell the listener.
if (mDownDegrees != -1) {
degrees = getDegreesFromCoords(eventX, eventY, mDoingMove, isInnerCircle);
if (degrees != -1) {
value = reselectSelector(degrees, isInnerCircle[0], !mDoingMove, false);
if (getCurrentItemShowing() == HOUR_INDEX && !mIs24HourMode) {
int amOrPm = getIsCurrentlyAmOrPm();
if (amOrPm == AM && value == 12) {
value = 0;
} else if (amOrPm == PM && value != 12) {
value += 12;
setValueForItem(getCurrentItemShowing(), value);
mListener.onValueSelected(getCurrentItemShowing(), value, true);
mDoingMove = false;
return true;
return false;
| public boolean | performAccessibilityAction(int action, android.os.Bundle arguments)When scroll forward/backward events are received, jump the time to the higher/lower
discrete, visible value on the circle.
if (super.performAccessibilityAction(action, arguments)) {
return true;
int changeMultiplier = 0;
if (action == AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD) {
changeMultiplier = 1;
} else if (action == AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD) {
changeMultiplier = -1;
if (changeMultiplier != 0) {
int value = getCurrentlyShowingValue();
int stepSize = 0;
int currentItemShowing = getCurrentItemShowing();
if (currentItemShowing == HOUR_INDEX) {
value %= 12;
} else if (currentItemShowing == MINUTE_INDEX) {
int degrees = value * stepSize;
degrees = snapOnly30s(degrees, changeMultiplier);
value = degrees / stepSize;
int maxValue = 0;
int minValue = 0;
if (currentItemShowing == HOUR_INDEX) {
if (mIs24HourMode) {
maxValue = 23;
} else {
maxValue = 12;
minValue = 1;
} else {
maxValue = 55;
if (value > maxValue) {
// If we scrolled forward past the highest number, wrap around to the lowest.
value = minValue;
} else if (value < minValue) {
// If we scrolled backward past the lowest number, wrap around to the highest.
value = maxValue;
setItem(currentItemShowing, value);
mListener.onValueSelected(currentItemShowing, value, false);
return true;
return false;
| private void | preparePrefer30sMap()Split up the 360 degrees of the circle among the 60 selectable values. Assigns a larger
selectable area to each of the 12 visible values, such that the ratio of space apportioned
to a visible value : space apportioned to a non-visible value will be 14 : 4.
E.g. the output of 30 degrees should have a higher range of input associated with it than
the output of 24 degrees, because 30 degrees corresponds to a visible number on the clock
circle (5 on the minutes, 1 or 13 on the hours).
// We'll split up the visible output and the non-visible output such that each visible
// output will correspond to a range of 14 associated input degrees, and each non-visible
// output will correspond to a range of 4 associate input degrees, so visible numbers
// are more than 3 times easier to get than non-visible numbers:
// {354-359,0-7}:0, {8-11}:6, {12-15}:12, {16-19}:18, {20-23}:24, {24-37}:30, etc.
// If an output of 30 degrees should correspond to a range of 14 associated degrees, then
// we'll need any input between 24 - 37 to snap to 30. Working out from there, 20-23 should
// snap to 24, while 38-41 should snap to 36. This is somewhat counter-intuitive, that you
// can be touching 36 degrees but have the selection snapped to 30 degrees; however, this
// inconsistency isn't noticeable at such fine-grained degrees, and it affords us the
// ability to aggressively prefer the visible values by a factor of more than 3:1, which
// greatly contributes to the selectability of these values.
// Our input will be 0 through 360.
mSnapPrefer30sMap = new int[361];
// The first output is 0, and each following output will increment by 6 {0, 6, 12, ...}.
int snappedOutputDegrees = 0;
// Count of how many inputs we've designated to the specified output.
int count = 1;
// How many input we expect for a specified output. This will be 14 for output divisible
// by 30, and 4 for the remaining output. We'll special case the outputs of 0 and 360, so
// the caller can decide which they need.
int expectedCount = 8;
// Iterate through the input.
for (int degrees = 0; degrees < 361; degrees++) {
// Save the input-output mapping.
mSnapPrefer30sMap[degrees] = snappedOutputDegrees;
// If this is the last input for the specified output, calculate the next output and
// the next expected count.
if (count == expectedCount) {
snappedOutputDegrees += 6;
if (snappedOutputDegrees == 360) {
expectedCount = 7;
} else if (snappedOutputDegrees % 30 == 0) {
expectedCount = 14;
} else {
expectedCount = 4;
count = 1;
} else {
| private int | reselectSelector(int degrees, boolean isInnerCircle, boolean forceToVisibleValue, boolean forceDrawDot)For the currently showing view (either hours or minutes), re-calculate the position for the
selector, and redraw it at that position. The input degrees will be snapped to a selectable
if (degrees == -1) {
return -1;
int currentShowing = getCurrentItemShowing();
int stepSize;
boolean allowFineGrained = !forceToVisibleValue && (currentShowing == MINUTE_INDEX);
if (allowFineGrained) {
degrees = snapPrefer30s(degrees);
} else {
degrees = snapOnly30s(degrees, 0);
RadialSelectorView radialSelectorView;
if (currentShowing == HOUR_INDEX) {
radialSelectorView = mHourRadialSelectorView;
} else {
radialSelectorView = mMinuteRadialSelectorView;
radialSelectorView.setSelection(degrees, isInnerCircle, forceDrawDot);
if (currentShowing == HOUR_INDEX) {
if (mIs24HourMode) {
if (degrees == 0 && isInnerCircle) {
degrees = 360;
} else if (degrees == 360 && !isInnerCircle) {
degrees = 0;
} else if (degrees == 0) {
degrees = 360;
} else if (degrees == 360 && currentShowing == MINUTE_INDEX) {
degrees = 0;
int value = degrees / stepSize;
if (currentShowing == HOUR_INDEX && mIs24HourMode && !isInnerCircle && degrees != 0) {
value += 12;
return value;
| public void | setAmOrPm(int amOrPm)Set the internal value as either AM or PM, and update the AM/PM circle displays.
setValueForItem(AMPM_INDEX, amOrPm);
| public void | setCurrentItemShowing(int index, boolean animate)Set either minutes or hours as showing.
if (index != HOUR_INDEX && index != MINUTE_INDEX) {
Log.e(TAG, "TimePicker does not support view at index "+index);
int lastIndex = getCurrentItemShowing();
mCurrentItemShowing = index;
if (animate && (index != lastIndex)) {
ObjectAnimator[] anims = new ObjectAnimator[4];
if (index == MINUTE_INDEX) {
anims[0] = mHourRadialTextsView.getDisappearAnimator();
anims[1] = mHourRadialSelectorView.getDisappearAnimator();
anims[2] = mMinuteRadialTextsView.getReappearAnimator();
anims[3] = mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getReappearAnimator();
} else if (index == HOUR_INDEX){
anims[0] = mHourRadialTextsView.getReappearAnimator();
anims[1] = mHourRadialSelectorView.getReappearAnimator();
anims[2] = mMinuteRadialTextsView.getDisappearAnimator();
anims[3] = mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getDisappearAnimator();
if (mTransition != null && mTransition.isRunning()) {
mTransition = new AnimatorSet();
} else {
int hourAlpha = (index == HOUR_INDEX) ? 255 : 0;
int minuteAlpha = (index == MINUTE_INDEX) ? 255 : 0;
| private void | setItem(int index, int value)Set either the hour or the minute. Will set the internal value, and set the selection.
if (index == HOUR_INDEX) {
setValueForItem(HOUR_INDEX, value);
int hourDegrees = (value % 12) * HOUR_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
mHourRadialSelectorView.setSelection(hourDegrees, isHourInnerCircle(value), false);
} else if (index == MINUTE_INDEX) {
setValueForItem(MINUTE_INDEX, value);
int minuteDegrees = value * MINUTE_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
mMinuteRadialSelectorView.setSelection(minuteDegrees, false, false);
| public void | setOnValueSelectedListener(com.android.datetimepicker.time.RadialPickerLayout$OnValueSelectedListener listener)
mListener = listener;
| void | setTheme(android.content.Context context, boolean themeDark)
mCircleView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
mAmPmCirclesView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
mHourRadialTextsView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
mMinuteRadialTextsView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
mHourRadialSelectorView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
mMinuteRadialSelectorView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
| public void | setTime(int hours, int minutes)
setItem(HOUR_INDEX, hours);
setItem(MINUTE_INDEX, minutes);
| private void | setValueForItem(int index, int value)Set the internal value for the hour, minute, or AM/PM.
if (index == HOUR_INDEX) {
mCurrentHoursOfDay = value;
} else if (index == MINUTE_INDEX){
mCurrentMinutes = value;
} else if (index == AMPM_INDEX) {
if (value == AM) {
mCurrentHoursOfDay = mCurrentHoursOfDay % 12;
} else if (value == PM) {
mCurrentHoursOfDay = (mCurrentHoursOfDay % 12) + 12;
| private static int | snapOnly30s(int degrees, int forceHigherOrLower)Returns mapping of any input degrees (0 to 360) to one of 12 visible output degrees (all
multiples of 30), where the input will be "snapped" to the closest visible degrees.
int floor = (degrees / stepSize) * stepSize;
int ceiling = floor + stepSize;
if (forceHigherOrLower == 1) {
degrees = ceiling;
} else if (forceHigherOrLower == -1) {
if (degrees == floor) {
floor -= stepSize;
degrees = floor;
} else {
if ((degrees - floor) < (ceiling - degrees)) {
degrees = floor;
} else {
degrees = ceiling;
return degrees;
| private int | snapPrefer30s(int degrees)Returns mapping of any input degrees (0 to 360) to one of 60 selectable output degrees,
where the degrees corresponding to visible numbers (i.e. those divisible by 30) will be
weighted heavier than the degrees corresponding to non-visible numbers.
See {@link #preparePrefer30sMap()} documentation for the rationale and generation of the
if (mSnapPrefer30sMap == null) {
return -1;
return mSnapPrefer30sMap[degrees];
| public boolean | trySettingInputEnabled(boolean inputEnabled)Set touch input as enabled or disabled, for use with keyboard mode.
if (mDoingTouch && !inputEnabled) {
// If we're trying to disable input, but we're in the middle of a touch event,
// we'll allow the touch event to continue before disabling input.
return false;
mInputEnabled = inputEnabled;
mGrayBox.setVisibility(inputEnabled? View.INVISIBLE : View.VISIBLE);
return true;